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why forex is good work


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Trading Forex relies on the development of a successful trading strategy, the ability to modify it to meet market changes, and of course being able to execute the strategy. Trading discipline applies mainly to being able to execute a strategy, and many traders would agree that it is one of the most important traits of a successful Forex trader. Now I am trying to discipline used in TICKMILL ECN account with a deposit of $ 25

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I already trading forex almost about 3 Month on ViproMarket, and even I make forex as my part time job, but I think forex was very good place to working, much benefit here such market open for 24 hours, not need out of home to perform trading etc. And that's very different with another job

Edited by ahmadvipro
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  • 4 weeks later...

The Fx can be a good source to earn money very rapidly, if you can gather most powerful analyzing trade knowledge by learning.  but we the traders practically try to make money from here without learning and as a result almost 90% traders are loser due to lack of exact trading knowledge.                   

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On 7/16/2016 at 5:40 AM, Joy Bahadur said:

The Fx can be a good source to earn money very rapidly, if you can gather most powerful analyzing trade knowledge by learning.  but we the traders practically try to make money from here without learning and as a result almost 90% traders are loser due to lack of exact trading knowledge.                   

yes, indeed forex is an excellent source for us to be able to get the money. although the forex risk is very high, but if we have a lot of skills and a good knowledge of it will provide an advantage for us. With the demo account will allow us to improve the skills of well

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  • 2 weeks later...

Forex is the biggest financial markets, so obviously it’s good in terms of earning if we get it right, but equally the risk is there too but still we can lose only amount that we have put up, so in a way that’s much more affordable and potential is what makes it so good. I have been trading for past 6-7 years in this field and last 3 years with OctaFX broker which is where I have hit my peak and it’s currently on only, I wish it continues that way for as long as possible, it’s awesome to trade with a broker of that quality since that’s how we are able to perform well and achieve positive results as well.

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Forex is definitely a great work and can bring a lot of rewards too, but the important factor to keep in mind is about how we go for it, if we go with a proper method and strategy then we will see out everything working nicely, but if we are not having good strategy or method then we will only find it difficult to manage. I go with OctaFX broker where they have fabulous set of conditions which works nicely for me and that’s to do with amazingly low spread starting from 0.1 pips while there is also epic rebate scheme that gives me 50% back on all trading orders which is even with the losing trades too, so it’s ever so good.

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Forex is probably the most lucrative venture that you can carry out from the comfort of your bedroom with minimal investment in both time and money. The major requirement is not necessarily investment capital, although it is equally important, but the forex trading skills that will enable you to trade profitably. A skilled trader can start with a little capital and compound it to a fantastic sum within a small space of time. 

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Forex is a brilliant work but requires a lot of skills, determination and passion, it’s not going to be cat walk for anyone, it’s something possible to achieve only through hard work and proper effort to things. I am putting just that with help of OctaFX broker and their mighty demo contest like cTrader, it’s weekly based with having 400 dollars prize to be won plus there are many more contest happening regularly like Southampton Supreme, it’s even better with been just 90 minutes yet got unlimited prizes to be won, so all this is really marvelous for practicing with huge prizes to be gained, It has helped me big time and has allowed me to win prizes too which makes practice so exciting.

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  • 2 months later...
On 8/31/2016 at 9:01 AM, uncle gober said:

Psychology should be sharpened as long as we are trading in forex. It could use a little trading capital. For a beginner trader should also start trading using small trading capital

forex trading beginners course in learning to do and we can take advantage of trade demo to train the skills as well as psychological, with a maximum of science have certainly gains will easily

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The best broker is a broker which always guarantee their clients funds and does not restrict any kinds of trading techniques with scalping and hedging.  Now, I am using MXTrade as my best broker which is regulated and for all time ensures security of funds at any deposits and from here I can scalp at any major currency pair.            

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Forex is a brilliant work and if we do it correctly then there is really plenty to be gained. At least, I have already gained plenty and that’s simply by knowing my strength. I always wanted untroubled way of earning and due to TechForBrokers guidance, it all became reality. They me work through my ideas and starting up my own brokerage company with their fascinating solutions and custom setups, it’s all helping me with developing my career!

Edited by John Hampshire
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By and large traders in particularly the newcomers fall a great loss by taking high leverage due to non-sense planning and zero risk management policy, nothing to do with high leverage at all. so, we have to know how to manage risk before trading with high leverage . it will help us to lead a comfortable trading life with certainly.

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On 12/9/2016 at 5:38 PM, Money Morkel said:

By and large traders in particularly the newcomers fall a great loss by taking high leverage due to non-sense planning and zero risk management policy, nothing to do with high leverage at all. so, we have to know how to manage risk before trading with high leverage . it will help us to lead a comfortable trading life with certainly.

in choosing the leverage that we can balance it with the capital we have, and in determining the lot it also must conform our analysis, if one analyzes that we do continue to prefer large lot that mistake patal we did, and with it we can melakuka planning trading on a demo account in order to better the knowledge we have

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  • 2 months later...

There are so many reasons why forex may be considered to be a good work in comparison to other alternative works. Amongst others, It offers the trader the possibility of earning as much as possible depending on the trader's skills, experience and investment.

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