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Wolf(e)Waves and ZUP

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Hi Folks,


In gratitude for all the excellent sharing here, I'll start with this relatively complete compilation of existing Wolf(e)Wave info. I've also included a WWave-NEN indicator which I use and which I've modified slightly to make the WW numbers obvious. It is PREDICTIVE and, at times, stunningly accurate.


NEN is also the author of ZUP v8.2 which is my favorite indicator and, most often, both predictive and reliable. His indicator shows FIBO, Gartleys, Crabs, Bats, etc. I've traded with this indicator on EURUSD for a year or so now. Takes a lot of screen time before you build confidence and understand what the geometrics mean and how they relate to past, present and FUTURE events. I've modified ZUP defaults to show the colors of the lines which I use.




I hope you find this of value. Although the indicators and WW can be used on any currency, I am at present ONLY interested in EURUSD as I have invested a year's worth of "screen time" to understanding it's personality.


I use and find value in these indicators in D1 down to M1. I'm comfortable in trading profitably in all of those timeframes.




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Re: Wolf(e)Waves and ZUP


Anybody notice EURUSD this morning? WW setup on the M5. I made 80 trades and 80 wins. A different WW setup on the M15 showed the reversal which stopped on a dime, as it were, at the 1-3 projection line. I wasn't looking at the M15 so missed that opportunity for doubling that profit.


As it was, $25K+ on a 100K account in an hour or so.


The experience does point to the value of a multi-monitor system to easily see the various reversal points and targets.


So far, VERY precise and accurate.


Anyone else testing this?




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Re: Wolf(e)Waves and ZUP


  MerlinBrasil said:
Anybody notice EURUSD this morning? WW setup on the M5. I made 80 trades and 80 wins. A different WW setup on the M15 showed the reversal which stopped on a dime, as it were, at the 1-3 projection line. I wasn't looking at the M15 so missed that opportunity for doubling that profit.


As it was, $25K+ on a 100K account in an hour or so.


The experience does point to the value of a multi-monitor system to easily see the various reversal points and targets.


So far, VERY precise and accurate.


Anyone else testing this?






Can you please explain how to setup the indcators and on what charts tehy go?




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Re: Wolf(e)Waves and ZUP


  MerlinBrasil said:
Anybody notice EURUSD this morning? WW setup on the M5. I made 80 trades and 80 wins. A different WW setup on the M15 showed the reversal which stopped on a dime, as it were, at the 1-3 projection line. I wasn't looking at the M15 so missed that opportunity for doubling that profit.


As it was, $25K+ on a 100K account in an hour or so.


The experience does point to the value of a multi-monitor system to easily see the various reversal points and targets.


So far, VERY precise and accurate.


Anyone else testing this?





TQ MerlinBrasil :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd

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Re: Wolf(e)Waves and ZUP


Hi all,


OOTM again (Out Of The Market).


Sorry for that.... thought I was OOTM and had neglected to notice some open trades in DD. I *really* need to get more sleep ;)


'thesecret', I'm not sure I understand your question. I'm making my current demo statement available here and perhaps that will answer your question or you'll reword it:



348 trades for 2 long (very) days. I was testing several bots on this account simultaneously although none of them traded much. Total of 348 trades. 335 were winners totalling a little over $69K. I believe all of the losers were bot trades and they totalled $1,470.


I only used WW for the 2nd day. I found it amazingly accurate, with future predictions being hit nearly to the pixel, so I'm definitely going to read his course, and eventually buy it, and add it to my arsenal of trading weapons. Even though you 'know' where the price will be in the future, the 'when' isn't guaranteed and although you can bet more heavily on the outcome with confidence, you still need to watch your Margin Level % to ensure you can handle any DD which might occur between "here and there".


Again, I'm ONLY using this on EURUSD. Would love to know of anyone's successes using it on other pairs profitably.





P.S. Ever wonder about Stop Hunting, if it really exists? Check out the two videos (Part 1 and 2) on the subject at http://etftrendtrading.com/content/category/4/19/1 where you can listen and see how this ex-hedge fund trader explains with great clarity not only how he used to do it, but why, plus how to profit from this phenomena.

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Re: Wolf(e)Waves and ZUP


  vladv said:
MerlinBrasil,please can you tell me how to save those two video files on PC?Or anyone who knows how.....

Might I suggest: Firefox with 'Download Helper' add-on or any another add-on able to download embedded video.




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Re: Wolf(e)Waves and ZUP


  pultimo said:
There is something I don't understand in your statement: in sell operations your entry price is higher of S/L ("stop loss" as far as I know). Reverses happens for buy operations.

