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FFRT last won the day on March 13

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About FFRT

  • Birthday 07/13/1991

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  1. Full book with unprotected Excel is required. in many of the examples given in sample book, author uses Optuma, but Timing solution could also be useful.
  2. I do not use and have not taken the resource but have liked your post @apmoo for helping others
  3. Most forums , these days do not support to support trading software .....would be eager to know such forums
  4. Request, use English as default langugage for communication purposes.
  5. @Manan Pwd -$$$Ind0### https://workupload.com/file/53HJyYazU76
  6. Pinescript editor expert required, forum needs such expert with wide spread usage of Tradingview
  7. yes, can make out few from the pics. Can someone share PowerPivots (TrendDirection) Trading System Add on here
  8. I guess, this version of AG9 has some bug while fixing by talent. When you change the symbol / underlying asset, title does not change, while chart properly gets updates. So, one has to be careful while doing multiple symbols analysis
  9. I guess no, Metastock SW data format / strucuture is different
  10. and a month passes in 2025
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