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Posts posted by tryitagainmf

  1. Does any one have any of the ThinkSwim Indicators?


    CLARIFICATION...the trading platform is called Think or Swim, written in their own code of thinkscript. What I am asking about are the indicators created by the vendor group calling themselves ThinkSwim Indicators (written for the Think or Swim platform).




    They are great website designers but are they good indicator coders?


    Anyone use their stuff to trade?



  2. Thanks Mick, I didn't realize that. I thought that was something else. And by the way do I need a cracked version of Ninjatrader to use it? Thanks again.




    My experience is only with a full version of NT...and it is working...maybe someone else can chime-in on the cracked?





  3. Does any one have any of the ThinkSwim Indicators?


    CLARIFICATION...the trading platform is called Think or Swim, written in their own code of thinkscript. What I am asking about are the indicators created by the vendor group calling themselves ThinkSwim Indicators (written for the Think or Swim platform).




    They are great website designers but are they good indicator coders?


    Anyone use their stuff to trade?



  4. Zeraw31


    This link is no longer valid...I would appreciate it if you could repost another current link to be able to use the Viper stealth package. Thank you very much for your help and consideration.


    forex rocket...the link in post #7 is still working...



  5. No there is nothing about this..


    Yes, I understand that. I was previously suggesting that you post the request into that thread as Zeraw31 has been busy working on NT coding for our benefit.


    Zeraw31 has now requested in Post #375 of that thread:



    Ok everyone. This thread has gotten WAAAYYYYY off track. It's even hard for me to follow along anymore.

    I'm thinking that the best way for me to help people would be to abandon this thread and start new individual threads for new requests.


    If everyone agrees - let's start new threads for new requests. This way I can see the request at the top of the thread and easily post a cracked version. Then if people have problems, they can discuss in that thread.



    So, if someone has it perhaps he can work on it...





  6. There is some ***** in the Forum posting vile comments in Reputation that make no sense at all...Forum Mod please PM me so I can show you that information.





    Interesting...the word 1*d*i*o*t gets censored (above) but the vile comments of those posting poor reputation comments goes without any filtering...just saying...

  7. Hello Everyone,


    This is my 1st contribution and its a great one :D. I've learned so much from YTC, the scalper is not my cup of tea but you may get something out of it. I also suggest subscribing to there newsletter (free) because it is golden information. I'm currently trying to wrap my head around the STARsystem but this forum is a wealth of information also. If your new or even a veteran you will find YTC a great tool in your trading arsenal.




    Happy Trading,



    P.S. Leave a lot of thanks, its good for my ego :)


    ninjatrader...adding my thanks as well as pointing out the importance of Forum users adding "Thanks" or "Reputation" for the posts that they find helpful or useful!



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