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Posts posted by pikachu

  1. It was the one shared a couple posts above by soundfx. IDA Pro

    First I used a tool called PEiD. It's a free tool that doesn't have any function except identifying what it was compiled on.

    The IDA tool let's you see the code disassembled (not decompiled)... From what I understood, the difference is that when you write code on some programs and compile it, what some compilers do is removing a ton of stuff that doesn't matter and reorganizes the code to make it more efficient. The problem is, when you decompile it, it's completly different looking and harder to understand what the hell is going on inside But, a person than understands the language, is just a matter of time until he understans it, which I'm not one.


    yes.its tough.you need to have sound knowledge on assembly and hex etc.

  2. There are several M@rket Delt@ subjects now at Indo Investasi and even within the subjects people address sub-subjects. The result is the beginning of a spagetthi look-a-like subject on M@rket Delt@. The Iwanhc method (all credits go to him so do not thank me, but send your thanks to Iwanhc !!!!!) still works great on the latest 11210. Different people will do different things on their machines so not all have the same history traces of M@rket Delt@ security (N@lpeiron) on their machines. But if you take a brand new machine out of the shop and follow Iwanhc method (exactly as it is described !!!!!!!!) then you should be set to go. However, if you did some actions regarding the Nalpeiron in the past on your machine with an earlier install (or attempt of install) of M@rket Delt@, be adviced that the N@lpeiron may (read: may) prevent the M@rket Delt@ from running ok based on medicines. If you reformat your drive, the N@lpeiron will still be there. The only way to get rid of the N@lpeiron security and be able to start from scratch is to use a hex-editor(this is also described in the M@rket Delt@ subjects). But please be aware: If you do not know what you are doing with a hex-editor, then you may make your machine non bootable anymore with all the issues related to that. So ask a friend who knows the hex-editor to help you out (or invest the time to do a self study to learn the hex-editor and the layout of the first sectors of your hard drive).


    i tried it out found FFxxxxxx as suggested.but what value to feel here?is it 00 00 00 00 ??

    shall i change FFxxxxxxx part only or i need to feel it with 00 00 all the lines?


    i cnt format machine sorry.





  3. Rather than banging head trying to get it to work, I found it easier to send the author a small gift as it is not commercial software and no payment was required. Got the latest version, licence and support to set it up.


    Get a Genuine Copy from Author Rather than you using a cracked Version.Cracked version Will get Problems Near future as Omnesys will change things.Send mail to author requesting for licence. Check link for details




    i know the info.

    That guy is busy in some work.he is not currently ready to share this stuff anymore.

    In the new version he has stopped providing service for Nifty Fut.



    so crack requested.

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