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Posts posted by mynameisandhy

  1. Toward Weekly WTI oil weakening To 4 In Saudi Arabia Policy


    Monday, October 27th, 2014


    West Texas Intermediate oil fell after its biggest rise since September on speculation a decline in oil supply of Saudi Arabia does not sinyalkan country's largest oil producer group OPEC to cut production.


    Futures contract fell as much as 0.9% in New York and preparing for a fourth weekly decline. Saudi Arabia's oil shipments to the global market shrank in the last month even though their production rise, reported by people who are familiar with oil policy in the kingdom. Crude oil has collapsed to a bear market amid increasing supply as the major OPEC members rejected calls to cut production, even in the US that pumping oil at its fastest pace in nearly three decades.


    "The market increase their belief that OPEC will not cut next month," said Will Yun, a commodity analyst at Hyundai Futures Corp. on this day. "The price level being here is what OPEC wants, to drain profits in the US where the increase in production is a threat to the producers in the Middle East.


    WTI oil for December delivery fell as much as 77 cents to $ 81.32 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange and is currently moving in the range of $ 81.61 at 10:55 pm. The contract rose as much as $ 1.57 becomes $ 82.09 at the moment yesterday. Oil prices have dropped by 1.6% on the week and down 17% in 2014.

  2. News and Review of European Economic Zone


    ECB Nowotny: Monetary Policy Not Panacea

    Monday, October 27th, 2014


    Accommodative monetary policy can not cure all of the economy in Europe and should be complemented by other measures to trigger the level of demand, according to the members of the policy council of the European Central Bank, Ewald Nowotny on Austrian magazine Trend. "Moenter policy can create a broad framework but should be used by the actors in the economy. Monetary policy is not a panacea," according to a commentary in the magazine that was released Monday. He returned supportive measures ECB to buy covered bonds and asset-backed securities (ABS) as a way to boost the level of lending by banks.


    "Reputation ABS markets in the euro zone is worse than the actual performance," he said, reminding that the default rate on the ABS Europe since coming out of the financial crisis only reached an average of about 0.6% - 1.5%. "That's why it makes people misinterpret ABS as junk," he said, saying that the ABS is peneting bridge between bank loans and loans on the capital market as at the financial level goes up. He reiterated the statement that quality is more important than quantity for the ECB in the program. Nowotny said the ECB's goal is to strengthen the economic recovery so that inflation will move closer to the target in the near 2. "ECB discretion may increase the supply of funding, but in order to be effective it needs sufficient demand from investors and consumers. Overall, this takes the initiative to strengthen the level of demand in the economy through financial institutions or structural policies. "

  3. News and Review of European Economic Zone


    Praise ECB Durability and Asset Quality European banks

    Monday, October 27th, 2014


    The results of stress tests on European banks to satisfy many stakeholders, including market participants and financial authorities in Europe. Most financial companies and banks are able to get through a crisis scenario created by the European Central Bank (ECB) at once dispelled fears of investors about the prospects of the banking market blue continent.


    Head of the Supervisory Board of the ECB, Daniele Nouy, praised the hard work of European banks to meet the standards of durability and quality of assets set by the authorities. "Stress-test process takes place transparently. Investors do not need to worry about the capacity of the banks as the primary financial backer in the economic system," said Nouy told BFM Business radio from France. According Nouy, the results of the new test is an early stage should be maintained by each bank.


    As previously reported, the ECB bank stress test results indicate that only 25 of the 130 leading banks in the euro zone failed to meet quality standards balance sheets and the ability to deal with economic turmoil. None of the banks with a high reputation from Europe who failed the test and no banks of Germany, France and Spain were required to increase their capital.


    Banks that fail the test should increase the allocation of capital. They are required to submit a capital raising plan in the next 2 weeks and has a deadline of 9 months to completely cover the capital shortfall. Banks that fail to realize the mandate of the ECB intervention would face, as the euro-zone banking regulator.


    Then from the 25 banks that failed, 12 of which have been covered undercapitalized so that now only the remaining 13 banks. Italian banks dominate the composition of the names of the banks that failed the test

  4. News and Review of European Economic Zone


    Banking Stress Test Self relieves the Euro-zone

    Monday, October 27th, 2014


    The results of stress tests of 25 banks showed the ECB 130 leading banks in the euro zone have failed in assessing the quality of the balance sheet and the ability to face the economic turmoil. However, there is no one-none of Europe's largest banks failed the stress test that. No banking German, French, and Spanish are required to increase their capital. This result is quite a relief as ECB provide a more accurate assessment on the health of banks in the euro-zone.


