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Posts posted by kent123

  1. Does anyone have this book, I know It's been asked for before thought I'd start It up again.


    An excellent book for those who are primarily interested in timing the Silver market in 2-3 day intervals. Although the book thoroughly covers a long-term approach to trading Silver - for moves of 10% or more - it is a quantitative study that is more focused upon the shorter term moves of only 3% or greater. It is very effective for catching the short-term swings in Silver prices. Definitely for those who are interested in trading with moon signs and phases.


    Thanks In advance.

  2. Does anyone have this course,



    Introductory Materials, Articles, Correspondences &

    Complete Space-Time Forecasting of Economic Trends 1958-1996

    By Muriel & Louis Hasbrouck






    The Institute of CosmoEconomics is excited to at long last release the first installment of the Space-Time Forecasting Archives of Muriel and Louis Hasbrouck. This archive represents one of the most important discoveries ever in the field of market forecasting based on causation or correlation with natural forces, a science we call CosmoEconomics. The only other comparable level of research and insight to that of the Hasbroucks would be the work of WD Gann, whose legacy provides the core inspiration for most esoteric, cosmological or astro-based research, and the work of Dr. Jerome Baumring, which explains and extends Gann’s work to the most sophisticated and scientific level yet developed. Surprisingly, this utterly unknown work of the Hasbroucks contains a depth, breadth, history, and legacy that would surely rival, if not surpass Gann’s, if anyone knew it existed…


    When I first came across the Hasbrouck collection, I had never even heard the name, and after asking several of my friends who are most knowledgeable about the subject, I could find no one else who knew anything about them either. I assumed that the collection might be insignificant, just some researchers who did a lot of work, but nothing substantial, until an Internet search turned up one sole reference to them as key figures in astro-economic history, on the website of well-respected financial astrologer, Bill Meridian, in his article History of Stock Market Astrology:


    “Muriel Hasbrouck began her research on earthquakes, but changed tracks when her husband noticed that many of the dates that she generated coincided with stock market moves. She established Space-Time Forecasting and developed a following on Wall Street. The US government showed an interest in her work, offering to assist in further research. In a series of letters to Ed Dewey, she laid out the course of her communications with the US. She was shocked when the government shut her down. The reason was never made clear, but it appears that the dates that she projected corresponded to the dates of secret missile tests. Hasbrouck left her work to Harriett Higginson who added her techniques to her own. With Harriett’s passing, the Hasbrouck secrets disappeared.” Bill Meridian – History of Stock Market Astrology


    Upon seeing this quote, and particularly the line, “the Hasbrouck secrets disappeared,” I realized my first assumption had been wrong, and that I had mysteriously stumbled upon an important archive of secret financial papers which had been completely lost to history and posterity.



    Discovery of Lost Archives


    The discovery of this lost collection was as strange and synchronistic as idea that some of the greatest work on financial forecasting and celestial causation had been completely lost to the modern world. In 2006, I took my first trip to the east coast in 10 years for Project Hindsight’s 10 day conference on Hellenistic Astrology, Bob Schmidt’s first presentation of the System of Hermes, the lost Greek system of astrology, which he had been laboriously translating and deciphering for the last 15 years. I stopped in Maine on the way to visit with old friends who ran the best esoteric bookstore in the country, and after spending a day pulling a few boxes of books out of their massive stock, I headed down to the conference in Maryland.


    On the way back, I received an email from them about an esoteric financial collection that had been offered to them the day after I had been there, which they wanted to pass on to me, since it didn’t contain the kind of material they could work with. It comprised over a dozen boxes of books and papers, but the books were mostly mid-20th century and were marked up with notes, which they couldn’t sell, and personal papers always require an expert to have any idea if they are valuable and to know what to do with them. Since this field was my specialty, they passed the connection on to me, and I began to do the above mentioned research to see if they were something of interest.


    After discovering Bill Meridian’s above quote, and receiving some 1970’s articles about the Hasbroucks from Financial World and Business Week (NOTE: THE FOLLOWING LINKS GO TO PDF FILES WHICH MAY TAKE SOME TIME TO LOAD ON SLOW CONNECTIONS – IF YOU DON’T SEE ANYTHING AT FIRST, GIVE IT A MOMENT TO LOAD), I realized that there was no question that I should go examine the collection, so I rented a car and drove 7 hours from Maine to Vermont where the papers had been sitting in the 4th story attic of an old Victorian house in Burlington for the past 25 years. I had been invited to come spend as much time as I needed to go through the collection, and even offered a room in the attic with the books for the duration of my stay.


