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Forex Shocker

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Re: F0r3x5hok3r


Anyone still using this one?

We seem to be jumping so quickly from one to another that we don't give these enough time to forward test

I've been testing and it seems to be doing ok. Although I hit 2 stoplosses yesterday

Does anyone know the differences between Agressive and Super Agressive?

I've tried them both, but was wondering does it just change the lot size, or does it affect the frequency of trades?

When I was using Agressive it did not seem to make that many trades, but on Super agressive it trades a lot, and with huge lot sizes.

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Re: F0r3x5hok3r


Anyone still using this one?

We seem to be jumping so quickly from one to another that we don't give these enough time to forward test

I've been testing and it seems to be doing ok. Although I hit 2 stoplosses yesterday

Does anyone know the differences between Agressive and Super Agressive?

I've tried them both, but was wondering does it just change the lot size, or does it affect the frequency of trades?

When I was using Agressive it did not seem to make that many trades, but on Super agressive it trades a lot, and with huge lot sizes.


Hello Pipaholic,


This is the link to the manual of the EA http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=7837fc42c20a8651e7ba8e3c6e11ce20b2a94cc7e3ac52c35be6ba49b5870170

Developers explained that the only difference between aggressive, super aggressive and normal mode is the lot size only.(normal mode 0.1 lot per 1000, aggressive 0.2 per 1000 and super aggressive 0.3 per 1000) I am not completely sure if this is correct!


I have about 10 trades completed for the previous week on eur/chf, no stop hit. This is using TheCollectiveFX broker, at the same time on GoMarkets it has had 4 trades and one of them earned small lose.


GoMarkets price feed is filtered and spread is wider.


Have fun :)

Haliban 8-)

Kudus is what gives me power....
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Re: F0r3x5hok3r


@ pipaholic.


It is still work for my live account at ibfx.No loss at all for august 09.


But I stop use all scalping system, because it will fail any time,we don't know the time,since there is no perfect indicator,and I have ever fail for that.It hurts, many little profit we collect then it all wiped out with just 1 or 2 fail trades.

Better I use measurement probability lost and winner percentage like mathematical trading (robominer) and some kind of limited level martiangle system.It still maintain margin with good money management.


Here is live statement for shocker :


hxxp://[email protected]/674073



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Re: F0r3x5hok3r


I just hit 2 more stoplosses, but overall I'm way up with this one.

So even a couple of stoplosses don't kill this. But I am running at super agressive right now, (what the hell its demo)

The total of the 2 trades were 10 lots

Since about June 28, my $5000 demo account was all the way up to $26500, but on thursday, it lost $3000.

So overall it is still up to $23500 in just over 2 months. And there was 2 weeks in the middle of that I was on vacation and not trading.

Now the real problem is that my live account has not been able to perform anywhere close to this.

It leaves trades open, when the demo closed them.

It is really frustrating to watch the demo account do so well and the live account get killed.

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Re: F0r3x5hok3r


That's the problem with scalping system.Broker don't want you to win so simple. Which broker you use? There is some broker that demo and live server,the prices will totally different especially for Asia session.For demo,they price have long bars,so easy to take profit,...but in live server,the bars is so short,hard to take profit.Just compare in one window display,the price between the,.You will see the difference

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Re: F0r3x5hok3r


I'm using The Collective, which theoretically should be good.

I think it is more a case of when the trade moves into a profit situation, the trade on demo closes

It does not need to get an response from the broker, to close the trade.

But the live has to actually contact the broker to close the trade.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: F0r3x5hok3r


Hey xxl205, are you still using the same settings for trading EURCHF with ForexShocker? If not, could you possibly post the current settings you are using?


(And perhaps similarly for FAPTurbo?)


Cheers :)


Hi Mindsphere!


Yes, I am still using Forex Shocker v1.1, but can't tell you if my settings have changed, cause I have evolved my EA strategy a lot. I will summarize here :


Dealer : Alpari UK Classic Account (Lots 0.1+)


Forex Shocker:


TimeFrame : M15


Agressive true, Superagressive true

Lots 0.3

21h-24h GMT+2


Genius v101:


Timeframe : M15


Lots 0.5

TryTakeProfit yes

SafeSpread 7

rest of the settings default

OpenHour1+2 : 21h-24h GMT+2


MegaDroid XE 1.2 (my very favourite one, has boosted my account like nuts in the last 2 weeks :)


Timeframe : H1

Pairs (Logic) : EURCHF (2), USDCAD (4), USDCHF (4), EURUSD (1), GBPUSD (4), USDJPY (4)

AutoGMTOffsets off, manual +2 for Alpari UK

Agressive TRUE (I'm not a p*ssy :)

Recovery TRUE (see line above)

Use Break even TRUE, SetBreakEvenAt 6, BreakEvenShift 2.5 (but experimenting on this, has twice saved me yet)

StartHour S1 : 19-23 (because of Alpari +2 so this equals 21h-01h local german time)

StartHour S2 : 20-23

no other settings changed from standard


FAP Turbo v4.4 / v4.7 / v4.8 : trading NO MORE with this one


In my eyes it did not make enough trades recently, and as I am already running 3 EA's I did not want to risk too much in case of a SL. Using the free margin from FAP on MegaDroid instead, which gains me a LOT more ...


So, hope to have helped you out with that ... whenever you want to ask or have some settings mailed, contact me personally :)


Cu, and happy trading!


pps. : Overall I have made a lot of mistakes in trading before August 2009, but since then ... well, we'll see :) but still recovering my losses (they did NOT come from any EA except some smaller SL's, but from my decent try to manually trade ... which obviously seems not to work as well as the EA's do)

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Re: F0r3x5hok3r


Interesting information about trading hours =D> I am not too brave to do this on my live account but can test it on the demo.


How about the number of orders that you use. Has anyone test with more than 2 orders at a time is it worhty?


Team work is from people to people, appricate your comments! =D> =D> =D>

Kudus is what gives me power....
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Re: F0r3x5hok3r


I am trying to test the last version posted above by hrdforex but the MM doesn't work. Has anyone else experienced this?


"foresample", would you clarify what exactly you mean with "MM is not working"?


There are few different settings MM in shocker provides to manage the risk per trade, depending on your account

1. MM true (aggressive false, super agressive false) = 0.1 l per trade for every1000

2. MM true (aggressive true, super aggressive false ) = 0.2 l per 1000

3. MM true (aggressive false, super aggressive true) = 0.3 l per 1000

4. MM false (put whatever lot-size you want manually)

5. number of trades opened at the same time.


I hope this info help you. I think I have the manual will provide it if needed.


Have fun


Kudus is what gives me power....
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