    Based on the stress test, banks that failed were required to increase their capital allocation. Banks will be given 2 weeks to submit plans to the ECB's capital raising and has a deadline of up to 9 months to cover the capital shortfall. Banks that fail to realize it would face intervention from the ECB as the euro-zone banking regulator.


    Of the 25 banks that failed, 12 of whom had their capital shortfalls so that now only the remaining 13 banks. Italian banks dominate the bank Monte dei Paschi failed where dei Sienna and Banco Comercial now have to mess around to look for the respective capital shortfall of 2.1 billion euros and 1.14 billion euros.

  5. News and Review of European Economic Zone (Germany)


    German Business Sentiment Back Goes Bad

    Monday, October 27th, 2014


    The level of business confidence in Germany fell for the sixth time as the threat of recession has come to haunt the country is the largest economy in Europe. Index by the Ifo institute's business climate fell to 103.2 in October from 104.7 in September. Economists had forecast a decline to 104.5. The German economy, which has helped the euro zone to emerge from its longest recession last year, contracting in the second quarter, and the Bundesbank predicts weak growth if growth in the second half. The level of factory orders, industrial production and exports all fell the most since 2009 in August, and the level of investor confidence fell for the 10th month in October.


    "Recent data from the industrial sector is very worrisome," said Joerg Kraemer, chief economist at Commerzbank AG in Frankfurt. "The third quarter may be worse than expected, the economy can only achieve a maximum possible stagnation." Economists estimate the quarterly growth rate of 0.3% for the third quarter. Dijadwalan statistics office will release its initial estimate of GDP on 14 November. Export-oriented German economy depressed by EU and US sanctions against Russia and instability in the Middle East. The slowing Chinese economy, Germany's third-largest trading partner, and weak demand from eurozone countries to increase the risk.

  6. Positive China Data Fail Restoring Oil Price


    Friday, October 24th, 2014


    Crude oil traded was flat on Thursday as positive Chinese manufacturing data failed to restore investor sentiment, or offsetting the impact of the surge in US oil inventories.


    Currently the price of crude oil for December delivery contracts are still perched in the range of $ 80.70 or about 0.15% above Wednesday's closing price, which is the lowest closing price since June 2012.


    Initial reports indicate the HSBC China Manufacturing PMI rose to 50.4 in October from 50.2 in September. This data becomes positive data 3rd China this week, after the previous GDP and industrial output growth demonstrates the stability of the 2nd largest economy in the world.


    However, crude oil prices, which are usually sensitive to Chinese economic data due to the high level of consumption, failed to show a significant increase until well into the European trading session.


    Sentiment in the oil market seems to still continue to be overshadowed by anxiety over abundance of supply, especially with the weekly US inventory data showed the increase exceeded expectations. Report of the Energy Information Administration (EIA) last night showed US crude stockpiles rose by 7.1 million barrels in the week ending on October 18. The figure far exceeded expectations for a rise of 2.8 million barrels of analysts

  7. News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK)


    'Booming' Little Britain's economy subside in Q3

    Friday, October 24th, 2014


    'Boom' economy had a slight slowdown in the 3rd quarter, as the easing of the expansion of the manufacturing sector and the growth of service industries. Report of the Office for National Statistics on Friday showed UK GDP grew 0.7% in the July-September quarter after expanding 0.9% in the previous quarter, in line with economists' predictions. While at an annual pace, the economy reportedly grew 3%.


    Details of the report showed growth in the services sector, which contributes most to the economy, with the largest recorded slowing down to 0.7% from 1.1% in the 2nd quarter. Meanwhile, construction output growth of 0.8% in the 3rd quarter, up slightly from 0.7% in the previous quarter, as the booming UK property market continues to provide support for housing developers.


    However, a small decrease in the last quarter is unlikely to deter the British be developed economies that experienced the fastest growth this year, according to the International Monetary Fund

  8. News and Review of European Economic Zone (Germany)


    German Consumer Confidence Rebounds

    Friday, October 24th, 2014


    German consumer confidence is expected to rebound in November, giving a signal of European citizens are now less affected by the conflict in various regions will have an impact on economic growth.


    Research group GfK reported German consumer confidence rose to 8.5 in November from October were revised up to 8.4. Initial estimate for October of 8.3. Economists had expected the consumer confidence index of 8.1.