    The next four days were to be some of the most interesting of my life, as I slowly dug through approximately 16 boxes of books and papers, one page at a time, discovering an intellectual treasure the like of which I had never seen before. My hesitancy about the collection turned to exhilaration as I pulled personal notes and correspondences out of boxes written by famous figures in both esoteric and financial history, many of whose books I had studied as a private student of Dr. Baumring’s 20 years earlier. Private letters and papers from Edward Dewey, Edson Gould, Hamilton Bolton, John Nelson, Walter Russell, Paul Foster Case, Israel Regardie, NASA, the Department of Defense, and more, quickly demonstrated to me the importance of this find, and the levels of connection that the Hasbroucks maintained within the financial, scientific and esoteric communities. Indeed, many of the authors I had studied looked humbly to the Hasbroucks as the top experts in their field, and yet none of us today even know their name! How was this possible?


    After concluding my review of the materials, the collection was purchased and we took over the trusteeship of the Hasbrouck Trust, and have since spent the last 5 years organizing, cataloging, and scanning much of the over 30,000 pages of archive materials. The collection offered here is the first public release of their Space-Time Forecasting of Economic Trends since their original writing, and of any of their private archives ever.


    Hasbrouck History


    The history of the Hasbrouck’s research and contribution, and the story of its disappearance only became clear after many months of digging through thousands of pages of letters, notes and writings. It is, without question, one of the most interesting stories in the history of the financial markets, as well as in the development of alternative cosmological and esoteric science. I will take the time here to share a brief overview of their fascinating career, more of which will be elaborated as we develop their work in the future.


    Louis Hasbrouck was born on May 19, 1890 and died on June 8, 1979. He was a graduate of Yale, served in both world wars, and was a Captain in the U. S. Army Air Force. He worked in Wall Street during the span of the Great Crash, and found that conventional sources of wisdom neither predicted nor answered the trying questions of the time. By seeking new data and a method of forecasting that would be more true to life, he gave the economic input to the Space-Time Dynamics and geophysics of Muriel Bruce. (See Louis’ article: Mass Psychology & The Unified Field Theory – Trend Analysis – A New Approach)


    Muriel Bruce was born in Canada on July 20, 1890 and died November 27, 1981 at the age of 91. She was a Music and English major in college, a classical pianist, and a reporter for a Toronto newspaper. She published several books, novels and sonnets, chief among them her 1941 work on the tarot and astrology, Pursuit of Destiny, still in print today under the title Tarot & Astrology (see the contents, sample pages and cycle charts at this Amazon link). A copy of this book is included with our collection.). She and Louis were married on December 19, 1931, and together their research developed into Space-Time Forecasting.


    It is Muriel’s story that is most intriguing, and in fact, it was Muriel’s genius and insight that led to the important discoveries and applications that became Space-Time Forecasting. It seems that early in Muriel’s life, she developed close connections with some key figures in the Theosophical movement and the Golden Dawn magical order, which would influence and redirect her focus in life. These figures extended to like of Dr. Israel Regardie, famous biographer of the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley, with whom she maintained a friendship and correspondence until the 1970’s.


    Sometime in the 1920’s she developed close friendships with two of the greatest figures of 20th century esoterics, Walter Russell and Paul Foster Case. Walter Russell is well known for his cosmological masterpiece, The Universal One, a key work in the study of the cosmological theory behind Gann, and said by some to be one of the figures referred to in Gann’s famous work, The Tunnel Through The Air. Walter Russell was a visionary mystic/scientist who developed an energetic vortex lattice theory and discovered some atomic elements, years before the scientific community found them, through his 10 octave wave theory. Muriel was one of the first to read Russell’s draft of his magnum opus, which is shown by her possession of the original onion skin carbon copy of the introduction and first chapter of the treatise, complete with Russell’s hand drawn images, while it was still named The Eternal One. Years later in 1931, she wrote the introductory article to his exhibition of paintings called, “The Invisible Universe” at the Museum of Science & Industry in New York. She studied with Russel for seven years, and is the only known market researcher to have worked with him personally.

