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Exchanges Plus - www.exchangesplus.com


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* SELL E-currency

* EXCHANGE E-currency


Exchangesplus is recognised by Solid Trust Pay to handle your e-currency conversions. Ask us today how we can meet your needs.

Exchangesplus is an approved Exchanger for C-gold and Liberty Reserve.

What do we do?

Our service gives you a quick, easy and most importantly, safe method to transfer your funds in or out of your accounts.

Why are we different?

Our focus is on service. We recognise that the purchasing and redemption of digital currencies can be fraught with peril. Our ‘Members Only’ secure web site is designed to be simple and easy to use. Create your account and give us a try. We guarantee your satisfaction.

Why use us?

We are as simple as:

* Create an Account

* Activate your account by confirming your email

* Place your order

Members benefit from competitive rates and can easily (after verification) send funds to us via domestic banking with our direct cash deposit facility. You can also send International bank wires to our multi-currency International bank. We offer a simple, fast & efficient service. No matter your location Exchanges Plus can provide the service to either fund your digital currency account - or sell your digital currency for your own local currency.


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I use them exclusively for my moving of funds...

They are polite, answer questions and quick...

Their fee is $10, and so far haven't been charged more...

skylady ;)

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I use them exclusively for my moving of funds...

They are polite, answer questions and quick...

Their fee is $10, and so far haven't been charged more...

skylady ;)

I used Exchanges Plus multiple times, and Never had a problem. I agree, Polite, and response is really fast for support!! :biggrin(1):

William :thumbup(1):

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Is this still working ?

hi marketter,

yes it is i just used them a couple hours ago..moved my funds in less than an hour :thumbup(1):

they are the best :D


But this time the best for me still Superchange :D


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  • 2 weeks later...
Is this still working ?

hi marketter,

yes it is i just used them a couple hours ago..moved my funds in less than an hour :thumbup(1):

they are the best :D


But this time the best for me still Superchange :D



Use of exchange service can be like playing in forex some times :) There are not just one good one. Each exchange service has good and bad points. Is best to find a few that work with your needs as some times one will be better then another as well as some times is good to find exchangers to convert different currency before trading.

I am in manila and i can not cash out AP and STP so this is my example how to use many traders to suit my needs.


200 STP use exchange plus to convert to LR

use the LR form Exchage pluss with Pino Gold Exchange to get cash here.

same with AP,

the fees come out less then wire transfer and about same time.

if in your area if your use e-gold then one might use superghanger to convert LR to gold to cash and can use exchange plus to convert stp to lr then superchanger to convert LR to gold to cash

so yu can see that for people who have gold traders and use STP they can actually end up cashing out with no cost that way or very little cost.



PS I guess i am say EP is good changer and used them before.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I dun quite understand. Sell egold is 25% fee, so what do they give you in return - they wire the money to you ? So if I give them $100 egold, I get back $75 ?

That is exactly what will happen if you exchange 100$ egold money.

I had few successful transactions with the from STP to LR. And they answer emails so i am pretty satisfied customer.

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Is there anyone to have a recent successful exchange? I am now waiting 12 days. What is everyone else time frame? I hope to see them catch up soon. untill now has been great service.



i'm waiting 3 days now..egold to LR... <_<

no one seems to have LR anymore :o

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I am happy to say that after wait 15 days I get my exchange processed. Then I receive e-mail that not any more to request LR.

Now need to find more place for exchange.



We have 'member to member exchange' for MOD's and Supporters to use Joe...

In: Payment Processors/Exchangers/ Member 2 Member exchanges

While you find an acceptable Exchanger to use...

skylady ;)

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I've been a Supporter since 2-3 days ago and I have yet to be allowed to access the Member-to-member exchange. Admin has yet to change the requirement needed to access it from 250 to 100 posting.

I saw that skylady need to exchange LR to STP and I've $49 STP funds, so I was hoping if I could help her, but I cannot access the folder...

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Hey, guys. Many of my friends were scammed by IncrementalGold with hundreds of dollars, when they tried to buy AP with other currencies. So beware. Better find a particular person that you can trust.

Can you please elaborate a little bit more.. they are listed as AlertPay approved exchanger ..so we need to warn AlertPay to stop this thieves if what you say is really happening

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