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[REQ] ForexSprinter

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Re: [REQ] ForexSprinter


Now I found enough time to calculate P/L in both accounts.

They were similar.

- 597 Pips

- 610 Pips

net losses.


Since I had other EAs running in both accounts, these bad results were not visible because they made profits while the Forex Sprinter was taking away the profits.


I am done with this EA. Another scam, I guess.

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Re: [REQ] ForexSprinter


hello yasenp,


how could the performance is so good until now? any idea?




1. We can't be sure we're talking about the same EA. The author may be using completely different EA on his account.

2. The broker could be scam too(if the forward test is ran on 1 pip spread broker it would not be impossible to get those results).


I was impressed the results too by but I've seen what a Martingale based EA could do with your account. Anyway decided to give it a try, lasted 1 day and the account is gone now.

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Re: [REQ] ForexSprinter


Strategy Tester Report


GoMarkets-Real (Build 225)


Symbol AUDNZD (Australian Dollar vs New Zealand Dollar)

Period 1 Hour (H1) 2007.07.06 04:00 - 2009.12.07 13:00 (2007.01.01 - 2009.12.30)

Model Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes)


Bars in test 12886 Ticks modelled 16956839 Modelling quality 90.00%

Mismatched charts errors 0


Initial deposit 10000.00

Total net profit 103426.07 Gross profit 318489.61 Gross loss -215063.54

Profit factor 1.48 Expected payoff 39.24

Absolute drawdown 1402.76 Maximal drawdown 19401.45 (16.77%) Relative drawdown 32.86% (9252.57)


Total trades 2636 Short positions (won %) 1284 (71.73%) Long positions (won %) 1352 (72.78%)

Profit trades (% of total) 1905 (72.27%) Loss trades (% of total) 731 (27.73%)

Largest profit trade 2202.46 loss trade -2955.14

Average profit trade 167.19 loss trade -294.20

Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 31 (5383.51) consecutive losses (loss in money) 10 (-3435.25)

Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 9319.06 (23) consecutive loss (count of losses) -12179.42 (8)

Average consecutive wins 6 consecutive losses 2


The only back test that looks any good

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Re: [REQ] ForexSprinter


Now i remember where i've seen his code this Marti gale ea is a copy of Stock Power Ea its called 35x25 in my folder, It does have its modifications but the code body and logic is pretty much the same, Its been optimized differently and has a few minor cosmetic modifications but its pretty much the same thing anyone out there that wants to compare here is the original.


//|                                                                STOCH POWER EA.mq4 |
//|                                               Copyright © 2005, Alejandro Galindo |
//|                                                               [url]http://elCactus.com[/url] |
//|                               Copyright © 2007, AZAM575 & SYLARVAMPIRE & YUSOF786 |
//|                                                                 [url]http://mymefx.com[/url] |

///Please, do not sell this EA because its FREE

#property copyright "Copyright © 2007, AZAM575&SYLARVAMPIRE&YUSOF786"
#property link      "MYMEFX.COM"

