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Everything posted by fishie

  1. "and that's the whole truth!" cried fishie. "Now what are we going to do to fix my little fin AND get that Joe Panda to apologize?"
  2. "I will get that norty panda!" Skylady said. "ummm... we have yippee panda and joe panda, which one was it?" she asked. :confused:
  3. "I took a bath" she said. "How did you know it was me?" :lol:
  4. This could be fun ... Let's build a story by finishing eachother's sentences... you are limited to 2 sentences per post and you MUST let someone else post before you post again. Easy as pie right? I was walking through the park, when all of a sudden ....... (finish the sentence)
  5. Thinking about js's suggestion, drinking a peppermint tea, praying for Ricks mum and feeling really sleepy after a long day.
  6. posting at a couple forums and feeling very sleepy for some reason oh and chatting with my very bestest online friend :wubclub:
  7. are we on "w" ? Waterfalls
  8. Hello Tom! Welcome to CIF :wubclub: Oxnard eh? My brother used to live there - Cool place :)
  9. Now it is fish face :lol: (no worries-- i love it) Now will be Detective HulaHoops
  10. Hello! Welcome to CIF :wubclub:
  11. Hello! Welcome to CIF :wubclub:
  12. Hello! Welcome to CIF :wubclub:
  13. money LOL, Kelli... are we back to Food Again?!?! :lol:
  14. Hello! Welcome to CIF :wubclub:
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