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Scalping...is this a waste of time or can you....

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Re: Scalping...is this a waste of time or can you....


  itrader said:
I don't believe that it's possible to do scalping without having a robot..

It's just too time consuming to watch the trades.


You can't even put a SL and TP in the trade as it will be to close with your price

and most brokers will reject your SL and TP points.


Many trends start at around the start of the London session. If you monitor at this time, you can be sure to catch some decent pips. This is especially true for GBPUSD and EURUSD.

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Re: Scalping...is this a waste of time or can you....


I think you can definitely make money via scalping, assuming you have a solid system, and a cooperative, stable broker. Those can be big assumptions though. For the former, there are numerous that I've seen that are workable and profitable, but the latter can be harder to find. I heard someone once say that all forex brokers suck, some just suck less - I couldn't agree more.

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Re: Scalping...is this a waste of time or can you....


  simoniex said:
all useless, because forex broker and banks aways hunt stoploss who less than 300 pips. so if u have anything less than 300 pips stoploss, just forget it


Ah, I always wondered why those regular 300 pip spikes during non news time happen! =))


You can't be serious, can you? Even if you are using a 5 digit broker and your 300 pips mean 30 pips this is really not true.


I understand that you need posts but please, don't write such misleading cr@p if you don't have a clue! :shand:

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Re: Scalping...is this a waste of time or can you....


I normally trade traditional PA on larger time frames, however I also scalp 10s-1min charts on Oanda. People say it's noise, but patterns exist on all time frames. The confluence of TL's and patterns on 10s charts can make for nice runs with very little risk, that said spikes can be detrimental wiping out profit quickly. One could enter a 10s charts with a very tight stop then ride the momentum down to 10-20pips in very little time. I guess a lot is down to your own mentality, the setups are there you just have to be careful, even when scalping, not to force yourself to trade if there isn't there.

As fun as scalping is I don't think it's the key to long term success. It's too demanding and often a buy and hold strategy would've yielded more pips in the long run, even if the overall risk was greater. Yes, you can be very successful scalping but if few people succeed in longer TF's, even fewer succeed in ultra short time frames. Incidentally I think to be a good scalper you need - patience and an excellent understanding of price action as well as knowing that what is useful on a longer TF is not always useful on an ultra short TF, and thus one is forced to look for a confluence of factors rather than single candlestick patterns. That's just my opinion though.. =)

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Re: Scalping...is this a waste of time or can you....


Easy scalpings example =) Obviously this is in the past so I didn't trade it today but my point is if you trade price action, and a not a mechanical system, scalping is no different to working on larger time frames. One minute is pretty easy compared to a 10s chart.


I didn't include but a TL from swing low to the next three pullback lows forms the high of the top, the retest of the top, the first reversal pullback, and the breakout pullback.

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Re: Scalping...is this a waste of time or can you....


  jondoe said:
Depends on the scalping method being used. Some scalping methods use large (>200 pip) stop losses. I believe these type of scalping methods are bogus. One loss wipes out weeks of profit. If you have a scalping method with a decent take profit/stop loss (efficiency) ratio, scalping works pretty well.


This all depends on your broker too. Bad spreads or execution will kill any scalping strategy.


Oh this is soooo true!!!!!!! =D>

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