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Posts posted by mynameisandhy

  1. China Economy News and Reviews


    Penetrating 6.5 Yuan per Dollar For First Time Since 1993

    Friday, April 29, 2011


    China's yuan strengthened beyond 6.5 per dollar for the first time since 1993, supported by speculation the central bank will allow appreciation to help tame the strong inflation in more than two years.


    The strengthening currency seventh week, strengthening the longest streak since July 2008, would weaken U.S. criticism of China's exchange rate policy prior to Deputy Prime Minister Wang Qishan headed to Washington next month for talks with Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. Consumer prices in Asia's largest economy rose 5.4 percent from a year earlier in March, more than the government target of 4 percent this year.


    "Inflation is still higher than what people want to see the government," said David Cohen, Singapore-based economist at Action Economics, who previously worked for the Fed. "The central bank tolerate faster currency appreciation to control the cost of imports."

  2. Oil prices firmer Months Ended, Time to Reach Highest in 31 Months


    At the close of trading on the Nymex commodity exchange early this morning seem crude oil prices increased seriously (4.30). At the end of trading this April, the price of crude oil through the 114 dollars for the first time in 31 months, lifted by continued dollar decline against other major currencies.


    New York's main contract, light sweet crude for June delivery, rose higher during the trading session to reach 114.18 dollars per barrel just a few minutes before the market closed, the highest peak since 22 September 2008.


    Crude oil contract, also known as West Texas Intermediate (WTI) has expired on 113.93 dollars per barrel, up 1.07 dollars from the close Thursday.


    Two things are very positive for oil is a weak dollar and strong stock market. New York benchmark price climbed 6.7 percent during April, and about 25 percent since the beginning of the year. April was the eighth consecutive month WTI increased.


    In London, Brent North Sea crude for June delivery rose 87 cents to 125.89 dollars per barrel in electronic trading.


    Financial markets in London closed on Friday to celebrate the royal wedding of the couple and Kate Middleton Prince William.


    Inflation is moving fast in the 17-nation euro zone on Friday raised expectations of interest rate hikes by the European Central Bank (ECB), which in turn increases the euro against the dollar.


    Analyst Research Vibiz of Vibiz Consulting considers that the price movement of crude oil to the Asian session will tend to decrease for a while. Geopolitical conditions in the Middle East and North Africa is still a major concern issues in the crude oil market. The range of crude oil prices are expected to be at 100-110 dollars per barrel.

  3. Gold prices soared to record high and Back Print


    At the close of trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange early this morning seems the price of gold has increased sharply (30.4). Gold soared nearly 1570 dollars per troy ounce, forming a new record because the dollar price increases driven by continued low interest rates and a weak dollar.


    In London trading was closed for the celebration of the royal wedding, in afternoon New York trading, gold hit 1,569,32 dollars per troy ounce before sliding back to about 1556 dollars. Just nine days before gold through the psychological $ 1,500 level.


    Gold benefited more by a weak U.S. dollar and has reached record highs all the time for the third straight day.


    Meanwhile, silver, driven to 49.17 dollars per troy ounce, also a record, up from level 10 dollars in just 30 months.


    According to the analysis of the Division of Research in Vibiz Vibiz Consulting, gold price movement is expected to experience still will continue to increase and potentially to re-print a new record. It is estimated that gold prices will experience movement in the range 1500 - 1550 dollars per troy ounce.

  4. China Economy News and Reviews


    Already China's population of 1.3 billion Translucent

    Thursday, April 28, 2011


    The population of China jumped up to number 1339 billion in 2010 compared to the record year 2000 (1265 billion). The fact that sticks out from government census data released today (04/28).

    The report illustrates that the population growth of 5.84 per thousand in the last 10 years. The data obtained after the survey was conducted of 400 million households since November last year. The annual average growth (2000-2010) amounted to 0.57%. This figure is lower than the average population increase 1990-200 period, amounting to 1.07%.


    Among the residents, non-productive age above 60 years, there were 13.3% (up 3% compared to year 2000). While residents aged over 65 reached 8.9% and below 14 years as much as 16.6% (down 6.3% compared to 10 years ago).


