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Posts posted by laser1000it

  1. https://www.remek.ca/blog/


    this is the newest one V 1.96 and according to their blog the accuracy has increased markedly , if someone can help with edu.


    https://[email protected]/file/99eziw


    Take care all and good trading


    PLS check https://[email protected]/file/adfn37 (password RGgq�ž%N_G )


    .....import original inds*zip as usual mode copy and paste the edu file................(only for 64 bit...delete x86 file)

  2. There are several req for Sierra in this forum without success. These is the last one.

    I am not sure if with a real tradng account I have SC demo with future data feed. I think only forex and CFD no real future.

    I am not sure if forex.warez......has new SC educated. I see in the web site only a add on and a old SC reease.

  3. Hi,


    do we have the latest verstion of MZpack educated already? According website, NT7 version wasnt updated latelly very often, maybe its good think to educate that latest version :)

    Have just this, but its very old...






    This is a old and UNEDUCATED release.

  4. beautiful as you share your life

    Trdecision Professional Real Time 4.7.697


    please instead of 100 dollars

    I am very happy if you can send the following programs and add-ons

    Neuroshell pawer user

    Neuroshell Run Time Server


    Advanced Indicator Set 3

    Cybernetic Analysis



    Noxa AME

    Bowfort IBFeed PRO




    Thanks. Have you a right tutorial for crack/installation ?

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