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Posts posted by ForexMike

  1. Freddy... heads up my friend. SecuredForm1, is actually SecuredForm that was banned a few days ago.


    SecuredForm posted on this forum about a signal service on facebook that is supposed to be HOT. I caught his posting here and went to check out the facebook page to only find out that the facebook group had no friends and the facebook group was started the same hour (time started the group is listed in the facebook time line) as his posting about the HOT group. The facebook group didn't have any information posted about signal service at the time which was a big heads up that this scammer failed to prepare the facebook group about the services before posting falsely on this forum. I then checked on another forum to find that he was bragging about his own new signal service when ended up being the facebook group. I reported him as spamming on this site and he was immediately banned.


    SecuredForm, there are people on this forum that can see through your b.s....so no more scams. I apologize that I can't direct you to a forex forum that you can fool everyone, but to warn you that this forum is full of extremely smart people that can easily spot those that are trying to scam us and Freddie is one of the best detectives here. We plan to be around for a while which means that if you try to scam us again, it will be reported.

  2. Hi FranSpain


    Thanks for the great reply. I know that there are many postings about great systems and I can assure you that the STAR System is the real deal. Thanks for having faith in it and purchasing it. I know it sounds like I'm associated with the forex system in one way or another by the way I make my postings, but I can assure you that I'm only a student of the system and many on this forum can attest to this.


    I really and truly like the system and that is why I like ..as you say, brag about the system and that is because it actually does work.


    Keep in mind that the Premium Section of the forum is free for the first 30 days...or was when I joined. The Premium Section is full of excellent training materials and the templates I am currently testing.


    I like your "I CAN DO" attitude which tells me that I have no doubt of your success with the system.


    First thing is to fully learn the system according to the instructions. If you get mentally drained or run into an area that is confusing, I highly recommend to take a break for a few hours then return to the material.


    Of all the forex systems marketed, you picked the right one my friend.

  3. They dont offer 30d money back guarantee and its impossible to contact them so yea I think its scam.


    Excellent reasons...thanks Hank. I never purchase anything if no guarantee is attached. One moron is selling an EA for over a million dollars on Ebay and gives no guarantee. He will give you proof it works, a statement showing his results that are 16 months old. When contacted, he states he doesn't have time to give a more updated account statement.

  4. scam fx level3


    When claiming something is a scam, state why you assume such. Others like this system and if you have no proof of scam, hold off on your negativity and give the system a fair shake. Shouldn't be inflating post counts with duplicate postings and postings such as this. Read the rules.

  5. The most expensive EA is sold on Ebay from some MORON that claims no guarantee and no refund. The system is sold for $1,023,646.00. I contacted the clown a few months ago and he stated he could send a statement that is over 14 months old. Needless to say he's never sold one yet...now will sell one. Oh, if you buy it, he will throw in the shipping for free.


    Link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Reliable-FOREX-system-/320691160966?pt=US_Other_Software&hash=item4aaaaec786


    Pro's....free shipping

    Con's....you will always be known as the ***** that purchased from this con artist in Canada.

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