    "The age factor affecting the situation in coastal and developed areas, including labor sector in 31 provinces," said Ma Jiantang, Commissioner of National Bureau of Statistics. The data also indicate that the population increasingly urban areas swell, because nearly half of residents (49.6%) chose to live in the city. Whereas in 2000, only 36% of residents live in urban areas.


    Observers view the high urbanization is one important factor in economic progress. Especially in the last five years, while China's economy moving very fast.

  5. Finnish Economy News and Reviews


    Nokia will be laid off 4000 Workers

    Wednesday, April 27, 2011


    Manufacturers of Finnish mobile phone giant, Nokia Corp., on Wednesday said it plans to cut 4000 workers and Symbian software development projects divert it to Accenture as the company's efforts to reduce operational costs and accelerate the smartphone business.

    Layoffs were part efforts achievement Nokia, which is expected to cut about? 1 billion in operating costs and service division of the main equipment until 2013. Most of the layoffs will be carried out in Denmark, Finland and the UK, with all employees affected by layoffs will still get his wages until the end of the year, Nokia added.


    The company is also overhauling the central research and development, so that each has a clear target. Nokia recently has received much criticism over the lack of progress was achieved from the capital of? 3 billion spent on R & D every year.


    "Nokia's goal in the future becomes more clear with the target to maintain leadership in the smart device market, mobile, and overcome the risk of disruption in the future. But it all must be accompanied by a reduction of labor, a fact that is difficult," said Stephen Elop Chief Executive in a statement.

  6. UK Economy News and Reviews


    UK Consumer Confidence Index Down

    Thursday, April 28, 2011


    UK consumer confidence index plummeted to its weakest level since the recession in February 2009. GfK NOP Ltd reported on Thursday (28/04).


    Cuts in government programs seems to have an impact on consumer purchasing power. Sentiment index fell to minus 31 in April or worse than the March record (minus 28). Annually, the consumer confidence index had fallen from the level of minus 16.


    British household budget that has been depressed by inflation exceeded the central bank's target, 2%. In addition, the largest fiscal tightening since World War II also weigh on consumers. But the economic expansion of 0.5% in the first quarter is considered quite mengimbang cessation of production in the previous 3 months, due to extreme weather.


    "Reduction of these data is bad news for the economy, particularly the government," said Managing Director of GfK Social Research, Nick Moon. Thus, Moon warned of potential new double-dip on British soil. GfK report raises expectations the BoE to hold interest rates at a low level of 0.5% in order to support recovery

  7. The Fed Causes Increase in World Oil Prices in the U.S.


    Thursday, April 28, 2011


    (Reuters) Oil prices on trading Wednesday (27 / 4) volatile moves that influenced the Fed's statement which will continue to support the U.S. economic recovery and declining U.S. gasoline stocks.


    Crude sweet crude rose 55 cents to U.S. $ 112.76 per barrel for June delivery. Meanwhile, Brent crude rose 99 cents to U.S. $ 125.13 per Bael for June delivery.


    Changes in trade contracts changed after the Fed's statement at the end of the meeting for two days. The weekly report about domestic gasoline stockpiles fell 2.51 million barrels from last week as stocks lowest since August 2009. The decline is estimated at 1.1 million barrels.

  8. Gold print New Record!


    Thursday, April 28, 2011 08:46


    (Reuters) The price of gold back print record highs after soaring as much as six percent to the position of USD1.530 per ounce. Strengthening the price of gold was triggered by the statement the Fed governor who does not give a sign that central banks will tighten monetary policy. This also caused the United States dollar (U.S.) tumbled to its lowest level in three years.


    It was the eighth record high in nine trading sessions for the gold. Thus, this safe-haven commodity prices have surged more than $ 50 per ounce since 15 April 2011 and more than USD200 since late January 2011.


    The price of gold in the spot market rose more than 1.5 percent to touch a record USD1.529, 90 per ounce after the Fed said it would continue to stimulus by buying government bonds worth $ 600 billion, this program is targeted for completion in June.


    Chairman Ben Bernanke said he did not rush to increase to increase short-term interest rates. Lower interest rates will tend to push investors into risky assets and pushed the price of commodities.


    "There are no signs the Fed will tighten policy. I think gold moves up because of it." said Director of Commodities by TD Bank Financial Group Bart Melek, as quoted by Reuters on Thursday (28/04/2011).