extern string  INFO="STOCH POWER EA";
extern string  OWN="Copyright © 2007, AZAM575&SYLARVAMPIRE&YUSOF786";
extern string  sq="--STOCH SETTING--";
extern int    K_Period = 14;
extern int    D_Period = 3;
extern int    Slow_Period = 3;
extern int    Stoch_TF = 30;
extern int    H_level = 90;
extern int    L_level = 10;
extern string  ChooseLineMode="Choose 1=mode main, 2=mode signal";
extern int    stochlinemode = 1;
extern string  ChooseeMAMode="Choose 1=mode SMA, 2=mode LWMA, 3=mode EMA";
extern int    stochMAmode = 2;
extern string  ChoosePriceMode = "Choose 0-High/Low, 1-Close/Close";
extern int    PriceMode = 1; //0-High/Low;1-Close/Close;
extern bool ExitWithSTOCH=False;
extern string  sb="--TRADE SETTING--";
extern double Lots = 1.00;       // We start with this lots number
extern int    TakeProfit = 35;  // Profit Goal for the latest order opened
extern bool MyMoneyProfitTarget=False;
extern double My_Money_Profit_Target=50;
extern double multiply= 1.8; 
extern int MaxTrades= 7;        // Maximum number of orders to open
extern int Pips= 25;             // Distance in Pips from one order to another
extern int    StopLoss = 200;  // StopLoss
extern int    TrailingStop = 0;// Pips to trail the StopLoss
extern string  MM="--MOney Management--"; // (from order 2, not from first order
extern string  MMSwicth="if one the lots size will increase based on account size";
extern int mm=0;                // if one the lots size will increase based on account size
extern string  riskset="risk to calculate the lots size (only if mm is enabled)";
extern int risk=1;             // risk to calculate the lots size (only if mm is enabled)
extern string accounttypes="0 if Normal Lots, 1 for mini lots, 2 for micro lots";
extern int AccountType=1;  // 0 if Normal Lots, 1 for mini lots, 2 for micro lots
extern string  magicnumber="--MAgic No--";
extern int MagicNumber=352535;  // Magic number for the orders placed
extern string  so="--CUTLOSS SETTING--";
extern bool SecureProfitProtection=False;
extern string  SP="If profit made is bigger than SecureProfit we close the orders";
extern int SecureProfit=20;     // If profit made is bigger than SecureProfit we close the orders
extern string  OTP="Number of orders to enable the account protection";
extern int OrderstoProtect=3;   // Number of orders to enable the account protection
extern string  ASP="if one will check profit from all symbols, if cero only this symbol";
extern bool AllSymbolsProtect=False; // if one will check profit from all symbols, if cero only this symbol
extern string  EP="if true, then the expert will protect the account equity to the percent specified";
extern bool EquityProtection=False;  // if true, then the expert will protect the account equity to the percent specified
extern string  AEP="percent of the account to protect on a set of trades";
extern int AccountEquityPercentProtection=90; // percent of the account to protect on a set of trades
extern string  AMP="if true, then the expert will use money protection to the USD specified";
extern bool AccountMoneyProtection=False;
extern double AccountMoneyProtectionValue=3000.00;
string  s1="--seting berapa jam dia nak open order--";
bool UseHourTrade = False;
int FromHourTrade = 0;
int ToHourTrade = 1;

extern string  TradingTime="--trading time setting--";
extern bool    UseTradingHours = false;
extern bool    TradeAsianMarket = true;
extern int     StartHour1 = 0;       // Start trades after time
extern int     StopHour1 = 3;      // Stop trading after time
extern bool    TradeEuropeanMarket = true;
extern int     StartHour2 = 9;       // Start trades after time
extern int     StopHour2 = 11;      // Stop trading after time
extern bool    TradeNewYorkMarket = true;
extern int     StartHour3 = 15;       // Start trades after time
extern int     StopHour3 = 17;      // Stop trading after time
extern bool TradeOnFriday=True;
extern string  OtherSetting="--Others Setting--";
int OrdersTimeAlive=0;  // in seconds
extern string  reverse="if one the desition to go long/short will be reversed";
extern bool ReverseCondition=False;  // if one the desition to go long/short will be reversed
extern string  limitorder="if true, instead open market orders it will open limit orders ";
extern bool SetLimitOrders=False; // if true, instead open market orders it will open limit orders 
int Manual=0;            // If set to one then it will not open trades automatically
color ArrowsColor=Black;       // color for the orders arrows

int OpenOrdersBasedOn=16; // Method to decide if we start long or short
bool ContinueOpening=True;

int  OpenOrders=0, cnt=0;
int MarketOpenOrders=0, LimitOpenOrders=0;
int  slippage=10;
double sl=0, tp=0;
double BuyPrice=0, SellPrice=0;
double lotsi=0, mylotsi=0;
int mode=0, myOrderType=0, myOrderTypetmp=0;

