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Everything posted by AR99

  1. ...... 99.8% now, will get there ...... thanks
  2. checked again, goes to deposit files for 25 seconds and gives error
  3. Hi jimmyFX Thanks for the links. The first 3 links provided the 3 parts but 4th did not work. How many part do we have and do you have another link for part4? The link --http://mir.cr/7RJRDOD4 is not working on any hosting site. Appreciate your help. AR
  4. Hellboy and Ironman, Please send me the links from 23 - 53. Thanks. AR
  5. Hi Mahmuxx, Thanks for help. I am using utorrent after disabling the extensions. However, it shows downloading and then does not do anything. Download remains at 0.0%. Any suggestions? Thanks again.
  6. sorry for my lack of knowledge ... how do you use torrents?? I downloaded but cannot use ....
  7. can someone re-upload? thanks
  8. can you please reload? thanks
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