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Another Aussie made it to this forum


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Hi Everyone

Half the people in here will know me quite well. But for the benefit of people who do not know me from the MMG doubler section, I will introduce myself

I like in a mining town in Western Australia and my husband and I have been married for 18 years now. My husband works in the mining industry and my dream is to earn money basicly online so I can get him off the mines as it is very dangerous and very long hours. He is currently working 12 hours a day, 14 days in a row and then gets a week off.

We have 3 children. Trevor, our 17 year old son is now working full time with the local plumbers in town. We also have 2 daughters aged 13 and 9 who are still doing school.

I have been trying to earn good money online now for more than 7 years but with no success, but I seem to have this very very stubborn streak in me, that I will never give up till I find the right group of programs that will help me achieve my goals.

We have lots of pet animals, lets see 2 cats, 2 horses, 5 geese, 2 ducks and about 70 chickens. As you can tell I love animals. The 2 cats live with us in the house and the rest of the animals live out on the 3 acres of land we have with the local pony club. I love going out there and leaving my mobile phone at home for a few hours as there is no electricity, no telephone, just lovely peacefull animal noises. Nice way to unwind from a stressful day at my job.

Oh yes I am also working full time, 9 hours a day at the local super market store where I am on my feet all day in the deli section of the store.

That is basicly it about me.

I am hoping here to find some good programs that I add to the list that I am already in.

Chat soon


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Soooooooooooo good to have you here Katherine...

We do have some excellent Investment programs for long term earning...

A BIG WELCOME to YOU and Your Family

skylady ;)

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Thanks Skylady for the welcome

I am looking over the programs you have here and might end up joining most of them as I trust all you people to be truthful.

On another note, I am dummy when it comes to Avatar for forums. I would really love to put the photo I have of one of my horses I have on my computer here as my Avatar, but when I tried to do it, it said the picture was too big. But this is where I still have heaps of learning to do. I do not have a clue how to shink it. Is it possible I can email one of you clever people the photo and you add it for me or shrink it for me.

Just love to show everyone one of my horses but at this stage can not.


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Welcome aboard, Katherine!

I pray your presence in this forum will help your cause for you and your family.

It's a long and trecherous road but with good people by your side it becomes

a lot easier. Aussie's are a tough lot and I know you will succeed.


Richard Daigle (realtimerick)

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Thanks Skylady for the welcome

I am looking over the programs you have here and might end up joining most of them as I trust all you people to be truthful.

On another note, I am dummy when it comes to Avatar for forums. I would really love to put the photo I have of one of my horses I have on my computer here as my Avatar, but when I tried to do it, it said the picture was too big. But this is where I still have heaps of learning to do. I do not have a clue how to shink it. Is it possible I can email one of you clever people the photo and you add it for me or shrink it for me.

Just love to show everyone one of my horses but at this stage can not.


welcome kat..good to see you at CIF...

send your photo to me i'll see what i can do...

do you have photo bucket?

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Hi Everyone

Sorry for taking so long to answer everyone but my life offline is super busy and I really need to work out a way to bottle the energy my young 13 and 9 year old daughters have, really struggling lately to keep up with them and do everything in a normal day.

Ok I just tried Photo Bucket with my horse photo but did not work, came up with Server IO Error or something like that, no idea what that means.

But I have just sent Austin the photo and maybe he can shrink it for me.

Yes I am looking forward to finding new programs here and hoping to meet some more new people that can become my friends.


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Hi Everyone

Well I have managed to get my photo of my Arab pony called Yasmin into my Avatar.

Thanks to Austin for all that for me. I hope the picture is clear to everyone.



That is one beautiful pony!



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