double LastPrice=0;
int  PreviousOpenOrders=0;
double Profit=0;
int LastTicket=0, LastType=0;
double LastClosePrice=0, LastLots=0;
double Pivot=0;
double PipValue=0;
bool Reversed=False;
double tmp=0;
double iTmpH=0;
double iTmpL=0;
datetime NonTradingTime[][2];
bool FileReaded=false;
string dateLimit = "2030.01.12 23:00";
int CurTimeOpeningFlag=0;
datetime LastOrderOpenTime=0;
bool YesStop;
//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()
//| expert start function                                            |

double PipMultiplier=1;

int start()
  if (Digits==3 || Digits==5)
  else  PipMultiplier=1;
  int cnt=0;
  bool result;   
  string text="";
  string version="VERSI INI DAH EXPIRED...SILA YM xxul_gunturean utk penggantian";
 // skrip masa trading
   if (UseTradingHours)

    YesStop = true;
// Check trading Asian Market
    if (TradeAsianMarket)
       if (StartHour1 > 18)
// Check broker that uses Asian open before 0:00

         if (Hour() >= StartHour1) YesStop = false;
         if (!YesStop)
           if (StopHour1 < 24)
             if ( Hour() <= StopHour1) YesStop = false;
// These cannot be combined even though the code looks the same
           if (StopHour1 >=0)
             if ( Hour() <= StopHour1) YesStop = false;
         if (Hour() >= StartHour1 && Hour() <= StopHour1) YesStop = false;
    if (YesStop)
// Check trading European Market
      if (TradeEuropeanMarket)
        if (Hour() >= StartHour2 && Hour() <= StopHour2) YesStop = false;
    if (YesStop)
// Check trading European Market
      if (TradeNewYorkMarket)
        if (Hour() >= StartHour3 && Hour() <= StopHour3) YesStop = false;
    if (YesStop)
//      Comment ("Trading has been stopped as requested - wrong time of day");
      return (0);
  // skrip masa trading
  if (AccountType==0)
 if (mm!=0) { lotsi=MathCeil(AccountBalance()*risk/10000); }
 else { lotsi=Lots; }
  if (AccountType==1)
  {  // then is mini
   if (mm!=0) { lotsi=MathCeil(AccountBalance()*risk/10000)/10; }
 else { lotsi=Lots; }
  if (AccountType==2)
   if (mm!=0) { lotsi=MathCeil(AccountBalance()*risk/10000)/100; }
   else { lotsi=Lots; }

  if (lotsi<0.01) lotsi=0.01;
  if (lotsi>100) lotsi=100; 
    if (OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
   if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber)
  	  if (OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL) 
  	  if (OrderType()==OP_SELLLIMIT || OrderType()==OP_BUYLIMIT) LimitOpenOrders++;
  if (OpenOrders<1) 
  if (!TradeOnFriday && DayOfWeek()==5) 
    Comment("TradeOnfriday is False");
  if (PipValue==0) { PipValue=5; }
  if (AccountMoneyProtection && AccountBalance()-AccountEquity()>=AccountMoneyProtectionValue)
   text = text + "\nClosing all orders and stop trading because account money protection activated..";
   Print("Closing all orders and stop trading because account money protection activated.. Balance: ",AccountBalance()," Equity: ",AccountEquity());
  ////aku masukkan time
  if (UseHourTrade){
     if (!(Hour()>=FromHourTrade && Hour()<=ToHourTrade)) {
   Print("ORDER TELAH DI TUTUP KERANA MASA TAMAT. UNTUNG: ",AccountProfit()," EKUITI: ",AccountEquity());
  //set my profit for one Day
  if (MyMoneyProfitTarget && AccountProfit()>= My_Money_Profit_Target)
   text = text + "\nClosing all orders and stop trading because mymoney profit target reached..";
   Print("Closing all orders and stop trading because mymoney profit target reached.. Profit: ",AccountProfit()," Equity: ",AccountEquity());
  // Account equity protection 
  if (EquityProtection && AccountEquity()<=AccountBalance()*AccountEquityPercentProtection/100) 
 text = text + "\nClosing all orders and stop trading because account money protection activated.";
 Print("Closing all orders and stop trading because account money protection activated. Balance: ",AccountBalance()," Equity: ", AccountEquity());
 //Comment("Closing orders because account equity protection was triggered. Balance: ",AccountBalance()," Equity: ", AccountEquity());
  // if dont trade at fridays then we close all
  if (!TradeOnFriday && DayOfWeek()==5)
   text = text +"\nClosing all orders and stop trading because TradeOnFriday protection.";
   Print("Closing all orders and stop trading because TradeOnFriday protection.");
  // Orders Time alive protection
  if (OrdersTimeAlive>0 && CurTime() - LastOrderOpenTime>OrdersTimeAlive)
   text = text + "\nClosing all orders because OrdersTimeAlive protection.";
   Print("Closing all orders because OrdersTimeAlive protection.");
  if (PreviousOpenOrders>OpenOrders) 
     if (OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
	   if ((OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) || AllSymbolsProtect) 
	 	 if (mode==OP_BUY || mode==OP_SELL)
     if (OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
	   if ((OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) || AllSymbolsProtect) 
	 	 if (mode==OP_SELLLIMIT || mode==OP_BUYLIMIT || mode==OP_BUYSTOP || mode==OP_SELLSTOP)
  if (OpenOrders>=MaxTrades) 
  } else {