    Spot gold was last up 1.3 percent at USD1.526, 91 ounce down slightly from previous levels. U.S. gold futures for June delivery which rose 1.6 percent to USD1.526, 90, in trading of gold futures also touched a record USD1.530, 70 per ounce. And finally gold at the end of trading Wednesday (27/04/2011) is USD1.517, 10 per ounce, up USD13, 60.


    Dollar falls to its lowest level in three years against other currencies after Bernanke spoke. The euro rose against the dollar nearly USD1, 49, is the highest level since December 2009.

  9. News and Reviews Economic Zone of Asia (Japan)


    Japan's Retail Sales Down 8.5% in March

    Wednesday, April 27, 2011


    Japanese retail sales fell 8.5% in March than a year earlier. It is said the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, on Wednesday (27 / 4).


    This decrease was primarily due to car sales, which recorded 32.8% weaker than the previous year, after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami hit the purchasing power of consumers, who cut spending on items not urgent.


    Sales of clothing and machinery also fell significantly. Sales of fuel, however, rose 5.1% from a year earlier. In February, retail sales rose 0.1%. Sales at large-scale retailers fell 7.7%, after adjusting for changes in the number of stores.

  10. News and Reviews European Economic Zone (Switzerland)


    Credit Suisse Hit With Market Power Tanguh Swiss Franc

    Wednesday, April 27, 2011


    Credit Suisse Group (CS) said Wednesday that first-quarter net profit fell 45% as a choppy market and the strength of the Swiss franc against the euro and the dollar reduced earnings in private companies and investment banking


    Zurich-based bank said net income for the three months fell to 1.14 billion Swiss francs (1.31 billion U.S. dollars), from CHF2.06 billion a year earlier, including previously disclosed costs of CHF467 million after tax on the value of own debt.


    Like rival UBS AG (UBS), which reported first-quarter earnings Tuesday, Credit Suisse declined overall revenue as fixed-income sales and trading fell. bank's core earnings fell 13% to CHF7.81 billion from first quarter last year.


    However, analysts said the decline in fixed income - which includes business with interest rates and mortgage securities - is not as fierce some expected. Bank Vontobel said the decline was softer-than-feared, adding that stock trading is conducted properly.


    "Defeating driven by strength in fixed income is more than compensated for a small miss in the management of wealth as a strong net new money offset by weaker margins because most of the strength of the Swiss franc.," Said Nomura analyst Jon Peace. He rates the shares neutral with a target price of CHF45.


    Credit Suisse was cautiously confident in his views. "We expect the market environment to remain constructive. We also expect clients to stay active with increased appetite for higher return assets and advisory services are comprehensive," said Chief Executive Brady Dougan said in a statement.


    This bank is also optimistic about the meeting rigid regulations coming into force gradually, and says it is well positioned to cope with strict regime. The two major Swiss banks face much more severe rules of the Swiss capital, which forced UBS shows the hand in terms of scaling back some investment banking activities. Rules dictate that must set aside capital against risky activities, which the banks are complaining will reduce profits.


    Credit Suisse has taken a sharply different tack from UBS in Switzerland dealing with the bill, which was sent to parliament last week. Credit Suisse tapped contingent convertible bond market in February with the problem billion CHF6 to existing investors and offer a $ 2,000,000,000 public shortly after. Coco bonds automatically converted into common-capital when the bank's equity ratio falls below a certain level, and was encouraged by the government and the Swiss National Bank as a capital safety.


    Meanwhile, UBS, which Tuesday reported 18% decline in profit for this quarter, has promised to withhold dividends that support to go while saving benefits to meet the tougher capital rules of Switzerland, rather than a problem Cocos.


    Credit Suisse's compare results with those from U.S. rivals such as Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (GS), Citigroup Inc. © and Bank of America Corp. (BAC), where profit for the quarter slid. Britain's Barclays PLC (BCS) on Wednesday reported a sharp decline in revenues at investment banks in the first quarter led to a decrease of 9% profit before tax group. German fixed-income giant Deutsche Bank AG (DB) is scheduled Thursday.

  11. News and Reviews European Economic Zone (UK)


    British Economy Grows 0.5% In First Quarter

    Wednesday, April 27, 2011


    Britain Economy grew moderately in the first quarter of the season hitting the snow-fall in the previous 3 months, but the weakening of the recovery would increase the question of whether the economy can withstand the government cut its entry into force this year.


