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    dennyyusuf reacted to mrkus3500 in (REQ)OFA Ninja Trader Full   
    Can anyone get market replay to work.. I have tried changing to 2 in feed and deleting workspace_ profile, cant get it to work
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    dennyyusuf reacted to vaivanov in (REQ)OFA Ninja Trader Full   
    Hi, I'm not emulating actually, I'm a sort of finding my own way (otherwise the easiest path to successful trading would be just NinjaTrader + Jigsaw Tools + NoBS webinars, but who takes the shortest path!). I started with Jigsaw D&S but was not happy with constant repaint of last trades, so I modded Gomi's volume ladder and put it on Range charts. This was giving me a bit larger overview than D&S alone. Then I found that Range charts do no good during fast markets, so I switched over to Volume charts. This was better, but I absolutely did not like a fact that e.g. a raising bar can complete all of a sudden breaking the picture in parts. I realized that OFA's approach with a short reversal is just the best possible - this is where I am now. I am aware of what OFA offers, and though I do not like proprietary solutions (and currently available patched version) I can come to it some day (but I keep the simplest path in mind).
  3. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Traderbeauty in Jane's Indicator Mantra   
    Hi Spectral-
    I respect all the volume analysis gurus- they are correct , their way of interpreting the map is absolutely true BUT...
    Here is my MOTO- i do not trash any trading method out there as long as it can be profitable.
    We have the option to chose between many trading methods - now-; which one would you chose ? the one which is complicated and less clear or the simple kiss one ?
    In the last year motivated by volume traders in this forum; i listened to numerous mp and volume seminars, read many short pdfs and tried to FORCE myself to use mp and volume analysis.
    I have to tell you the naked truth- THE KING IS NAKED :); at least from my prospective.
    When you look at an mp map you can see the nodes but then the market is doing what it wants and having a resistance does not mean it will go down from there.
    Put on top of that the 7 market behaviors options at the open and you are standing there helpless without knowing what to do.
    So here is my MOTO ( repeat lol )-----
    When the market hits a strong resistance for example- NO NEED TO GUESS where will it reverse- all i do is i will continue to go long TILL I SEE either a strong divergence or better- a stairstep down pattern.
    No need to do a daily, monthly , yearly analysis, just follow the legs and be happy.
    True- in some cases the market will bounce of a support or resistance and run fast without even giving you the chance to go in, but these cases are very rare .
    As much as i tried i could not get simple , crisp, hard cut rules for mp, volume or tape reading, so i am just sticking with my method.
    I will though listen and learn from anyone that can help me simplify any of these methods.
    Thanks a lot.
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    dennyyusuf reacted to Traderbeauty in Jane's Indicator Mantra   
    I NEVER enter market - only my stops are- always limit- at least on the ES.
    Ruten- i use the keltner- default just as a simple filter to make sure i dont take early entries- so unless we are at a very strong trend- you would do better if you wait for the market to come close or even touch the keltner BEFORE you would consider an entry.
    Bottom line- if the market did not touch the keltner- that means that there is a possibility that the market is slow and in chop mode and you should not enter.
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    dennyyusuf reacted to Spectral_Analyst in Jane's Indicator Mantra   
    Pure price action without the volume component is like missing a whole dimension of market. Peter Davies in his webinars usually talks about liquidity vacuum, which is a very intuitive way of combining price action to volume. Its just that orders & volume validate the logic of the trade. Jane, could you explain how much significant is volume data in your analysis? I too am a firm disbeliever in indicators or anything derived out of prices.
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    dennyyusuf reacted to exp48967 in [REQ] Educated OrderFlow Tools   
    Any manual or more vids?
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    dennyyusuf reacted to DimiK in [REQ] Educated OrderFlow Tools   
    Hi, I know there is a way with the GOMI Tools, there is a GOMI Recorder indi you add to the chart which saves all the data like you are describing.
    You might just want to use the GOMI ladder instead of the NOFT for this reason. Practically does the same job.
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    dennyyusuf got a reaction from LisaAkira in Jane's Indicator Mantra   
    thanks jane and lisa..well said. It should be in the front of our education in the vast amount of information in trading knowledge..
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    dennyyusuf reacted to Traderbeauty in Jane's Indicator Mantra   
    Thank you Lisa for your kind words.
    I am not trying to gain anything here but friendship and support.
    1050 Thanks from all of you is a nice warm rewarding for me.
    You should not use anything that has a touch of a moving average or is based on history of 14 or more previous bars- this means that this indicator is trying to use OLD and worthless information that might not be true anymore.Just try to imagine yourself driving straight in your car, you hit a curve but you continue to go straight because you were driving that way for the last 10 miles... ; trading is exactly the same- if you are lucky then the road will continue the same way but if you are not then its a gambling and you will crash.