  if (LastPrice==0) 
    if (OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
	  if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) 
		if (mode==OP_BUY) { myOrderType=2; }
		if (mode==OP_SELL) { myOrderType=1;	}

  // SecureProfit protection
 //if (SecureProfitProtection && MarketOpenOrders>=(MaxTrades-OrderstoProtect)
 // Modified to make easy to understand 
 if (SecureProfitProtection && MarketOpenOrders>=OrderstoProtect) 
     if (OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
      if ((OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber) || AllSymbolsProtect)
  if (Profit>=SecureProfit) 
     text = text + "\nClosing orders because account protection with SecureProfit was triggered.";
     Print("Closing orders because account protection with SeureProfit was triggered. Balance: ",AccountBalance()," Equity: ", AccountEquity()," Profit: ",Profit);

 switch (OpenOrdersBasedOn)
    case 16:

  if (OpenOrders<1 && Manual==0) 
  if (ReverseCondition)
  	  if (myOrderType==1) { myOrderType=2; }
	  else { if (myOrderType==2) { myOrderType=1; } }
  if (ReverseCondition)
   if (myOrderTypetmp==1) { myOrderTypetmp=2; }
   else { if (myOrderTypetmp==2) { myOrderTypetmp=1; } }
  // if we have opened positions we take care of them
    if(OrderSelect(cnt,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false)        break;
  if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) // && Reversed==False) 
       //Print("Ticket ",OrderTicket()," modified.");	     
  	  if (OrderType()==OP_SELL) 
  	     if (ExitWithSTOCH&& myOrderTypetmp==2)
            text = text +"\nClosing all orders because Indicator triggered another signal.";
            Print("Closing all orders because Indicator triggered another signal."); 
  	  	  if (TrailingStop>0) 
			  if ((OrderOpenPrice()-OrderClosePrice())>=(TrailingStop*Point*PipMultiplier+Pips*Point*PipMultiplier)) 
				 if (OrderStopLoss()>(OrderClosePrice()+TrailingStop*Point*PipMultiplier))
				    if(result!=TRUE) Print("LastError = ", GetLastError());
                  else OrderPrint();
  	  if (OrderType()==OP_BUY)
  	     if (ExitWithSTOCH && myOrderTypetmp==1)
            text = text +"\nClosing all orders because Indicator triggered another signal.";
            Print("Closing all orders because Indicator triggered another signal."); 
  		 if (TrailingStop>0) 
		   if ((OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice())>=(TrailingStop*Point*PipMultiplier+Pips*Point*PipMultiplier)) 
				if (OrderStopLoss()<(OrderClosePrice()-TrailingStop*Point*PipMultiplier)) 
				   if(result!=TRUE) Print("LastError = ", GetLastError());                  
                 else OrderPrint();