    Gross domestic product (GDP) grew 0.5% in the first quarter of 2011, recovered from down 0.5% in the last quarter of 2010, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said on Wednesday (27 / 4).


    That means that, discounting the effects of heavy snow in December, the economy made ​​no progress since September 2010, said the ONS.


    Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne has banked on economic growth continues, driven by the private sector, as he pushed up to GBP111 billion in spending cuts and tax increases reduce the public deficit.


    Wednesday figures showed the economy in a fragile state. The ONS said growth in the first quarter comes basically from the service sector, which grew 0.9% - the fastest since the fourth quarter of 2006 - thanks to expansion in business services and finance.


    Manufacturing and other industrial production grew 0.4% in the quarter.


    But this expansion has been marred by construction output, which contracted by 4.7% - a sharp fall in output since the first quarter of 2009.


    Economist dipolling Dow Jones Newswires last week in anticipation grew at 0.6% in the quarter and 1.8% compared with the same period in 2010.

  12. World Oil Prices Move Limited


    Wednesday, April 27, 2011


    World crude oil prices in the U.S. move is limited as investors waited for the results of the meeting of the Fed that a U.S. monetary policy signals to the front.


    Crude sweet crude for June delivery fell 7 Senn to U.S. $ 112.21 per barrel. While Brent rose 48 cents to U.S. $ 124.14 per barrel, as quoted from yahoo.finance.com.


    The oil market also affected by the depressed U.S. dollar due to expectations the Fed may accommodate the needs of the market about monetary policy. These conditions pushed crude oil prices traded in dollar denominations benefited as a hedge against inflation.


    Investors are also looking at oil company officials claim Saudi Arabia Aramco an alarming rise in oil prices on the global economy on Tuesday morning. Although contrary to the U.S. Finance Minister Timothy Geithner that the current oil price will not be at risk for global economic recovery ..


    At the same time, there were several power outages in several oil refinery town of Texas so that U.S. gasoline price increase

  13. Gold volatile waiting Fed Monetary Policy Announcement


    Wednesday, April 27, 2011


    Spot gold is likely to see further volatility in the fight for a few days ahead as U.S. Federal Reserve's communications strategy tweaks at the time of simmering interest in the direction of U.S. monetary policy: Chairman Ben Bernanke will hold a press conference after today's FOMC decision, departure for the body that normally issued a statement that is straight.


    Darren Heathcote, head of trading at Investec in Sydney, making comparisons with the market in May 2006 sell-off, which some see as driven by market uncertainty about a shift in Bernanke's communication policy when he took over from Alan Greenspan in February 2006.


    "The idea behind this conference is to be a little more transparent, which in turn will lead to transparency and less volatility, but whatever is a bit annoying as it almost certainly will bring volatility in the short term." he said. Spot gold was at $ 1507.90/oz, up 80 cents from the New York end.

  14. News and Reviews Economics Asia (Korea)


    Considering that the South Korean Oil Tax Cuts

    Tuesday, April 26, 2011


    South Korea is considering lowering oil taxes at this time, despite the increasing demand for lower energy prices sky-high here, a Finance Ministry official said Tuesday.


    "This is an issue that should be considered taking into account all factors such as the impact of the recent price cuts by oil refineries and the overall price movement of crude oil," Joo Yung-soup, which is responsible for the Treasury tax policy, told reporters. "At this point, we do not consider lowering tax on oil,"


    His comments came as soaring oil prices are feared to harm the lives of the working class, with gasoline prices exceeding 2,000 won (U.S. $ 1.84) per liter at the pump a lot. Currently, oil tax to reach about 50 percent of gasoline sold at pumps here.


    Recently, major oil refineries to reduce the supply price of 100 won per liter in an effort to assist government efforts to stabilize energy prices. But observers say that the impact on prices at the pump is not enough to make a dent in the pockets of consumers, calling for reduction of taxes imposed on oil consumption.


    Many still argue that it is too early to lower taxes as oil prices are still well below those in 2008, when the government temporarily cut oil taxes in the face of runaway crude oil prices. Some also expressed concerns that such a move could harm the state fiscal health by reducing tax revenue.