    Just get a renko chart- 2-1 or 4-1 , use the ES or CL , take the chart all the way to the right so you cannot see what is coming. Take all the indicators off and just use the renko bars and signals to enter or exit.
    Now start at the beginning of the day, look to the left and decide- do i have a stairstep up or down- lets say up- then every time the market goes down you buy on a green bar- i forgot to add- use keltner and take signals that reached the keltner - if it did not then do not take the signal.
    Do not trade of small legs- they are just noise.
    As long as the market did not break any support OR CREATED a down zigzag you still buy at every retracement. just scroll the chart- no need for market replay or indicators.
    Do the same for the opposite direction-.
    Try doing the same with CL but you have to be very fast, the stop is being trailed right behind the renko top- bottom.
    Give it a try tomorrow and let me know what the results are.
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    dennyyusuf reacted to LisaAkira in Jane's Indicator Mantra   
    I'm beginning to understand Jane's (TB) warning mantra on the "holy grail" quest most of us are here on. You are a voice in the wilderness my comrade Jane, a brave voice I might add! Sometimes I sense your frustration, when you spot a newbie heading down that endless dark hole, and you reach out to grab him.
    We are becoming slaves to indicators and numb to price action. We are in search of a crutch, an easy road, something that will only lead, in the long run, to blowing out your account and indicator addiction!
    In this camp of indicator illusions, this frantic environment, we have the snake oil salesman salivating and pumping out indicators with exotic names and trading rooms with dreams of untold riches for all that are willing to pay!
    Lets start investing time and watching our favorite instrument, watching it's price movement, learning it's behaviors. Lets start putting together a plan of action that includes money management, and implementing it without emotion!! People, lets get back to the basics; S/R, price and most important, MONEY MANAGEMENT!
    With the above being said, I'm trying real hard to follow my own advice. I'm starting to understand what addiction is, and it only enslaves us to the greedy indicator pushers!
    Peace and arigato.
    L :)
  11. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Traderbeauty in Tr3nd F0ll0wing Trad3s   
    Waste of your time.
    There is nothing i could see that is better than any of these other lagging programs.
    Its wonderful on a strong and long move- which obviously what the company will show you- but once you get to a slow ans sideways area you will get killed.
    The arrows are delays and worthless, by the time you get an arrow its time to reverse.
    Just apply the indicators to a 2-1 renko spectrum and you will see what i mean.
    Just so you know and understand once and for all-
    THERE IS NO MAGICAL TIME FRAME that will work better than others.
    5 minutes is not different than 5 ticks, 5 hours or 5 range.
    A system or method should work in any time frame and if it does not then throw it away.
    But again- this is only my humble opinion- i am just a dumb blond trying to make a living lol.
  12. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Bill Bundle in [REQ] Educated OrderFlow Tools   
    Here are two methods of downloading replay data for an entire stock watch list.

    Also, here are some videos about Order Flow trading.


  13. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Nukem in [REQ] Educated OrderFlow Tools   
    Thanks denny I understand. Thought it might work like Gomi or some of the other software that does.
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    dennyyusuf got a reaction from Nukem in [REQ] Educated OrderFlow Tools   
    As far as i know ..footprint chart do not have historical data..if u want historical data so u need replay by ur self using market replay because There is no automatic bid/ask backfill in Ninja, you have to run it live. Hope this make it clear..
  15. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to ⭐ fxus in [REQ] Educated OrderFlow Tools   
    Here are few features of their footprint indicator based on their videos. I don't have it, but will be a good addition to my toolbox :
    1. OFA can not identify block trade, ninjaorderflowtrader does.
    2. OFA works on only their proprietary probe and rotation bar type, LT does not work on all chart types, ninjaorderflowtrader works on all charts.
    3. ninjaorderflowtrader can filter bid/ask print based on trade size. Also, can mark volume imbalance based on user input (200%, 300%, etc). This is a feature available with marketdelta software.
    4. ninjaorderflowtrader has settlement standard deviation bands, that is also missing from other NT based indicators.
    5. Can mark unfinished auctions which is also not available from others.
    I just wanted to point out few that are important to me, there may be others...
  16. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Nukem in [REQ] Educated OrderFlow Tools   
    Thanks dennyy, Sorry i didn't make myself clear. What I meant was once you log off the bid and ask prices on the footprint and some other items are not present when rebooting chart. Just wondering if I missed a setting?