How is it possible??



Simple. Trailing Stops. As soon as price moves into profit, a trailing stop moves up to protect that profit. As price continues to move in my favor, every couple of pips, the trailing stop moves up. Once the initial profit is protected, the actual final profit is determined by the price movement from that point onward. When price retreats to hit the Trailing Stop Loss, I'm out of the trade.




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Re: Wolf(e)Waves and ZUP




I attached only WolfWave_nen[1].ex4 to chart. Let say it recognize pattern, it draw the lines. Then for example,after 1h another pattern is found, lines dont move to "show" me that new pattern, I need to enter indi properties and hen just click on ok to load it again, THEN it draws another pattern.


I dont know how can u have so much trades in short time, U are entering only on "5" right?


What time frame are u trading in that statement?

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Re: Wolf(e)Waves and ZUP


hmm maybe i have the same problem as "thesecret" I "Wolfvafe" doesnt refresh....

on 5M chart I see a message (on left upper corner)

Sell Wolfvave (2009.06.11) at 1.4177

Today is June 26/2009


On M15 i see a similar message but refered to May 05/2009


So there is defently something wrong on my chart.

Can you please explain how to use this indicators and with what settings?


thanks a lot

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Re: Wolf(e)Waves and ZUP


It's redrawing new patters all the time on new time frams as it finds them.


I think you can REM out or ignore the comments at the top. They were originally remmed out in Nen's doce and I un-remmed them to see if they'd be a help.


Please don't expect me to explain things which are in the $3000 course manual included in the RAR file.


Trading is WORK and requires a lot of reading, investigating, testing, etc. I can't do that for you :)


As for "so many trades", it's my style. I open trades, my trade manager closes them. I re-assess and decide whether to get back in or wait. I don't hesitate. I make use of the HOTKEYS extensively. The scripts I wrote or modified automatically follow my risk calculation rules and place the appriate number of contracts... Control-S for sells, Control-B for buys. I don't think about it, I do it.


The market is completely unsympathetic and unfeeling. Usually the market will severely punish mistakes. My fatigue yesterday led me to believe I was out of the market when I was, in fact, carrying some DD just below the bottom of the chart. Carelesss of me, and it won't happen again. But it *did* lead to a bigger DD situation, a hedge position and my first loss on the account. Hopefully I'll be OOTM again soon and back above $175K. We'll see.


Please do the course. He can explain the theory and methodology better than I. After all, it represents 30 years of his focus and development! :)




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Re: Wolf(e)Waves and ZUP


For 3 of us it doesnt re-drawing new patterns when they occur. Thats strange. We dont want that u tutor us, just some raw explanation of some question we may have, after all its simple, u enter on "5" on buy/sell pattern. Your multiple orders in same direction is because of "5" repainting, u didnt state that before nor now.


Anyway, thanks!

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Re: Wolf(e)Waves and ZUP


  vladv said:
...please can you tell me how to save those two video files on PC?Or anyone who knows how.....

part1: http://content.screencast.com/users/BigA/folders/Default/media/874e3365-7d84-46bb-8a4c-268a95fe6303/How%20to%20profit%20from%20Hedge%20Funds%20that%20hunt%20stops.wmv

part2: http://content.screencast.com/users/BigA/folders/Default/media/6810ab31-8d0a-4c3c-9a0d-9012eb796596/How%20to%20profit%20from%20Hedge%20Funds%20that%20hunt%20stops%20part%20two%20Filter.wmv


Wow, i've made 250 trades in the last two days, 260 of them were pofitable nearly doubling my account to $1,999,999.95!!! Baby these WorfWaves are damn fine.


Ad augusta per angusta
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Re: Wolf(e)Waves and ZUP


  ryaz said:
  vladv said:
...please can you tell me how to save those two video files on PC?Or anyone who knows how.....

part1: http://content.screencast.com/users/BigA/folders/Default/media/874e3365-7d84-46bb-8a4c-268a95fe6303/How%20to%20profit%20from%20Hedge%20Funds%20that%20hunt%20stops.wmv

part2: http://content.screencast.com/users/BigA/folders/Default/media/6810ab31-8d0a-4c3c-9a0d-9012eb796596/How%20to%20profit%20from%20Hedge%20Funds%20that%20hunt%20stops%20part%20two%20Filter.wmv


Wow, i've made 250 trades in the last two days, 260 of them were pofitable nearly doubling my account to $1,999,999.95!!! Baby these WorfWaves are damn fine.




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