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People who have made it big in Forex markets

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Hi all,


I think the Forex markets can provide untold riches for those who are willing to put in the effort and make it work as a business. I was thinking about those people who have done such a thing and was wondering who do you know has really made it big. I believe in studying (reading their biographies, internet research) we can learn about the qualities of these individuals who are successful.


The person which I think of is Joe Lewis who is a British Businessman.. he is a billionaire and is the 16th richest person in the UK and the 261st riches in the world.


What is interesting is that was doing something completely unrelated to Forex before moving into it and making it big time!


You can read about him at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Lewis_(British_businessman)


What other big Forex/Stock Market players are out there who have come from non finance related backgrounds and are self-made?

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Re: People who have made it big in Forex markets


Well as far as I know Joeseph Lewis came from a wealthy business family if you have a lot of money its not as hard to make a lot of money than it would be if you started out with very little. Also Lewis does'nt do the analysis himself from what i hear he has analysts do it for him. He just takes the decision.


I'm not really sure though.


Anyway here's an inspiring story I know a retail trader in miami who 16 years ago was donating blood to so his kids could eat. Today he's worth over 250 million dollars has a 20 million mansion and drives several cars one of which is a 300k Aston Martin. He's 45 years old ex special services (i think its like a branch of the USA army) and is planning on retiring this year. He routinely makes 600k to 800 k a week on two or three trades. Not every week of course but that's an average if you add up his gains for the year and divide by 52.


You probably think its a fairy tale but its true.


He's a retail trader (own money) and trades with GAIN, he says to be good trader you need to master the psychology first. He's conditioned his mind to this extent very well and recommended all kinds of self improvement programmes to us.


He's a real winner and appears to stick outta the crowd where ever he goes and in most things he does.


On our very own forum there's Yarman like I said b4 I know for a fact he's had success most of us can only dream of. when i say success we can only dream off I mean that literally. Anyway he's very humble so I'm not going to say anything further coz he may not like.


another one I've heard (not personally known though) is a story this Vic Noble of fxmentor says. Well in one of his videos (forgot which one i didnt get it here in this forum but mayb its here) he talk about MACD divergence. in that video he says he worked with a trader who has had incredible success solely trading MACD divergence on the 1H & 4H timeframes. I was quite captivated when I heard this so I emailed him asking about this and if this guy was a money manger. He replied saying its true this trader trades his own money and makes so much money in a day or two on a single trade most people could retire on!! He just trades a coupla times a month and waits for the best setups. If you don't believe me email him yourself, but dont tell him where you got his video from coz thats the first question he'll ask you ...." you're not on my database where did you get my video from :D "


I'm sure there are other success stories and hopefully other members will tells us about them people like this other trader lets call him trader X , vic nobles guy and Yarman inspire me and I feel happy to know small guys have made it to the big time

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  • 4 years later...
just thought I'd post this, there's this other german trader by the name of Magellan. Who has won trading competition with 55000% in one month, he also has great results on his regular account I'm told. At one point of time he was literally up s*** creek without a paddle. He was'nt doing to well in university and couldnt afford to continue paying the fees. He put 800 euro (thats all he had) into a live account and began trading it. A month later he was up several thousand percent!!


I'm told these days he starts out with 20k for the day and ends the day with 50k euro. He then takes out his profit of 30k and starts the next day with 20k again once again. 30keuro (not even USD) a day is serious money!


You can find a thread about him at t2w boards.


Lots of things are possible in this world!! For those of you losing best thing i can say is "dont give up, keep at it but you must keep your losses as small as possible to stay in the game, in time things will turn around if u keep at it, if something doesnt work dont give up, look for something else"


wish all II members great success :)


These story really make me amazed. I'm believe this story, but why most of the trader fail in forex trading??

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Well as far as I know Joeseph Lewis came from a wealthy business family if you have a lot of money its not as hard to make a lot of money than it would be if you started out with very little. Also Lewis does'nt do the analysis himself from what i hear he has analysts do it for him. He just takes the decision.


I'm not really sure though.


Anyway here's an inspiring story I know a retail trader in miami who 16 years ago was donating blood to so his kids could eat. Today he's worth over 250 million dollars has a 20 million mansion and drives several cars one of which is a 300k Aston Martin. He's 45 years old ex special services (i think its like a branch of the USA army) and is planning on retiring this year. He routinely makes 600k to 800 k a week on two or three trades. Not every week of course but that's an average if you add up his gains for the year and divide by 52.


You probably think its a fairy tale but its true.


He's a retail trader (own money) and trades with GAIN, he says to be good trader you need to master the psychology first. He's conditioned his mind to this extent very well and recommended all kinds of self improvement programmes to us.


He's a real winner and appears to stick outta the crowd where ever he goes and in most things he does.


On our very own forum there's Yarman like I said b4 I know for a fact he's had success most of us can only dream of. when i say success we can only dream off I mean that literally. Anyway he's very humble so I'm not going to say anything further coz he may not like.


another one I've heard (not personally known though) is a story this Vic Noble of fxmentor says. Well in one of his videos (forgot which one i didnt get it here in this forum but mayb its here) he talk about MACD divergence. in that video he says he worked with a trader who has had incredible success solely trading MACD divergence on the 1H & 4H timeframes. I was quite captivated when I heard this so I emailed him asking about this and if this guy was a money manger. He replied saying its true this trader trades his own money and makes so much money in a day or two on a single trade most people could retire on!! He just trades a coupla times a month and waits for the best setups. If you don't believe me email him yourself, but dont tell him where you got his video from coz thats the first question he'll ask you ...." you're not on my database where did you get my video from :D "


I'm sure there are other success stories and hopefully other members will tells us about them people like this other trader lets call him trader X , vic nobles guy and Yarman inspire me and I feel happy to know small guys have made it to the big time



once you have a huge financial back up it certainly becomes easy as you dont have to bother about losses and you can take risk's.

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There is so much scam around trading, that I hardly believe these mind-boggling stories. IMO they are invented to lure naive guys to waste their money in trading, because it is a source of money for brokers and big institutional traders. I prefer PAMM account because I really have profit from them.


PAMM sounds good...

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