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Hide SL and TP to broker Script - Need smal modification

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this is a script for MT4 (must stay in script folder) that allows to "hide" SL/TP to your broker

Once opened a trade just drag&drop it on the chart and you can adjust SL/TP at you convenience without broker seeing it.

Problem is the script cannot work with 2 differet trades the same time as i has no magic number as referal.

Can somone please modify to let it work with different open trades the same time?


thanks a lot!








To modify default SL/TP just edit the script in MT4 editor:


int Stop_Loss = 250;

int Take_Profit = 150;

int Slippage = 50;



int Stop_Loss = 25;

int Take_Profit = 15;

int Slippage = 5;


Or whatever TP/SL and slippage you like to set

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