     if (!IsTesting()) 
     if (myOrderType==3 && OpenOrders<1) { text=text + "\nTIADA KONDISI UTK OPEN ORDER"; }
     //else { text= text + "\n                         "; }
    // Comment("HARGA TERAKHIR=",LastPrice," OPEN ODER YG LEPAS=",PreviousOpenOrders,"\nBUKA LAGI=",ContinueOpening," JENISORDER=",myOrderType,"\nLOT=",lotsi,text);

     if (OpenOrders<1)
        if (SetLimitOrders) OpenLimitOrders();
        else OpenMarketOrders();


void OpenMarketOrders()
  int cnt=0;      
     if (myOrderType==1 && ContinueOpening) 
     if ((Bid-LastPrice)>=Pips*Point*PipMultiplier || OpenOrders<1) 
	    if (TakeProfit==0) { tp=0; }
	    else { tp=SellPrice-TakeProfit*Point*PipMultiplier; }	
	    if (StopLoss==0) { sl=0; }
	    else { sl=SellPrice+StopLoss*Point*PipMultiplier;  }
	    if (OpenOrders!=0) 
			     if (MaxTrades>12) { mylotsi=NormalizeDouble(mylotsi*multiply,2); }
			     else { mylotsi=NormalizeDouble(mylotsi*multiply,2); }
	    } else { mylotsi=lotsi; }
	    if (mylotsi>100) { mylotsi=100; }			    
	    OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,mylotsi,SellPrice,slippage,sl,tp,"MyMEFx EA"+MagicNumber,MagicNumber,0,ArrowsColor);		    		    
  //   Sleep(6000);   ////aku letak
       //      RefreshRates(); 
     if (myOrderType==2 && ContinueOpening) 
     if ((LastPrice-Ask)>=Pips*Point*PipMultiplier || OpenOrders<1) 
	    if (TakeProfit==0) { tp=0; }
	    else { tp=BuyPrice+TakeProfit*Point*PipMultiplier; }	
	    if (StopLoss==0)  { sl=0; }
	    else { sl=BuyPrice-StopLoss*Point*PipMultiplier; }
	    if (OpenOrders!=0) {
			  if (MaxTrades>12) { mylotsi=NormalizeDouble(mylotsi*multiply,2); }
			  else { mylotsi=NormalizeDouble(mylotsi*multiply,2); }
	    } else { mylotsi=lotsi; }
	    if (mylotsi>100) { mylotsi=100; }
	    OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,mylotsi,BuyPrice,slippage,sl,tp,"MyMEFx EA"+MagicNumber,MagicNumber,0,ArrowsColor);		    

void OpenLimitOrders()
  int cnt=0;
     if (myOrderType==1 && ContinueOpening) 
     //if ((Bid-LastPrice)>=Pips*Point*PipMultiplier || OpenOrders<1) 
	    SellPrice = LastPrice+Pips*Point*PipMultiplier;
	    if (TakeProfit==0) { tp=0; }
	    else { tp=SellPrice-TakeProfit*Point*PipMultiplier; }	
	    if (StopLoss==0) { sl=0; }
	    else { sl=SellPrice+StopLoss*Point*PipMultiplier;  }
	    if (OpenOrders!=0) 
			     if (MaxTrades>12) { mylotsi=NormalizeDouble(mylotsi*multiply,2); }
			     else { mylotsi=NormalizeDouble(mylotsi*multiply,2); }
	    } else { mylotsi=lotsi; }
	    if (mylotsi>100) { mylotsi=100; }
	    OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLLIMIT,mylotsi,SellPrice,slippage,sl,tp,"MyMEFx EA"+MagicNumber,MagicNumber,0,ArrowsColor);		    		    
     if (myOrderType==2 && ContinueOpening) 
     //if ((LastPrice-Ask)>=Pips*Point*PipMultiplier || OpenOrders<1) 
	    if (TakeProfit==0) { tp=0; }
	    else { tp=BuyPrice+TakeProfit*Point*PipMultiplier; }	
	    if (StopLoss==0)  { sl=0; }
	    else { sl=BuyPrice-StopLoss*Point*PipMultiplier; }
	    if (OpenOrders!=0) {
			  if (MaxTrades>12) { mylotsi=NormalizeDouble(mylotsi*multiply,2); }
			  else { mylotsi=NormalizeDouble(mylotsi*multiply,2); }
	    } else { mylotsi=lotsi; }
	    if (mylotsi>100) { mylotsi=100; }
	    OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYLIMIT,mylotsi,BuyPrice,slippage,sl,tp,"MyMEFx EA"+MagicNumber,MagicNumber,0,ArrowsColor);		    


