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    Darktrader reacted to ⭐ timein in Advanced Get - How is the performance   
    Get back to basic’s take a look at these two videos just released on 01/09 and 01/10/15 these strategies are simple and they work. Using the Past to Predict the Future, Video I&2.
    Secrets of traders…

  2. Like
    Darktrader reacted to sauron in Indicators Sharing & Chart Templates   
    this template based on BUFFY system
    https://[email protected]/file/qynyhe
  3. Like
    Darktrader reacted to ⭐ timein in Indicators Sharing & Chart Templates   
    This is for anyone that uses chart trader on the NT Platform. This indicator allows you to add quantity buttons to your chart trader. Enabling you to add contracts on the fly.
  4. Like
    Darktrader reacted to RICHI in (GET) PM @TR B@rColor Tr@der   
    I want to thank you admis and another educators in the past for all your hard work in this forum, you gave us
    chance to try and learn which indicators are suitable for our trading and which are not. :)
  5. Like
    Darktrader reacted to admis in (GET) PM @TR B@rColor Tr@der   
  6. Like
    Darktrader got a reaction from JoeWilson in REQ: TR@DE Manager by Indic@tor W@rehouse   
    Cash isn't at home in San Fran atm. He is in LA to finalise details regarding his Launchpad performance.I have ver 2.8 of IW TradeManager and can re-up for you.
  7. Like
    Darktrader got a reaction from Posteris in REQ: TR@DE Manager by Indic@tor W@rehouse   
    Cash isn't at home in San Fran atm. He is in LA to finalise details regarding his Launchpad performance.I have ver 2.8 of IW TradeManager and can re-up for you.
  8. Like
    Darktrader reacted to ⭐ laser1000it in Bar Types   
    New link http://www5.zipp+++yshare.com/v/rqExUi9f/file.html (remove +++) from post #9.
    Link from post #5 is missing
  9. Like
    Darktrader got a reaction from LonelyTrade in (REQ) Anyone have this one?? Automating entries!!   
    Plus you can adjust the ATM settings too and it can be fully auto or semi.It's a damn shame other commercial vendors haven't come up with something like this to date.Something like this would be a no brainer for purchase(price notwithstanding).Now with NT8 to come along soon,the question is can this particular vendor update the program to be compatible with NT8? Or maybe the price includes free updates/upgrades,but that is not clear on the vendor site.
  10. Like
    Darktrader got a reaction from Ganymed in REQ: TR@DE Manager by Indic@tor W@rehouse   
    Cash isn't at home in San Fran atm. He is in LA to finalise details regarding his Launchpad performance.I have ver 2.8 of IW TradeManager and can re-up for you.
  11. Like
    Darktrader got a reaction from ⭐ whinny in REQ: TR@DE Manager by Indic@tor W@rehouse   
    Cash isn't at home in San Fran atm. He is in LA to finalise details regarding his Launchpad performance.I have ver 2.8 of IW TradeManager and can re-up for you.
  12. Like
    Darktrader got a reaction from RICHI in REQ: TR@DE Manager by Indic@tor W@rehouse   
    Cash isn't at home in San Fran atm. He is in LA to finalise details regarding his Launchpad performance.I have ver 2.8 of IW TradeManager and can re-up for you.
  13. Like
    Darktrader got a reaction from azimyt in REQ: TR@DE Manager by Indic@tor W@rehouse   
    Cash isn't at home in San Fran atm. He is in LA to finalise details regarding his Launchpad performance.I have ver 2.8 of IW TradeManager and can re-up for you.
  14. Like
    Darktrader reacted to tryitagainmf in There we go. We are back up ! Happy New Year everyone !   
    Jane...I think what was being suggested was that there be a "roll-over" site to go to so we can check with each other to see if I-I is down or under attack. Something like a simple YahooGroups (which I detest, but it is free) and GoogleGroups (which I think they have dumped for their Hangouts).
    As I understood, the point would have been NOT going to another Forum to replace I-I but to have an alternate place to check into if I-I goes down...which it has done twice in the last year...
  15. Like
    Darktrader reacted to newbie0101 in Plse help educate these indicators - Indy 5oo from the Ev0 guys   
    Hi mikemast77 thanks to previous responses that are accurate( Thanks-tryitagainmf, and tradernate)
    mikemast here is a pic of just looked at in NT7 tools>editninjascript>indicator and here is result----Did not trying changing anything but in response to your inquiry seems very much possible?
    Thanks all
  16. Like
    Darktrader got a reaction from ⭐ ESVepara in REQ: TR@DE Manager by Indic@tor W@rehouse   
    Cash isn't at home in San Fran atm. He is in LA to finalise details regarding his Launchpad performance.I have ver 2.8 of IW TradeManager and can re-up for you.
  17. Like
    Darktrader got a reaction from ⭐ aotegaoteg in REQ: TR@DE Manager by Indic@tor W@rehouse   
    Cash isn't at home in San Fran atm. He is in LA to finalise details regarding his Launchpad performance.I have ver 2.8 of IW TradeManager and can re-up for you.
  18. Like
    Darktrader got a reaction from CashManic in REQ: TR@DE Manager by Indic@tor W@rehouse   
    Cash isn't at home in San Fran atm. He is in LA to finalise details regarding his Launchpad performance.I have ver 2.8 of IW TradeManager and can re-up for you.
  19. Like
    Darktrader reacted to admis in Dear admis   
    Thanks for your concern, Jane.:)
    It's ok Trading1903. A short break for a cup of coffee or less...;) I don't have a time for anything more...
  20. Like
    Darktrader reacted to admis in There we go. We are back up ! Happy New Year everyone !   
    Good idea. But:
    1. indo-"elite"-NinjaTrader group where? There is almost impossible to create it here, on this forum (Jane can check it), because of current configuration of VBulletin. A few members, including me, tried to do it the last year. No chance. It was easier to create a separate, free and closed forum for specified project.
    2. wrike is free only for a small teams (5 users) who need basic task management with limited planning and reporting.
    2a. Their servers are located in the US (in San Jose, California and Reston, Virginia) what means DCMA is applicable (Digital Millennium Copyright Act)
    btw: indo-investasi has been moved to NL (EU)
    What about Tox.im, as a backup/alternative channel of very safe and anonymous communication? Any experiences?
  21. Like
    Darktrader reacted to profile in My new system for Ninja Trader 2013   
    I found something in my files. Not sure if this is what you are looking for. I do not use the system so I can not help you out with questions.
    In any case I hope this link may be of help to you.
    All the materials came from this thread.
    https://[email protected]/file/g09a15
  22. Like
    Darktrader reacted to profile in Tr3ndpr0 for Ninjatrader   
    Here you go https://[email protected]/file/thh52m
    I do not use the system, so can not answer questions.
    I hope the link helps you out.
  23. Like
    Darktrader reacted to tradershare in Filter indicator   
    Here you go.

  24. Like
    Darktrader reacted to ⭐ timein in (Req) Jay Signal Trend   
    See if this works for you,

  25. Like
    Darktrader reacted to ⭐ trader1968 in There we go. We are back up ! Happy New Year everyone !   
    Happy new year all, health and good trading.
    Is there anyway we could recreate this amazing forum in case they pull the plug on us :) ?
    I mean any ideas are welcome for steady and long members to not loose touch in this case and start again in anther forum.
    Just my 2 cents....
    Take care all and really glad to see the site up again.
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