    "In Okober, German consumer proved to be less affected by the ongoing geopolitical issues and economic pelambatabn they experienced the previous month" GfK said.


    GfK also said that expectations for the economy tends to be stable in October after declining by only 0.1% to 4.3, after sharp falls in two consecutive months. In August, the subindex posted the steepest decline since calculations began in 1980. Expectations for the economy plunged 35.5 points to 10.4, followed by a moderate decline in September.

  9. News and Economic Review Zone Asia (China)


    China's New Home Prices in 69 Cities Decrease In September

    Friday, October 24th, 2014


    New home prices in China are monitored by the government fell in all cities except one in the last month as easing restrictions on the property failed to stem the decline amid credit tightening.


    Home prices fell in 69 of the 70 cities during the month of September from August, reported by the National Bureau of Statistics today, it is the highest since January 2011, when the government changed the way to compile the data. Prices dropped in 68 cities during the month of August.


    The central bank on September 30, loosening regulations for home buyers mortgage already paid off an existing loan, the government swivel halauan after a four-year campaign to curb housing prices as Premier Li Keqiang trying to prevent the growth of the decline is too far from the target The government's annual 7.5% level. Home sales fall by 11% in the first nine months of this year.


    All but five of the 46 cities that emphasize pembatasa home ownership since 2011 have removed or loosened restrictions amid falling property that has hurt local government revenues from land sales.

  10. News and Economic Review Zone Asia (South Korea)


    South Korea's Economic Rise From the rebound Consumption

    Friday, October 24th, 2014


    South Korea's economy strengthened in the last quarter of the rise in public spending and consumption, it has become a support for President Park Geun Hye in the middle of the policy makers try to spur the economy with fiscal and monetary stimulus.


    South Korea's GDP rose 0.9% from the previous quarter, reported by the Bank of Korea said today in Seoul, these results correspond to the median estimate in a Bloomberg survey. From a year ago, the economy expanded by 3.2%.


    The decline in investment and export facilities provide a challenge to rebound from the downturn in the beginning of this year after a ferry accident death. Government Park increase spending and loosening regulations on the property market to increase demand and the Bank of Korea has cut their interest rates twice since August to the lowest level in four years, was given the advantage of slowing down inflation to spur permulihan.


    "Economic growth may be slightly under-estimate the BOK," said Yoon Yeo Sam, fixed income analyst at Daewoo Securities Co. in Seoul, after the data release. "Policy makers may have to come dengtan impulse to more fiscal and monetary policy."


    Choi Kyung Hwan's finance minister pledged in July to use the stimulus by 31 trillion won ($ 29 billion) this year and the proposed budget of 376 trillion won next year.


    Bank of Korea Governor Lee Ju Yeoul, in his meeting with the CEOs of large companies in Seoul today, urging them to increase investment.


    "Our economy is relatively better in comparison with other countries, but the recovery has not been strong," he said. "The central bank cut interest rates this month on the belief that we must maintain the momentum of recovery."

  11. Oil Prices Back Toward $ 80 Level


    Thursday, October 23, 2014


    Oil prices fell on Wednesday after data showed an increase for two consecutive weeks on the supply of crude oil, the volatile trade as dealers consider that the decline in oil prices may have hit bottom when touching a 5-year low last week. Oil up and down several times, even after the US Energy Information Administration reported a rise in crude oil supply as much as 7:11 million barrels, more than analyst estimates as many as 2.7 million barrels. "The dominant feature of the report is the sharp rise in crude oil supply, making the overall bearish report," said John Kilduff, partner at Again Capital LLC in New York.


    Some traders said that oil prices may have reached the bottom as a result of rising expectations that prices near $ 80 a barrel level could slow the rate of growth of production in the US shale oil boom and oil reserves off the coast of Canada. While others are still curious about the drop in oil prices, "Currently, the market has been trying to drive up for 2 days and is now back down, so maybe the price will return the worrying factor," said Gene McGillian, analyst at Tradition Energy.

  12. News and Review of European Economic Zone


    Index Euro Zone Manufacturing And Services Rises in October

    Thursday, October 23, 2014


    The euro area economy may have been one step ahead of the other contraction.


    PMI index for manufacturing industry unexpectedly rose to 50.7 in October from 50.3, Markit Economics said today. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg News predicted to decline to 49.9. A reading below 50 indicates contraction. The index for the service industry to survive at the level of 52.4.