void DeleteAllObjects()
int    obj_total=ObjectsTotal();
string name;
for(int i=0;i<obj_total;i++)
 if (name!="")

// 16
int OpenOrdersBasedOnSTOCH()
int myOrderType=3;
double modest;
 switch (stochlinemode)
    case 1:
    case 2:
double mamode;
 switch (stochMAmode)
    case 1:
    case 2:
           case 3:
  double  stoch, stoch1, stoch2;
  //---- long Stochastic indicator
    double Var3 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 1, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_MEDIAN, 0);
    double Var4 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M30, 1, 1, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_OPEN,   0);
    double Var5 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M5,   2, 1, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_OPEN,    0);
    double Var6 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M15,  2, 1, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_OPEN,    0);
    double Var7 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_H1,   2, 1, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_OPEN,    0);
    double Var8 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_H4,   2, 1, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_OPEN,    0);
  stoch  = iStochastic(Symbol(),Stoch_TF,K_Period,D_Period,Slow_Period,MODE_LWMA,PriceMode,MODE_MAIN,0);//iStochastic(NULL,Stoch_TF,K_Period,D_Period,Slow_Period,mamode,PriceMode,modest,0);
  stoch1 = iStochastic(Symbol(),Stoch_TF,K_Period,D_Period,Slow_Period,MODE_LWMA,PriceMode,MODE_MAIN,1);//iStochastic(NULL,Stoch_TF,K_Period,D_Period,Slow_Period,mamode,PriceMode,modest,1);
  stoch2 = iStochastic(Symbol(),Stoch_TF,K_Period,D_Period,Slow_Period,MODE_LWMA,PriceMode,MODE_MAIN,2);//iStochastic(NULL,Stoch_TF,K_Period,D_Period,Slow_Period,mamode,PriceMode,modest,2);
  Var3 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M15, 1, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_MEDIAN,  0);
  Var4 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M15, 1, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_MEDIAN,  1);
  Var5 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M5,   2, 1, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_OPEN,    0);
  Var6 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_M15,  2, 1, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_OPEN,    0);
  Var7 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_W1,   2, 1, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_OPEN,    0);
  Var8 = iMA(NULL, PERIOD_D1,   1, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_LOW,  0);
        // iStochastic(Symbol(),Timeframe1,KPeriod,DPeriod,Slowing,MAMethod,PriceMode,MODE_MAIN,i);
        // iStochastic(Symbol(),Stoch_TF,14,3,3,mamode,Close,MODE_MAIN,0);    
//---- lot setting and modifications
//Sell order
       //  if(previousstoch>H_level && currentstoch<H_level)
       // if(  Bid < Var8 )// && Bid < Var5) // && Var3 < Var4)  //Var3 < Var4 && Var5 > Var6 &&

//buy order
        // if(previousstoch<L_level && currentstoch>L_level)
         //if(stoch>L_level&& stoch1<L_level&& stoch2<L_level)
         if( Ask > Var8 )// && Ask > Var5) // && Var3 > Var4) //Var3 > Var4 && Var5 < Var6 &&


[spoiler:26ukmy10]Never trust, never fear, never beg[/spoiler:26ukmy10]
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Re: [REQ] ForexSprinter


He is using it on 1pip fix which as far as i read an child company of invest tech a scam broker, if it was real, why would you sell it for 1000$ and especially on the Internet to people you do not know...

