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Posts posted by trendtrader

  1. Do i understand it correctly that any CME product will not work on NT 6.5 past June and that we will all have to transition over to NT 7 soon at which time none of our cracks will work anymore. I dont have cracked 6.5. I have real license but was able to get my programs to work because i blocked everything from my IIS. I assume this wont work for NT7?
  2. BTW the errors i get are in reference to StDEV, EMA and MACD. They all say "the namespace NinjaTrader.Indicator' already contains a a definition for EMA. MACD and StdDEV. I had to rewrite the old StdDEV, MACD and ema indicators with the new ones in the file. Again any help would be appreciated.
  3. Can someone help me. I downloaded a MACDBB indicator apparently for NT 7 but i get errors in it when i try to compile them for NT 6.5. There are three CS files that all give me errors including @stdDev.cs, @MACD.cs and @EMA.cs. The other one appears to be the MACDBBindicator. If anyone can help me, where and how can i upload these to view. tks for the help.
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