    These figures indicate that the euro area economy "so far managed to avoid a decline back into recession this year," said Chris Williamson, chief economist at Markit in London. At the same time, "looks pretty sluggish growth with increasing number of companies are forced to layoff employees and reduce sales prices in an effort to cut costs and increase sales by giving discounts," he added.


    Economic bloc of 18 countries failed to grow in the second quarter, and ECB President Mario Draghi has warned the deflation spiral of falling prices, the household sector to postpone their shopping. Frankfurt-based institution is start buying bonds on October 20, and is planning to buy assets of background securities before the end of the year in a bid to boost growth and prices in the Euro area.


    Inflation in the euro zone by 0.3% in September, far from the target of the ECB is only in the range of 2%. Today's report shows companies are reducing prices to the lowest level since February 2010 to increase demand.

  13. News and Review of European Economic Zone (France)


    French Manufacturing and Services Index Back Slump in October

    Thursday, October 23, 2014


    Index French manufacturing and services sectors for the month of October shed bigger than analysts expected as the country with the second largest economy in the euro zone is still struggling after a stagnant economy in the first half of this year.


    Composite index of both industries fell to 48, it was the eight-month low, from the level of 48.4 in September, Markit Economics reported by today. A reading below 50 indicates contraction. The report also shows the companies reducing prices to the lowest level in five years in a bid to revive their business.


    "The French economy still persist in setback mode in October, as weak demand that has made the activities to be slower," said Jack Kennedy, senior economist at Markit. "Companies today are scrambling to attract the new business" by cutting prices, "it underlines the increasing pressures faced by businesses today," said Jack Kennedy.


    The manufacturing index fell to 47.3 from 48.8 and the services index fell to 48.1 from 48.4, the index result was below the median estimate of economists in a separate survey done by Bloomberg.

  14. News and Review of European Economic Zone (Spain)


    Spanish Unemployment Rate Down in Third Quarter

    Thursday, October 23, 2014


    The growth of the Spanish economy into one of the fastest in the euro zone, making Spain the unemployment rate in the third quarter of this year dropped to its lowest level since late 2011.


    Statistical Bureau of Spain, INE, reported the unemployment rate dropped to 23.7% in the three months to September, down from 24.5%. INE also reported the number of jobs rose 1.59% in the third kuartakl from the previous year. For job creation, the adjusted calculation, also showed an increase in third kurtal, becoming the fourth consecutive quarterly rise.


    Bank of Spain estimates that the Spanish economy is likely to grow 0.5% in the third quarter from the previous quarter. As for annual economic growth in the quarter was estimated at 1.6%.

  15. News and Economic Review Zone Asia (China)


    HSBC: China Manufacturing Index Rises In October

    Thursday, October 23, 2014


    China's manufacturing index rose in October, it added a sign that the country with the second largest economy in the world can survive the slowdown in the housing market.


    Initial PMI index from HSBC Holdings Plc and Markit Economics was at 50.4, the estimates exceed the level of 50.2 in a Bloomberg News survey, which is also the reading level of the end of September. Figures above 50 indicate expansion.


    Policy makers are trying to avoid a deeper decline after the GDP expanded by 7.3% in the third quarter from a year ago, it was the weakest pace in more than five years. At the time policy makers have loosened controls on home purchases and pumping liquidity into lenders, economists also get the support of the increase in exports in September.


    HSBC Markit PMI final reading for October will be released on November 3rd. A separate report in the manufacturing index from the National Bureau of Statistics and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing will be published on November 1.

  16. Oil Rebounds Ahead of Inventory Data


    Wednesday, October 22, 2014


    Crude oil futures rebounded on Wednesday continued lifted from its lowest point in recent years as market participants anticipate the oil inventory data showed a decrease in supply.


    So far the price of crude oil futures for December contract gained 0.75% to $ 83.11 per barrel, after reaching the highest point at $ 83.15 intraday and daily lows at $ 82.27 per barrel.


    Various analysts expect the EIA to report a domestic oil supply growth to a level of 3.1 million barrels, lower than previously at 8.9 million barrels. Supply typically rises in the fall as the closure of some refineries to perform maintenance. The inventory data is also expected to show the level of domestic oil production and oil imports may exceed the level of demand for oil

  17. News and Economic Review Zone Asia (China)


    Deutsche Bank cuts China growth forecast

    Wednesday, October 22, 2014


    The slowdown in property investment push Deutsche Bank lowered its outlook for economic growth in China on Tuesday. China's GDP is expected to grow 7.3% in 2014 and 7% in 2015, lower than previous projections showed growth of 7.8% for this year and 8% next year.