    The price of oil is being watched closely as the increase could add to inflationary pressure is already high. South Korea's consumer prices jumped 4.7 percent in March from a year earlier, the fastest price increase in 29 months since October 2008

  15. Copper may be varied In Motion Asia


    TUESDAY, 26 APRIL 2011 08:13


    Copper tends to have a mixed start in Asia, and is likely to be affected by currency movements after the market opened, Mitsui Bussan Commodities said in a statement.


    Copper futures fell Monday China fears further monetary tightening and high prices of crude oil. Morgan Stanley said the "basic metals achieve robust performance (new) next to the power of the broader commodities market, with production difficulties and downgrades in Indonesia and Chile underlying the increase in copper prices.


    "Copper touched tons / $ 9710 high Thursday, according to Mitsui Bussan. Copper on LME Select was down 2.1% at $ 9.505 / tonne

  16. Closed Gold At Record Approaching $ 1.510 Over Weak Dollar


    26 April 2011


    Gold closed up at new record highs Monday, as a weak dollar and strong demand from Asia to give support to the precious metal.


    Gold reached a record high of $ 1,518.10 per ounce. Down along with silver and last traded near $ 1.509 an ounce.


    U.S. gold futures for June rose $ 5.30 mediator to close at $ 1,509.10 an ounce after hitting a historical high of $ 1,518.60 earlier this session.


    Silver rose as much as 8 percent before a sharp retreat when it failed to penetrate the historical high in 1980 due to a wave of technical selling of record volume on U.S. futures.


    After a moment go down into the negative region, silver find a foothold in afternoon trade, up 1.8 percent at $ 47.50 per ounce. Gold prices also retreated from strengthening wal nearly 1 percent after touching a high of seven times in a row.

  17. News and Reviews European Economic Zone


    Euro Slipping After Trichet's comments, But Still Vulnerable Dollar


    The euro slipped on Tuesday after European Central Bank Governor Jean-Claude Trichet commented on the view that a strong dollar is the interest of the United States, a comment that appears by some market participants are showing frustration over the fall of the dollar without stopping.


    Trichet also told the two Finnish newspaper that he did not see a significant second-round inflation, encouraging traders to dump the euro against the dollar long position, although many traders think the dollar will remain under pressure from the perception that the U.S. central bank reluctant to tighten policy.


    "I do not want to consider this matter sepeleh, that Trichet talked about the dollar not the euro. European policy makers to be shocked when the euro rose above $ 1.45 in 2007 and they began to control the dollar fall season," said Minori Uchida, a senior analyst at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, adding that policy makers in the world are increasingly worried about the fall of the dollar.


    The euro fell 0.4 percent to $ 1.4523, slipping further from the highest 16-month peak of $ 1.4649 last week. The euro has been rising steadily this year and seen from the correction.


    Against the yen the dollar slipped to the lowest in four weeks? 81.56. Yen was sold earlier this month because traders think the quake-hit Japan is less likely than the United States to tighten monetary policy in the future. That is the only major currency in which speculators holding short positions against the dollar last week, according to CFTC data.


    Dollar index against six major currencies DXY rose. Approximately 0.3 percent today to 74.23, pulling away from the 3-year low as 73.735 last week.

  18. News and Reviews European Economic Zone


    European Exchange Will Open Low

    Tuesday, April 26, 2011


    European stock markets will open lower Tuesday, with many major markets back from the Easter long weekend.


    Jonathan Sudaria at Capital Spreads also record the session weak in the United States and Asia. How London's FTSE 100 fell 11 points at 6007, Frankfurt's DAX index fell to eight in 7287, and the Paris CAC-40 dropped 19 in 4003.


    Economic calendar is quiet for Europe, with only the purchase of assets, the facility reports the Bank of England 1Q at 0830 GMT and the UK CBI quarterly industrial trends at 1000 GMT.


    According Sudaria investors still waiting for the FOMC announcement this week and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's debut post-policy decisions a press conference on Wednesday as fresh signs.

  19. China Economy News and Reviews


    China's economy will soon shift the U.S.?

    Monday, April 25, 2011


    China is expected to shift the U.S. as the world's largest economy, creating changes in the order of world powers.


    The IMF estimates that China will print output greater than the U.S. in the near future. In the projections that included secretly on his site a few days ago, the IMF estimates that in 2016, China could beat the U.S. in real economic output, the first in modern history a nation to do so.


