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Posts posted by rlygangesh

  1. Harmonics determines how all the planetary influences resonate together to create a composite cycle. Planets generally need a higher value here because they are a lot slower. The default 36/6, which works well on a 5 minute S&P chart. 45/8 works very well on a 30 minute chart. These settings are not necessarily optimal. Other trading instruments and time frames will require some tuning. If you are serious and really want to get a good forecast, you'll do some major experimentation here. (Take the hint and start right now - you won't regret it when you find the ultimate settings for your stock or future!)
  2. HI SIR

    file extracting is easy task but making an .cs file is another task & it is tough

    for example after constructing your dll there are about 14 cs file are generated & now making one .cs with it will be tough.


    my purpose of massage is that if you wanted to know which type of coding/strategy are used within indicator than you try to find with these file, it will not more tough if you know ninja trader programming


    https://[email protected]/file/wtz08j


    you will get a lot of hint from New folder--> NinjaTrader-->Indicator-->SentinelErodic.cs

    but you can't compile alone it

  3. Yahoo has changed his way to use their data via 3rd party application so all software using yahoo finance data are facing this type of difficulty, now yahoo going to give his data via two way 6th month data via 3rd party application can be downloaded automatically because only 6th month data will be available on yahoo online server, rest of history also be available with another server but one have to download it manually if they need.


    An update followed by education(off course) will solve the problem with MLDownloader

  4. rlygangesh,


    Try importing Yahoo EOD data. I'm curious how well it works with it, since you have the current version.


    hi sir

    my post no #33 with yahoo eod data & it is not a latest version

    it is 2.17 crac..k unfortunately with hardware lock, ASCII also work with this version

  5. Hi, apologies for my late response. I have been using the wave59 pro 2.17 and wave59 rt 3.6 for about one month now. I must say, it is worth every penny to pay for wave59 pro 2.17 from the guy who crack the original wave59 pro 2.1 verson. This wave59 pro 2.17 is really good if you learn how to apply advanced 5 point pattern correctly. It will take you to a different professional level. For the market cycle? I am not so keen on Lars von Thienen decoding the hidden market rhythm techniques so I found his cycle analysis does not really apply to forex trading. I prefer use Earik Beann's planet rise harmonics index on 5 min chart.


    In view of the datafeed, I have tried a number of options trying to get the data read over from mt4 to wave59 platform, the problem is the data did not update automatically on all time frames. If I use ctrl +k every few miniutes, it was an absolutely nightmare to run on 4 - 5 different time frames. At the end, I have to use DTN IQ data feed, paying them $30 per month for the forex. so far it works brilliantly and have no problem whatsoever.


    If you are serious about forex trading, it is best to pay for the datafeed and the better wave59 version.


    thanks for reply, i was searching a lot here & there to populate wave 59 fro MT4 , even i had asked this question to earik, he says he may try to add this feature on wave 2.29 or 2.30 version, in 2006-10 period there was a solution but that not worked at present time, so if u shared your solution that it may helpful to club with old system


    currently i m using GDFL (feed from india, it use esignal plugin to populate data) but that company are not giving official connection with wave 59, you may also have to thwacked little to populate

  6. Probably because the guy Earik BEANN has TONS od LUCK ( yeah, this "thing" exists, too :) ) and he knows HOW to use words and make connections with convincing and convinced people.....Look at his seminars with lots reputed "Astro-Traders" selling their stuff :Concord-Cushing, etc..... My 0.0002 cents....but i FEEL that so strongly : he is a guy who KNOWS how to SELL stuff...


    sir, I ain't agree with that sir , current wave 59 group contain only 343 member , only 30-40 member had posted at least one post & this group is active from 2014 & also all old member are included there, if one go with group activity than very very less active but if you go with thier MTS book ot UTM (aka big bertha) Book than you will eagar to take at least one try with wave 59

  7. Yes, I agree, Shenong. Earik Bean's Wave59 is ultra expensive, not to mention that Wave59 can only accept paid subscription data in order to use it. So the user is making payments forever and probably Earik is getting a cut out of the subscription payments. I guess if you're making millions of dollars using the various methods that it's designed to trade, the subscription fee is nominal. However, most of us are not there yet.


    As for the educated versions that are found in the forum, I hope some people here are making money in their trades using Wave59.


    as far as $99 monthly subscription plan it is bearable ,eod yahoo is free but real time data too costly, main concern is that how much software are useful for trading , one can't apply directly ear..k costly book like UTM aka big berth.a & MTS . i too searching a good/profitable user with wav..59

  8. I'm testing the Wave59 Pro 2.10 in a VirutalBox with Windows 10 Pro x64. It appears that downloading data from Yahoo is extremely slow and this should be much faster. I have Amibroker and I download Yahoo data much faster than this.


    i have tried 2.17 (edu..) & 2.25 original (buy from earik), educated version was little slow but main question is that wave59 have any edge in trading or not

  9. Thanks but in this bersion, any solution to load Metastock End of Day data? How?


    i think you can load metastock data offline . there are an option in data setup yahoo/ASCII/metastock offline data. i have checked yahoo data & ascii data working good but i have metastock data

  10. Good question. Wave59 comes highly recommended, but it costs about 2.5 times as much as TimingSolution. I don't know anyone who has both and can give us a comparison. Let me know if you find out first. I never hear of Neuroshell Trader software.


    i can arrange timing solution with the help of brother shenong but i don't know how to trade/analyze with TS

  11. Don't the version numbers increase with each release, 2.10, 2.26, 3.06 then 3.6? Can you make a screen shot of the available data sources and post it for us to see, if your version is the most recent? Has an educated version of the most recent Wave59 been posted in this forum?


    Also I'm wondering is if this is a recent version of Wave59 and does it come with a license, because the Wave59 website sells it for $7,500 USD?




    sir i will post the screenshot of versions but it will take some time as i m out of my town


    by the way how much wave 59 is superior than other software

    is wave59 have an edge above timing solution or neuroshell trader

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