[spoiler:26ukmy10]Never trust, never fear, never beg[/spoiler:26ukmy10]
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Re: [REQ] ForexSprinter


Definetily not possible to duplicate his results. I bet he never used it on real account. I forward tested it on 3 brokers but the accounts are constantly losing money while his account is growing with tremendous speed. One of the brokers has fixed 3 pips spred for both of the pairs. This EA is just another miraculous robot which is perfect on demo(only with scam brokers) but will never be profitable with real account and serious broker. I rest my case.[/

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Re: [REQ] ForexSprinter


Same results here.

More losses than profits.

Have forward tested it on EURGBP only.


It is possible (and easy) to fake account stats.

I guess he is doing exactly that.


In the beginning this EA looked very tempting and just for a second I was thinking of buying it since this was the first time to see similar forward test results. Just delited the files, total loss of time.


I saw yesterday this picture on another forum:



Now I'm 100% sure the statement is manipulated.

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Re: [REQ] ForexSprinter


Well I can confirm that the author of Forexsprinter is not manipulating his demo statement. However, I can only reproduce the results that he is getting with GCG global clearing group which is a 1 pip fixed broker.


Problem of course, is that I am sure there live feed is not the same as there demo feed. Has anyone had experiemve with this broker?


I took a 2k demo account trading 0.1 lots (same as on web page) and in arounf 24 hours the balance is sitting at $3914

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Re: [REQ] ForexSprinter


I was just in libe chat with this broker (GCG) and they have guaranteed me that the demo feed is 100% the same as live


I asked them if they could guarantee then if I funded a live account and set up demo at the same time they would move exactly the same way, he did they would guarantee this


They also mentioned no requotes as it does not use a dealing desk, but instead is auto execution. seems to good to be true


If this is the case, then Forexsprinter can make big $$$. If this were true, I would be withdrawing small amounts twice a week before they go bust or when you balance gets too high then they may stop paying out etc


My only other concern then, is can you withdrawal your profits??

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Re: [REQ] ForexSprinter


I was just in libe chat with this broker (GCG) and they have guaranteed me that the demo feed is 100% the same as live


I asked them if they could guarantee then if I funded a live account and set up demo at the same time they would move exactly the same way, he did they would guarantee this


They also mentioned no requotes as it does not use a dealing desk, but instead is auto execution. seems to good to be true


If this is the case, then Forexsprinter can make big $$$. If this were true, I would be withdrawing small amounts twice a week before they go bust or when you balance gets too high then they may stop paying out etc


My only other concern then, is can you withdrawal your profits??



Reviews in FPA and several other websites seem to indicate, that this is indeed a scam broker. We can take look into some ecn brokers like MB Trading, but the ones that do allow hedging and still have 1 pip spread on Eur/gbp..

[spoiler:26ukmy10]Never trust, never fear, never beg[/spoiler:26ukmy10]
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Re: [REQ] ForexSprinter


it would not have blown up, EA doesnt work like that, I was using 1 pip broker on demo and my trades were basically matching his, I got 2k to 5k in three days


What I think might have happened, is that was a demo, now he is using it live, this will be alot more interesting as no one has been able to find a genuine 1 pip broker where the live feed matches the demo feed. I will try to find out what broker he is using. Plus he is ony using GBPUSD this time around, which are not his preferred pairs EURCHF and EURGBP

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Re: [REQ] ForexSprinter


He over abused his leverage of course he is gonna loose, he was also trading scalping pairs and now he went into ranging pairs but let the experiment continue on :)

[spoiler:26ukmy10]Never trust, never fear, never beg[/spoiler:26ukmy10]
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