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Everything posted by fishie

  1. Hi xtype! Welcome to cIF :Hiya:
  2. go see what is happening at CIF with all my buddies. So, she finished her drink and...
  3. "well, i guess it really does not matter" Said fishie "I have friends to protect me and besides I think my fin will heal with time." So off she went to find a nice cool drink of water with...
  4. Right here dollface :Hot: are you stopping by this thread again ?
  5. Hula's favorite .... POPCORN (hee hee)
  6. It has been awhile, but yep... it is me Now it must be Gabriel?
  7. kill -- gross, I know, but that is what came to mind "roadkill"
  8. Still clicking Hula! Sorry, i don't always post - I will do better now that we have a FASTER forum ! :Yeah:
  9. Working at my real job and sneaking a visit at a couple forums :Hero: LOL
  10. Hello Kara! Welcome to CIF!! :Hiya:
  11. Hi Murray! Welcome to CIF!! :Hiya:
  12. Hello ihyips! Welcome to CIF! :Hiya:
  13. Oops... I came back too soon :Aww: Now is Yippee?
  14. Wrong, but i bet it is Yippee NOW.... maybe?
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