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Everything posted by Hula

  1. Sorry, I was busy... Next up? Maybe it's little Mary sunshine! :lol:
  2. We can't lump all MLMs together. :o The tried and true programs with real (decent) products and solid upper management are still very profitable. It's the hyped-up, get-in-NOW-and-make-a-million-bucks-from-spillover programs that are a usually a complete waste of time, effort and money. Unless you get in very early. ^_^ Just my experience of over 10 years (offline and online) in these.
  3. CIF stands for Collective Investments Forum. We're an online business forum. ;)
  4. Nice to have you with us, Behar. Welcome to CIF. ;)
  5. Welcome to CIF, Tupelo! Nice to meet you. :yes:
  6. Ti leaves (to make those grass skirts) :lol:
  7. Glad to meet you, mendot! Welcome to CIF. ;)
  8. Menehune (Fabled people, sometimes described as dwarfs in size, who live in the deep forests and hidden valleys of the Hawaiian islands, far from the eyes of normal humans).
  9. Glad to meet you, zoodriver! We are very happy to have you here at CIF. :lol:
  10. Nice to have you here with at CIF, owl. Enjoy yourself. ;)
  11. Thanks, Sally. :wubclub: It's kind of fun. :lol:
  12. How did you know? Maybe Sally will drop by next...
  13. Hula


    Hi Manolito! Nice to meet you. ;) Wow, seven children! I pretty much lost my mind after 3 so I stopped. :lol:
  14. Thanx for clicking, everyone. It won't cost you a cent to donate to these worthy causes. Answer the quiz questions to donate rice. It's fun! Click the wooden puppet's belly & feed a child!
  15. Nice to meet you, saurav! B) We're so glad you decided to join us. :D
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