    China's growth is impressive. In 1980, when economic reforms began, the U.S. produces goods and services 10 times that of China. Ten years ago, the rate shrank to three-fold.


    During the 2000s, China's economy growing rapidly and the financial crisis, making China a global economic powerhouse. During that decade, China's share in global output rose two-fold, while shrinking sharply. Than 25% of global output in 1986, the U.S. share continues to recede to less than 20% now and projected to 17.8% in 2016.


    While China only produced 2.2% of world output in 1980, but increased to 7% in 2000 and 14% now. In 2016, China is projected to produce 18% of world output.


    The IMF estimates, in 2016, China produced more than two weeks in a year when reforms began. Since economic reforms until 2016, China's output increased 30-fold, while U.S. output rose only 2.7 times the level of 1980.


    But the IMF said the U.S. is still the world's largest market. If China still enforce its currency policy as now, the IMF estimates that, in nominal terms, in 2016 the U.S. economy is still 2 / 3 larger than China. However, it only reflects the value of the currency. Factoring relative prices, real output of goods and services, China will become the largest in the world.


    The IMF projected that China will grow 9.5% per year over the next decade. While U.S. growth is expected to more rapidly from an average of 2.1% in the 2000s to 2.75% in the next decade.

  20. UK Economy News and Reviews


    GBP / USD Short Term Sentiment Showing

    Monday, April 25, 2011


    Weale told Reuters that the recovery of the UK in the first quarter has been disappointing. Previous data in the UK Retail sales posted an unexpected increase for March, helped by strong food sales but do little to change the image that keeps fragile consumer demand from the Bank of England raised interest rates.


    Weekends traded Yesterday, Sterling rose to $ 1.6600, the highest since December 2009, with thin trading ahead of the Easter holiday to move excessively in the currency market. Weale's comments helped knock back to $ 1.6532 up 0.8% for the day.


    1.6512. Sterling is currently trading in the range between 1.6500. During the Asian session pair up 26 pips from the price of the company, from 1.6524, but found resisatnce at the 1.6550 level.


    At the time of writing the GBP / USD seems to be low creep show signs of short-term sentiment the same way again approached the level of 1.6488. Only below 1.6488 would pair a low speed, with a goal and then at 1.6450.


    For GBP / USD support level at 1.6447, the level of 1.6432, 1.6423. Medium Resistance levels are at 1.6552, 1.6568, 1.6598

  21. Euro tripped Greek Debt Maturity Extended


    Monday, April 25, 2011


    From the euro zone report, Greece is considering to extend the due date for payment of debt. This certainly reinforces the possibility of restructuring. Athens officials and the European Union has denied the restructuring talks, but the market still believes the restructuring will occur.


    Daily Ta Nea wrote the Greek government is mererenungkan "velvet restructuring" which includes the extension of maturities and voluntary agreement with creditors to modify payment terms. Where this step must be taken before 2012, but not before the expiry of the leadership of the ECB Jean-Claude Trichet, who will end in late October 2011.


    Meanwhile, the euro weakened after a report revealed. The euro now stay away from high-level traded daily 1.4579 1.4605

  22. Crude Oil High In Asia, Dollar Down Before Fed Meeting


    Monday, April 25, 2011


    Crude futures higher Monday, supported by weakness in the dollar, while the geopolitical uncertainty in Yemen added to supply concerns


    On the New York Mercantile Exchange, light, sweet crude futures for June delivery traded at $ 112.64 a barrel at 0600 GMT, up $ 0.35 on the Globex electronic session. June Brent crude on London's ICE Futures exchange rose $ 0.23 to $ 124.22 per barrel.


    Thin volume, with many local financial markets remained closed for the Easter holiday, but market participants said risk appetite and a strong downward bias of dollars ahead of the Federal Open Market Committee meeting starting Tuesday the U.S. will continue to support prices.


    At 0600 GMT, the euro was at $ 1.4568, from $ 1.4558 late Friday in New York.


    "Risk appetite has kicked in big time during the last few sessions in the midst of a substantial weakening in U.S. dollar and strong [to top] moves in the stock market, which both are influenced by the assumption that the Fed will keep its efforts towards monetary easing," said Ritterbusch & Associates in a note to clients.


