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Posts posted by laser1000it

  1. OT sorry....but well done m8, you're ready for next century:


    [ATTACH=JSON]{"alt":"Click image for larger version Name:\timmagine_2021-04-30_095623.png Views:\t93 Size:\t9.0 KB ID:\t779285","data-align":"none","data-attachmentid":"779285","data-size":"full","title":"immagine_2021-04-30_095623.png"}[/ATTACH]




    sorry for OT , but at now I have 1973 posts

  2. What leads you guys who are experts to the conclusion that the fixed NT8 provided in post #1 is "not properly educated"? You must have found things in that app that we ordinary people do not see.


    Details please. Hopefully it's not a secret.


    There is not any secret. From my side and underline from my side the only unprotected NT8 is the one coming from JhonSnow. Unfortunately that seller protects his works with the HWID ..... so it is impossible that the stuff in post #1 is the original one. In additional looking inside the dll I still see a lot of protections.

  3. LMFX's tradable assets are their best feature. The broker offers a wide range of trading instruments, with 161 in total. The market includes Forex, commodities, indices, shares, metals and oil.


    Located in Macedonia ☢ ......have you any idea about their license ?

  4. Can someone reupload please, sendspace won't work for me =(


    Sorry I don't have this stuff. From my side is useless for this i deleted it from my HD.....anyway as you can see after 4 days you got any answer ... in the past you could have a feedback even in 1 hour at most.



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