    In addition to a sharp slowdown in property investment, analysts at Deutsche Bank to assess the rate of inflation is higher than expected and weakening demand from other countries in the world will also be a key risk that characterizes the growth of China. Deutsche Bank also believe that Beijing will likely tend to be more accepting of a hard-landing scenario than launching additional stimulus measures.


    Downgrade by Deutsche Bank's growth projections were published only a few hours after an economic data showed Chinna grew 7.3% in the 3rd quarter. That marks the slowest growth rate in the 5-year

  18. News and Economic Review Zone Asia (Japan)


    The value of Japan's exports soared in September

    Wednesday, October 22, 2014


    The value of Japan's exports climbed to the highest level in seven months in September, it supports a rebound in the economy in the middle of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe burdened by other sales tax hike plan.


    Total shipments abroad rose by 6.9% from a year ago, in the report by the industry ministry in Tokyo today, compared with the median estimate for a 6.5% increase in a Bloomberg survey of 27 economists New to. The value of imports grew 6.2%, leaving a trade deficit of 958.3 billion yen ($ 9 billion).


    Strong exports will support the economy that has shrunk to its lowest level in more than five years after the Rev Abe sales tax in April for the first time since 1997, the Governor of the Bank of Japan Haruhiko Kuroda has sinyalkan support for a decrease in the yen, he said that the weakening currency in line with the economy as a whole is a plus to.


    "This is positive news for the Bank of Japan," said Junko Nishioka, chief economist at the Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc in Tokyo and a former central bank official. "Today's data support the view that the BOJ exports will grow gradually and it will continue to continues

  19. News and Review of European Economic Zone


    The prospect of additional stimulus Shadowing the Euro

    Wednesday, October 22, 2014


    Reuters reported on Tuesday, the European Central Bank prepares to purchase corporate bonds in the secondary market. ECB reportedly will probably make a decision to buy corporate bonds fastest in December, and the purchase will begin early next year. The Reuters report was released a day after the ECB said it started buying covered bonds that are part of the program of monetary stimulus to boost economic growth in the euro zone.


    Meanwhile, the United States today will release inflation data for September is expected to stagnate 0% of the month sebelummnya deflation of 0.2%. While core inflation which excludes food and energy products in the calculation expected to rise 0.2% from the previous month stagnant 0%. Inflation also become a factor for the Fed to raise interest rates, the dollar rallied in previous weeks is feared to dampen the rate of inflation increase. While investors began to rule out the potential increase in interest rates sooner than supposed by the Federal Reserve due to a slowing global economy.


    However the difference between the monetary policy of the Fed and the ECB are still profitable dollars. ,, Inversely proportional to the ECB bond buying program the Fed is expected to end at the monetary policy meeting next week.

  20. News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK)


    Fixed Rate BOE Votes 7-2 to Keep Interest Rate at 0.5% level

    Wednesday, October 22, 2014


    Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England produces voted 7-2 at its meeting in October to keep hold interest rates at record lows, according to minutes which results in the release on Wednesday. Minutes show seven members prefer to leave interest rates at a record low 0.5%, interest rates at the level where it has endured since March 2009, however, the minutes also recorded a number of members who do not agree as Martin Weale and Ian McCafferty were voiced to the BOE rate hike be 0.75% of the current level of 0.5%, after they opt for it for the first time at a meeting in August. All members voted to retain the asset purchase program unchanged at 375 billion pounds ($ 602 billion). The pound slipped after the minutes, traded at $ 1.6015, at 15:44 pm, down from $ 1.6067 at the moment of the report.

  21. Oil Still worried about Excess Supply


    Tuesday, October 21, 2014


    Brent crude oil prices fell on speculation that OPEC will not take action to prop up the price of oil before the scheduled meeting on 27 November in Vienna. Meanwhile, West Texas Intermediate oil traded flat. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have signaled that the decrease in price does not guarantee any level pemangaksan oil production in the near future. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani oil minister instructed to use diplomatic channels to stop the decline in prices, according to the Mehr news agency yesterday.