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    dennyyusuf reacted to khnco in [REQ] Educated OrderFlow Tools   
    Here is the main thread
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    dennyyusuf reacted to marinko in Al Brooks Videos   
    i disagree... al brooks stuff is the best .. its boring but trading is not entertainment .. his principles need to be understood. yes learn ytc and learn al brooks. it will make you profitable.
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    dennyyusuf reacted to Traderbeauty in Looking for Info and/or tools of neoHarmonicsPRO   
    Neo is using pattern recognition to forecast - but you can do the same thing just by using fib projections.
    for example- lets say that you have higher lows and higher highs- and lets say that the market just retraced to 50 fib-and you are long- now here is the trick- no need for neo or anything else- your projection now is 1.618 fib extension- no need for magic or tricks or expensive software. and its accurate to the tick ( ES ).
    If on the the other hand you had a stronger retracement- lets say 62 or 78 then you should only expect 1.272 projection fib.
    By using neo- you are limiting yourself to certain patterns where in reality the market moves with fibs ALL THE TIME.
    Watching videos is impressive but.... they only show you the good ones- the usually miss... the bad ones and all the losers so save yourself the aggravation and study fibs and price action.
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    dennyyusuf reacted to Traderbeauty in TTC indicators   
    I tried it almost a year ago- i was not impressed- it seemed to me as another lagging set of indicators like kwikpop and many others.
    They calculate a trend and paint it and put the stops for you and it looks amazing so much that at night you stop counting sheep and switch to dollar bills lol.
    Then the moment of awakening comes and you get an area of consolidation and chop and you lose and lose and lose ...
    We all have been there , and if these "Magic Programs " were so great then the inventors would not share them but trade for themselves or big banks.
    Stay away from these types of programs because you will lose.
    You need LEADING information to help you decide- like price itself ( renko spectrum bars ) , support and resistance, trendlines ( not crazy about but they work ) fib levels.etc.
    But the best is just follow a simple s. t. u. p. i. d method- ---- as long as not support was broken kep going long on any retracement- u can use navi signals just for entering on a 2-1 renko soectrum.
    once the support has been broken and you see a downwzrd zigzag then reverse and short every time.
    Hope that helps
  22. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Cmost in [REQ] Educated OrderFlow Tools   
    Check post #3 for video .
    My 2 cents after watching the 30+ min/video, The market is going to, Shake you & Fake you out reguardless of what toolz you use, People, What we need to learn is the
    Tactics that the MM= Market Makers are using . And how to AVOID them. Sorry But , Back on topic , This guy also has been whipped & rattled .
    In the video at Timeframe 22:20 he talks about Algorithms & HFT
    At timeframe 28:14 he mentioned this is just a tracking indicator . Hello
    At timeframe 28:53 He's Confused . Hello Again
    I'm Laughing so hard right now , Because of the price .
  23. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to tradernate in [REQ] Educated OrderFlow Tools   
    Hi All...Thank you for the PM-Nate

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    dennyyusuf reacted to Bill Bundle in [REQ] Educated OrderFlow Tools   
    Thanks for helping us out, DimiK.

  25. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to user33 in The box   
    Farewell the BOX thread and all the contributors to the the thread! It's time form us to learn from this experience and move on. This was a great learning experience for me, and I am sure it was too for most of you.
    When yaman first posted his back-testing results of FDAX, the result was "too good to be truth": a one contract trade for 4 months in 2014 would profit over $300,000.00! it that is true, we can take off 90% of the $300,000.00 profit for slippage and still make $30,000.00! Of course we soon realized, that the back-testing and real trade are two different realities!
    We then learned that the system is just a simple triangle breakout system, that is what really is! without additional rules and filters, there is no way it can be profitable consistently, it would catch winners, but it will have many losers when market is not trending well. What I learned from this, is that, by adding the right filtering conditions and adding the right trade management rules, this can become a consistently profitable system, but it will not be an easy job! Market conditions change all the time, these filtering rules must be changed too, and it won't be easy to define these rules to make the system profitable, if it is so easy, the big financial institutions like Goldman Sachs would not had the need to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to design their quantitative systems.
    This experience showed us that it is very difficult for us retail traders to develop automated systems that can consistently profitable, it is very difficult to be profitable from trading.
    I am taking what I learned from the triangle breakout pattern and trying to apply it to my own trading approach. I am starting with using the Renko-spectrum 2-1 chart in ES, only during the regular trading hours; I aim to find 2 triangle setups a day, and use my original trading setups as filter, if they line up, I will take the trades, and only take 2 trades a day. This is what I am working on, it is an experiment, work in progress. I will share any updates I have to the thread.
    I am doing this manually, not using the Ninjatrader strategies, and not using the box indicator system.
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