  3. Does any one have this book by T.G. Butaney Master Key Of Races.




    A very rare work published in India presenting in detail the authors final and ultimate insights and secrets from his life’s work. In it are incorporated: ALL Handicap Numerological & Astrological Secrets Discovered by Me During My Over 30 Years Racing Experience To Pick The Winner in Each Race. From Preface: During my researches in Racing Science, I discovered many Marvelous Secrets of Handicap, Racing Numerology and Racing Astrology during 1966 and 1967 to pick Winner in Each Race, Solve Double and Treble Win, Forecast Pool and even Jackpot Pool many a time. They do not find a place in the 1964 Edition because they were discovered by me after the 1964 Edition was printed. It has ever been my grand desire that I should share these GRAND SECRETS, each worth $1000’s with the Racing Fans of the world. I have thoroughly overhauled and considerably Enlarged the earlier editions. I have also neatly explained and incorporated all Beautiful Secrets in this edition, so that readers all over the world might share these Secrets with pleasure. Contents: Part I: Secret Handicap Formulae (FORM). Part II: Racing Numerology (NUMBERS) Secrets of Numerological Combinations Beautifully Explained & Illustrated. Part III: Secret Handicap Formulae & Racing Numerology Combined. Part IV: Racing Astrology (STARS) Marvelous Secrets Neatly Explained & Astrological Rules are supported by Actual Results of about 300

  4. [REQ] Does anybody have the book How To Play The Horses And Win by Mark Mellen. Its One of the books on Ganns Reading List I just Cant find. I think theres a copy at TradersZone but you need privileges to get it over there. Any help would be much appreciated. Here's some more info on the book.


    How To Play The Races And Win.

    Mark Mellen, Editor of Post Time.

    1938. RELEASED FOR THE FIRST TIME. One of the 5 rarest books from W.D. Gann’s Recommended Reading List.


    From Front Cover: Including Mellen's Master's Key System For Picking Longshot Winners, And The Great Discovery, A Tested Method Of Progressive Betting Based On Sound Established Mathematical Principles. $2 Flat Wager on 424 Races Net Profit $922.20.

    "Beating The Races is 75% Mathematics & Only 25% Horses."


    From Back Cover: "WHY BE A SUCKER? Don't play hunches and don’t try to hone in on a fixed race' you'll find that the only thing fixed is yourself. Don't listen to tipsters and touts, and don't think you know it all. You can't outfigure the handicappers, and the best jockeys don't always win. Form is important but figures mean much more, and it's not the number of winners you pick but the amount they pay that counts. $5,000,000,000 were wagered on horse races last year. Ninety percent (90%) of those who risked this money were suckers using hit or miss methods or relying upon word of mouth information. There is no longer any reason for YOU to continue to be a sucker. BECAUSE YOU CAN BEAT THE RACES! Mark Mellen has spent forty years at the American tracks. His practical knowledge of horses and horsemen plus the best mathematical brains of the country will enable YOU to win consistently.


    This book based upon the mathematical methods used by Chicago O'Brein, Pittsburgh Phil and other highly successful operators tells you HOW TO HANDLE YOUR MONEY INTELLIGENTLY and shows you HOW TO PICK LONG SHOT WINNERS WITH PREDICTABLE ACCURACY. A small investment and two hours of careful study will increase your chances for winning by 500%." -Mark Mellen Contents: You Can Beat The Races! Part 1: The Great Discovery: A Tested Method of Progressive Betting, Based on Sound Arithemetic Principles, Which Has Been Figured Out With Mathematical Exactness. Method of Progression; Number Series; System 1; System 2; The Rules. Part 2: Mellen's Master Key System For Picking Longshot Winners. The Only Mathematically Correct Method For Continuous Longshot Play. This system was tested on 424 consecutive races at the Illinois tracks (Arlington & Washington).


    Summary (When using $2.00 flat wagers only): Straight Winners - Mutual Payoff: $1,770.20. Cost of Wagers - 424 at $2.00: $848.00. Net Profit: $922.20. If the "Great Discovery" Had Been Used: Straight Winners - Mutual Payoff: $12,461.20. Cost of Wagers: $4,248.00. Net Profit: $8,213.20.

  5. Thanks Sixer, It seems like a very powerful tool. What do you mean when you say the outlook changes every update, I know ill have to update frequently because the data is not in real time is that it. Also is there a particular way you trade it. Another thing I cant seem to get the delta points to turn on, the version I have is the original version in the first post of this thread. I tried to get the second version that was posted but the link is dead, can anyone help me with this please. Thx.
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