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it's your lucky day.. :)

it's the MissionForex package.. from my archive ! :D



I don't know if it works, I don't use it..



thank you to let me know if it's ok for you.. :)>-

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Thank you very much Ticks for wanting to help me out, I really appreciate that. But unfortunately, that Missionforex package did not help in activating the "WECS" indicator of RET :-(


In my original installation of v1.13.2, it listed these add-on "Powerpack" files in the RET installation folder:


LT.000, LT.001, LT.002, LT.003, LT.004, LT.005, LT.007, LT.008


... and in the "About" window it showed these things "activated" (it says "Technical Indicators enabled" even though the WECS indicator is not really enabled):




... but the WECS indicator was never functional. So I had believed that I was missing some key Powerpack files - like the ones that were in the Missionforex archive. I was quite excited when you posted this download, but after adding these files (LT.006, and LT009 through LT.020) to the RET installation folder, it did not make any difference :-( Maybe there is something I am overlooking? It's possible - I have been know to make a mistake in my life before!



Has anyone else experienced this same thing? I would very much like to activate this special WECS indicator in RET...




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Here's the install for v1.11.2 Candyman:





Wasn't aware of the possible removal of WECS in the later versions. According to the pdf manual for it, it seemed like it was based on a valid premise... and it looks like they sure as heck did a lot of painstaking backing research on it.




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Ravi - that v1.11.2 download is only the installation setup file. No medicine, sorry.


And for the files in the Missionforex archive file - I tried just copying them to the RET installation folder along with the other LT.xxx files (ie. the Powerpack files). I assumed that RET would "detect" them automatically upon restart, but that didn't work. I don't know what purpose those Missionforex archive files serve, really.



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  • 2 weeks later...

OK thanks Candyman. I just mentioned that cause in the pdf Users Manual for the WECS indicator, it had said this:



"Trouble Shooting Guide for Displaying the WECS Indicator



If you are unable to display the WECS indicator within the Refined Elliott Trader

software, check the following:


Do you have the latest version of RET installed?

To display the WECS indicator, you will need to be running RET version 1.5.x or


To upgrade, fire up RET, and select: Tools | Check for Software Upgrades. Then

follow the instructions.


Do you have a 2007 PowerPack installed?

WECS uses the additional information found within the 2007 series of market specific

PowerPacks for RET. It does not work with the default database that comes standard

with RET. This is because the new PowerPacks contains the additional information

that WECS needs to display the indicators.

You can check to see what PowerPacks you have installed/licensed by viewing the

Help | About window within RET.

Notice the PowerPack licenses in the section on the right."





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  shawnh said:
OK thanks Candyman. I just mentioned that cause in the pdf Users Manual for the WECS indicator, it had said this:



"Trouble Shooting Guide for Displaying the WECS Indicator



If you are unable to display the WECS indicator within the Refined Elliott Trader

software, check the following:


Do you have the latest version of RET installed?

To display the WECS indicator, you will need to be running RET version 1.5.x or


To upgrade, fire up RET, and select: Tools | Check for Software Upgrades. Then

follow the instructions.


Do you have a 2007 PowerPack installed?

WECS uses the additional information found within the 2007 series of market specific

PowerPacks for RET. It does not work with the default database that comes standard

with RET. This is because the new PowerPacks contains the additional information

that WECS needs to display the indicators.

You can check to see what PowerPacks you have installed/licensed by viewing the

Help | About window within RET.

Notice the PowerPack licenses in the section on the right."






Hi Shawn, are you using which version that can update to the new version? because i can not update it, mine v 1.13.2..can you share the lastest version?. thanks.

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Hi nurfirdaus, Candyman said he will make a new full install with the working WECS indi and you can then just delete any other version of RET you had. So just patience for now!







  nurfirdaus said:
Hi Shawn, are you using which version that can update to the new version? because i can not update it, mine v 1.13.2..can you share the lastest version?. thanks.
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