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Everything posted by bullion

  1. Thank you for taking the time to visit. Bill
  2. Welcome! Tell some friends to join us. We love to party. Bill
  3. Hello and welcome. Could you please tell me what Finishing is. It is killing me to know! Bullion(Bill)
  4. Hula stole my welcome sign?(not really) Welcome to the really big show. Make some friends and look around. Share your money makers with us. Bullion(Bill)
  5. Click advertise here at the top of the screen and click what size you would want. $22.50 for one week for a banner add is high. What should the price be? It could be a dollar and that is better then raising zero dollars. I'm sure this script cost money and hosting of course. It is not up to me. They must decide what the cost should be. Bullion
  6. Welcome Jack. Great to have more and more people join us here. Lots of great people. Bill
  7. With so few members it is way to expensive. Consider making it extremely low and raise it as we grow. Some money coming in is better then no money. Just keep ads duration low. 1 week max or something. Just a thought. Bullion
  8. Welcome Dorky. Everyone, don't let him fool ya, Dorky is a party animal and the life of the party when you get to know him. Ok I made that up, maybe? He is a good man and always a team player. Bullion
  9. Welcome Katherine. Can you spare some EGGS? I'm Hungry! Bullion
  10. She has been doing very well thank you for asking. She has been off her Blood Thinners for a few months and should not have anymore problems we hope. She has been working extra days while i have been home with Addie. We are getting ready to move 800 miles away to her home State and her mother will watch Addie for us while we work. She starts her new job in a couple of months and I get to stay back and sell the house :bye2: I will be going with her for 3 weeks though when she starts, then come back here until house sells or the snow starts flying?? Lots of work ahead for me. Painting, cleaning, packing, any helpers out there? :confused(1): Bill
  11. Hi bullion. How wonderful to have you here. I hope you enjoy your stay and If you need anything at all please give us a hollar :) This will do just fine, hey I will even split it with ya. :kicking:
  12. Thanks for the Invites Ladies. Always great to meet new friends and have a place to talk about making MONEY! :laugh2: Thanks, Bill
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