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Posts posted by FFRT

  1. Hi FFRT,


    I know you maybe a little confuse as to which one to focus on, probably because we (mainly I) posted both charts up in here. I didn't mean to confuse anybody. Sorry about that!





    My regards, as always!



    Thanks a ton Unclepips for your down to earth and precise reply, I've both the SW. Currently already have w59 3.6 and TS March 15, 2010. I'm already familiar with W59 but will have to spend little more time with TS.


    Do we have any latest version of TS after March 15, 2010 edition. Is reading TS website and their help file enough to apply analysis and trade? or some more readings are required.


    Somebody also posted a here a (I guess Ashish) from where to take MT4, but i guess all these are 30 days demo? How to work thereafter. In any case, I've account with broker which provides RT quotes?



  2. @floridatrader has given you the conceptual background.


    Now what period to use, it all depends on your risk apetite and your investment/trading philosophy.


    They say, above 200 day, (be simple or Exponential, these two are widely used) Market is into Bull phase and reverse for bear market. But Singnal is too late and suitable for Investors


    If you are swing traders, you can twist around 18, 21, 35 or lower time frame to check out the swing up and down.


    One can also enter the trade when there is cross over of faster moving average closes above (from below) over slower moving average, and reverse for sell.



    Hope, above helps you.


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