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Searching FAP Turbo 47_build224

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Re: Searching FAP Turbo 47_build224


Try this one, it is educated:




The only difference between the last build and the build 224 is that the last one was generating errors in the journal at startup but the trade were not affected anyway.


This file is currently set to private. If this problem persists or you need further assistance, contact support.

Re upload please.

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Re: Searching FAP Turbo 47_build224


Fapturbo v4.7 Build 223,224 and 225


h**p://r@[email protected]/files/271911166/Fapturbo_47_Pro_Licensed_till_2037.07.08.zip

h**p://[email protected]/file/127983184/8fa01c61/Fapturbo_47_Pro_Licensed_till_20370708.html

h**p://www.easy-share.com/1907503235/Fapturbo 47 Pro Licensed till 2037.07.08.zip


h**p://[email protected]/303796




New Update Fapturbo v4.8 Build 225

h**p://r@[email protected]/files/278472049/_2__48.zip


Please Let there be some kudos....




:)) :))

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Re: Searching FAP Turbo 47_build224


Take this DLL ....it works for 44 ,45 ,47 ,48 ,49....




Thanks fx77..... I have question: I see on other forum that some DLL have embedded trojans. I am setting up version 49 with DLL from your link but have concern... how do you know DLL is ok?



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Re: Searching FAP Turbo 47_build224


yes, according to mail receive on 17th march.



It`s going to be called Fapturbo 50 and will include another currency pair that can be traded and alots of changes !


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