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Advanced Get 9.1 Dashboard


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Thanks Wcicom. So where can I download the 10.6 cracked version? So this Advanced Get 9.1 dashboard EOD version will not work real time even if I subscribe to real time data from esignal correct?


Can you or some one else post the link for 10.6 E-Signal cracked version? Thanks

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The eSignal 10.6 or higher do not need crack, only need User and Password from eSignal for receive real time data, but for this you must pay.


I need advanced get real time. It is currently costing USD $ 3295. So i thought i just get e signal 10.6 version which already has advanced get pre-installed. I just would need to subscribe to data from esignal which would cost $150 per month. Where is the link for e signal 10.6 version with advanced get ???


Can some one post this link?

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I am aware of this link !! So the only way to get Advanced Get real time is by paying $3995??? Is there a way to get crack Advanced Get Real Time? Please let me know. Thanks


I am asking this because if I go to e-signal website and download 10.6 version, that would not have advanced get because that advanced get is an extra add on for which they charge $3995.

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  • 3 months later...

Oldest versions of aget with mt4 data work flawlessly...and from what I see, have all you need compared to the newest...except you need to refresh data (icluding up to 1 minute)...and no dashboard, which I find horrible, and can easily be replaced by the scanner in the software...unless you´re a trader junkie, that needs a new trade every nanosecond...

...and...aget works...

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Does anyone have a working link for an educated Advanced Get? I'd prefer the most recent version is possible. Also, I was wondering if it will allow me to import EOD data or is it linked to the publisher's data?


Hi Bill:


Adv Get EOD work with data from Yahoo Finance, also work with Metastock and ASCII data stored in your folders (download with another software, like YLoader for example).


AdvGet 9.1 EOD search in 4shared.com web site.

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