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Everything posted by Hula

  1. Welcome to CIF, tsupermario! Glad to have you here.
  2. Foyle River (Ireland)
  3. Okay - Bodies of Water... You know, rivers, lakes, bays, seas, etc. Anacostia River
  4. Hula


    Glad to have you with us, Jenn! Enjoy the forum.
  5. Nice to have you with us, hyiphall. Enjoy the forum.
  6. Hi momofthreekids! Nice to meet you. I have three kids too.
  7. Me again. Where's my friend, fishie? :Aww:
  8. Thanx, xtype. Too bad I'm just a cartoon figure.
  9. Nice to meet you, xtype. Welcome to CIF.
  10. Welcome to CIF, pate4cake. Glad you have joined us.
  11. There's really no way to know for sure but usually if admin hasn't given any updates after this length of time I would doubt any more refunds will be made.
  12. Glad to have you here, todayhyip! Enjoy the forum.
  13. Happy to have you with us, Jamie.
  14. Easter Bunnies! Made of chocolate, of course!
  15. Just bringing the links forward... It won't cost you a cent to donate to these worthy causes. Answer quiz questions to donate rice. It's fun! Once you get to the site, click the wooden puppet's belly & feed a child! Thanx for clicking, everyone.
  16. Help me keep this thread active please. :Kiss: It won't cost you a cent to donate to these worthy causes. :D Answer the quiz questions to donate rice. It's fun! Once you get to the site, click the wooden puppet's belly & feed a child! Thanx for clicking, everyone. :Aww:
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