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⭐ V.I.P.
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Everything posted by fishie

  1. How do you DO THAT?!?! next is Hula
  2. K kisses aren't they a gift? or do we mean things we can wrap?!? Kite
  3. hello Sarah! Welcome to CIF :wubclub:
  4. WOOT! Thanks for sharing your Great plan Hula! I have to agree, it would be nice ;)
  5. drinking some more tea, listening to the Vikings-Eagles game, checking a couple of forums and writing a couple emails.
  6. thanks for sharing your site with us Darcy. :) That's kind of a cool deal. I have never really thought about things like that before... very interesting. I might have to bookmark that one.
  7. Posting a FREE Giveaway at Healthyfishies recipe blog, thinking about doing the dishes and fishing (thanks to Austin:P) maybe I will just bake some bread :idea:
  8. Hello Steve! Welcome to CIF :wubclub:
  9. Those are both really good plans !! and taste good too :D
  10. Sitting here drinking a peppermint/spearmint herbal tea, blowing my nose and debating whether i should go to bed to help with this cold or keep surfing and chatting OR finish knitting my other slipper, cuz my foot is getting cold. :lol:
  11. Hi! I am always looking for new websites to visit. I like checking out the design and of course the content. I thought it might be fun to share our websites with one another... so, post a site or blog that YOU OWN (splashpages or pre-made affiliate sales page sites that just add your name are not allowed) you can share blogspot, wordpress type blogs cuz those are cool ! So... let's see your site!!
  12. isnt that puppet just the cutest lil guy clicked...
  13. hello!! Welcome to CIF :wubclub:
  14. hello Marco!! Welcome to CIF :wubclub:
  15. oops, wrong thread :lol: next will fo'shizzle be hula
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