    "Reality is still bad, we produce an excess of about 1.5 - 2 million barrels per day of demand is there," said Tom Finlon, director of the Energy Analytics Group LLC. "The statement from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait did not clarify what they would do to a meeting held more than a month about the future."

    Banks including BNP Paribas SA and Bank of America Corp. predict the price of oil is already near its base, partly relying on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to cut output. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. on October 17, said that the decline in oil prices has been too deep. Some OPEC members want the average price of Brent crude oil is higher than current levels to balance their budgets, according to Deutsche Bank AG. Venezuela wants the average level of prices at $ 162 a barrel this year, while the break-even price of Saudi Arabia at $ 99.20 a barrel, according to analyst Robert Burgess in London on 17 October.

  22. News and Review of European Economic Zone (Italy)


    Italy Industrial Orders Rise in August

    Tuesday, October 21, 2014


    For the first time in the last four months of the Italian industrial orders recorded an increase, both from domestic and foreign orders.


    Istat reported industrial orders rose 1.5% in August from July, which fell 1.5%, the calculations have been adjusted. Meanwhile, from the same period a year earlier orders fell 3.2% using the unadjusted calculation. Orders from foreign rose 2.5% in August, while domestic orders increased by 0.7%.


    Italy is the country with the second largest manufacturing sector in Europe, the progressive increase in orders could be a reference would be an increase in manufacturing activity. However, Istat said in August is the month of "special" because of easy changes occur.


    Industrial sector reported sales rose 4.4% from July, with an increase of 3.0% from the foreign market. While the sales of the previous year showed a decline of 2.3%, dragged down sales in the domestic market decline of 4.4%

  23. News and Economic Review Zone Asia (China)


    Expanding China's GDP 7.3% in Third Quarter

    Tuesday, October 21, 2014


    China's economic growth beat analysts' estimates as the government eased restrictions on the property sector and accelerate spending.


    China's GDP rose by 7.3% in the July-September period from a year ago, reported by the statistics bureau said today in Beijing, compared with the median estimate for a 7.2% rise in the Bloomberg survey. Industrial production in September also exceeded estimates.


    Chinese leaders have loosened restrictions home purchases and the central bank has injected funds into the big banks to avoid a decline in the property market. The government has sinyalkan that they will tolerate a slower expansion rate and refrain from broad-based stimulus, which it left China to pertunmbuhan late for a full year since 1990, based on the forecast of analysts surveyed by Bloomberg.


    "The state has shifted the mode to" step into the acceleration "since September," said analysts at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., in a note this month. "We expect there will be a greater pelongaran the rest of the year."


    Industrial production rose by 8% in September from a year ago, compared with the median estimate for a level of 7.5% and a 6.9% rise in August, in which it is too late level in more than five years. Retail sales rose by 11.6% from a year ago, compared with 11.7% seen in the view of economists, and the results in August rose 11.9%.

  24. News and Economic Review Zone Asia (China)


    Three Quarter Home Sales in China Down Nearly 11%

    Tuesday, October 21, 2014


    Home sales in China in the early period of three quarters of this year fell by 10.8% to 4:05 trillion yuan ($ 661 billion), according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday.


    3:43 trillion yuan worth of sales in the period of the first eight months of this year, a decrease of 10.9% from the same peridoe in 2013.


    China is struggling with the downturn in the property market since the beginning of this year, as home buyers endure while waiting in anticipation of a further decline in prices over the property developers struggle to reduce high inventories. The average home price in September fell for the fifth month in a row in the monthly rate.


    Analysts and investors in cemasakan the weakening of the property market, which is an important determinant factor of economic growth of China, and whether it will produce a sharp blow to the country with the second largest economy in the world.


    Sales in September also dropped, but the property developers have said that they expect the strengthening slightly in October after the central bank announced the easing of mortgage rules which will allow home buyers to choose a cheaper mortgage.

  25. News and Economic Review Zone Asia (Japan)


    Japanese Government Economic Outlook Lower Back

    Tuesday, October 21, 2014


    The Japanese government in two months consecutive decrease the overall economic outlook due to the slowdown of the production side. The decline in the outlook for the Japanese government raises the question whether to raise the sales tax return next year.


    The decline in the outlook for the economy is also further proves Japan is struggling with a sales tax increase in April. Policy of the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japan's lead economic recovery momentum, but momentum is now beginning to weaken.


    In a monthly report released today, the Japanese government said "attenuation can be seen these days", while in a report last September the Japanese government said "some weakness"

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