    Some investors expect Fed officials to signal Wednesday that they could end as early as June strategies central bank bought $ 600 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds to spur the economy.


    The Fed was thinking about when and how to start draining the loan is pumped into the economy during and after the global financial crisis. However, analysts and traders say that tightening credit is still seen at least a few months off, if not longer, and could take a while to unfold.


    "The U.S. economy would recover, no doubt about it," said a trader at Hyundai Oilbank. "However, some parts of its economy is still weak and I really seriously do not think the Fed would tighten monetary policy this year. Therefore, the dollar will remain weak and oil prices will remain at high levels."


    Also lifting oil futures renewed geopolitical uncertainty in the Middle East.


    Yemen protest movement insisted Sunday at quick exit of President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the prosecution, after his party received Gulf Cooperation Council plans for him to quit in 30 days in a move praised by Washington.


    However, Saleh said, every change of regime can only be through the "ballot box and the referendum," and said he could not give into a "coup."


    Nymex reformulated gasoline blendstock for May - the benchmark gasoline contract - rose 114 points to $ 3.3200 a gallon, while May heating oil traded at $ 3.2115, 123 points higher.


    ICE for May was changing hands at $ 1,020.25 per metric ton, up $ 6.25 from the settlement Friday.

  23. Gold prices kept going away from the range of the 1500s the dollar


    Monday, April 25, 2011


    Gold prices kept going away from the range of the 1500s the dollar on Monday, as the dollar index is still stuck in the worst range triggering investors to buy gold as a transition from the currency.

    Gold penetrate into over $ 1,500 per ounce for the first time on Wednesday last week, and continued to show keperkasaannya along with other risky assets such as stocks and commodities due to inflation worries terhdap world.


    The price of gold continues to rebound, especially due to the weakening U.S. dollar and a sharp spike in oil prices until the level was recorded at $ 113.07 per barrel. In addition, worries about a U.S. economic outlook and concerns about inflation surge helped lift world gold demand from Asia.


    So this all led to high demand for gold as a safe-haven asset or hedge. And if you see a strong gold this time, there is a possibility the price could reach $ 1518 to $ 1520.

  24. China News and Economic Review (Hong Kong)


    HK Composite CPI in March Up 4.6%; Expectations +4.1%

    Thursday, April 21, 2011


    Composite Consumer Price Index (Composite consumer price index) rose 4.6% in March from a year earlier, the fastest pace in more than two years-half, driven by rising private rental costs and food prices, according to the Census and Statistics Department Thursday.


    CPI in March rose above the 3.7% rise in February and the highest since the CPI rose 4.6% in August 2008. Reading in March was also an increase of 4.1% above the median forecast 11 economists surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires earlier.


    The government previously estimated the CPI rose 4.5% this year, above the 2.4% rise in 2010, due to higher rental prices and import prices.

  25. UK Economy News and Reviews


    Friday, April 22, 2011


    Sterling managed to penetrate the highest level in 16 months amid the weakening dollar and the overall UK economic data thanks to a better than forecast.


    Dollar continues to weaken against world currencies because of expectations the Fed will not change its monetary policy in the near future even though the U.S. economy improves. Even the dollar index continues to slump down to record low in the range of 73. The weakening dollar also occur due to a wave of risk appetite, with investors chasing risky assets.


    Sterling also rose thanks to the positive retail sales data. Retail sales unexpectedly recorded an increase thanks to the surge in food expenditure. Retail sales rose 0.2% in March, better than forecast down 0.4%. Other data showed the British public sector debt (public sector net borrowing) increased by 16.4 billion pounds, lower than the prediction of 18.7 billion pounds.


    At 16:18 hours GMT, sterling traded at $ 1.6560, rising sharply from the previous closing level of $ 1.6399. Against the yen, sterling rose to 135.79 from 135.34. Sterling also rose against the euro to 88.35 pence per euro from 88.53 pence.


    Meanwhile, the euro also managed to reach the highest level in 16 months. In addition to its risk appetite, the euro also rose due to expectations the ECB will raise interest rates again. The euro rose despite German business sentiment data showing a decline. The euro strengthened to $ 1.4632 from $ 1.4520. Against the yen, the euro was steady at 119.96.

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