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Here is another system from the can0n*bury guys - 5minFT$E :-?





[spoiler:jren2tt7]Finally, a hassle-free spread trading plan you can use once a week and in less time than it takes to make a cup of tea!


"If you can spare just 5 minutes on a Monday morning I'll show you an easy way to turn £500 into £15,236 in the next 12 months tax free - EVEN if you've never placed a trade before!"


Don't have much time to spare? No problem. You really can do this in five minutes on a Monday morning - while you're waiting for the kettle to boil.


Never traded before? It's easy to use - absolutely ZERO know-how required.


Don't have thousands of pounds sitting in your account waiting for an investment opportunity? You can get started with as little as £100.[/spoiler:jren2tt7]


Download link:




Enjoy! 8-)


Thanks for the kudos in advance. :-bd

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Re: 5-min-FT$E


Any body can send me a proper link to download this.










please trat it urgently


I see you are new here. There is nothing wrong with the download link. Replace the 'xx' in "hxxp" with 'tt' and the '0' in "l0ad" with 'o', without the quotes. Hope this helps. :)>-

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Re: 5-min-FT$E


Dear Chetachukwu

If you got the link to this system then please let me know I need to see it to try . Thanx


Don't get me wrong, but this system won't help you if you can't read. Don't know if it would if you could. Anyway...


Someone already was so nice to help you out. All there is to do is reading this thread! :-bd

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Re: 5-min-FT$E


Hi the guy that is selling it also has a service where he provides suggested trades with pairs of equities on the FTSE.Basically you 'buy' one company ( using a spread betting platform as this is tax free in the UK) and sell the other in the hope that the difference between the two over 1 or 2 days gives a profit,or they both go the right way and you make a profit on both of them.

Now Ive been doing it for a while and made a profit but the FTSE at the moment is not behaving the way it should so there have been a few losses.

The 5*m*F*T*S*E system is something based around the monday opening of the ft$e where you put in a buy and sell order and depending on which way the market goes hopefully you make a profit.

This is nothing new as I also look at London and new York openings of forex markets and look for breakout buy or sell signals.

If you stick to the rules the SR is not bad and with good money management it can make a profit.Take alook at his results in the pdf using different Sls and TP levels.

So its nothing new but as part of an overall strategy it can make money i suppose.

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