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Everything posted by hermanhess

  1. Re: Broco warning!!! from russia with love :((
  2. when will ibfx open uk office? Friends, does anyone know when ibfx will open the uk office? whenever I ask them they say "cant give a date yet", "still in the process" first they said march and now its march and they're saying "not yet" does anyone have any information as to when they will be opening the uk office? i need hedging with nano lots on MT4 and thats why I'm waiting, I'm not at all comfy with fxopen.
  3. Re: Trading in the Buff course by John Templeton I agree not only is it accurate its based on sound principles as well its actually the same as Sam Seiden's system, its basically the same thing from another perspective. Very powerful on higher tf's Here's a trade today which worked out very well Those of you who are interested in stress free long term trading do the following 1)watch this course 2)watch the sam seiden fxstreet training seminar 3)learn the J16 pin bars for additional analysis Here's a trade of a couple of hours ago which worked out very well using this principle just 5 pips drawdown this time not always the case of course but luck was on my side for this one. http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/5746/chart2.gif
  4. Re: McDaddy Trading course -Price Behavior watch the online videos posted by konorti. Only thing is this doesn't appear to work very well on higher tf charts, does anyone know if any fx broker hoffers a platform which shows 200 tick charts for fx
  5. Re: Market Matrix consistency is almost impossible in this business, some times u have a few winning months then a losing month or a string of losing months, you can never ever make a constant amount every month like you would earn as a salary if employed. Do you mean to say for every dollar you risk you're making 25 cents in addition to the dollar which means u have a r:r of 1:1.25, if so thats excellent in the long run it would be outstanding. If however you mean you just make 25 cents for every dollar risked then try to work on your r:r reason is you may currently have more winners than losers and that's fine but sometime sooner or later you're going to have the inevitable string of losses no matter how good your strategy is simply because the markets will change. This could dent your equity severely or may even put you out of business. I know a lot of traders and among even the most successful no one has come in and made money at a steady rate, its just not possible. In regard to market matrix please do keep us updated, I'm yet to meet someone who uses it on a regular basis from what I've heard sometimes even if time is up the markets don't turn. Don't have any personal experience though, the underlying ideas to this never really appealed to me.
  6. Re: Market Matrix Pardon me but has this actually worked for you?
  7. Re: ETORO Broker etoro is a complete scam i hear they've denied payout to some of their clients for big amounts, small amounts are no problem they will pay out immediately .......
  8. Hi gang, Here's an intersting article about Robert Kiyosaki. Fraud or seer you decide, I'm not saying anything its just an interesting article I wanted to pass on. Personally i have found no value in his books ...... but maybe thats just me. hxxp://www.johntreed.com/Kiyosaki.html also here's what wikipedia has to say
  9. Re: FXPRO spreads are on the lower side compared to other brokers, execution is reasonably good. No problems so far. Only problem you might face is if you have a small account because the lowest size they offer is 10000 units of currency called a minilot. As other members have pointed out this size may be too large for a smaller account. If you have a reasonable sized account then this will not be a problem for you.
  10. Re: FXPRO no secrets between II mmebers ;) been with them for less than a year now, 10-15 pips sl is rather small its very hard to succeed because of market noise, your chances of long term success are very slim. I dont mean to sound discouraging or anything but its just i want to pass on my advice to you for ur success. Also demo is a complete waste of time in my opinion. The only use it has is of you becoming familiar with the trading platform u use. You know what happens when u click the buttons and how price behaves during news times and what hedging is and all that stuff. Well maybe its not a complete waste of time say its worth only about 2-3 days or max a week of demo is useful. Trading has a lot to do with emotions not logic, markets run on emotions not logic and in demo you're not testing your emotions deep down inside you know its only pretend playing. (Read the book Reminescences of a stock operator). Even if a broker takes the otherside of your position he cant stop you out if you have a wide stoploss. Well he can but its not worth the effort to him unless a lot of stops are clustered in that area. Also he cant deviate the price too much from the interbank mean because then arbitragers will step in. These arbitragers are constantly watching the market with automated s/w and looking for price descrepencies they can profit from. My advice is transfer ur strategy to a higher time frame it will give u a better chance of success not because of stop hunting but because of market noise. If and when u succeed on a higher time frame only then consider moving to a lower time frame. Also dont waste any more time with demo start immediately with a small live account, stop hunting is at present the least of your problems.
  11. Re: FXPRO Hi I have also a live account with fxpro, no problems till date. You are probably a new trader? Is my assumption correct? Unless ur a scalper stop hunting will not effect you. Stop hunting is a very detailed topic. In the OTC market as there is no centralised exchange its not possible to know by how much the broker marks up the spread from what they receive. This is true for all brokers even with an ECN you will notice a difference between the bid and the ask (most of the time) how do you know they're not marking up the price? Stop hunting actually originated in the pits by pit traders as they had all the orders they knew excatly where the stops were and would bid price up or down to take out stops. This was called open outcry system. But even in those days there were off floor traders who made a lot of money. Millions of dollars. So my advice to you is not to worry about stop hunting UNLESS you are a ultra short term scalper. The most important factor in selecting a broker is safety of funds. Other important issues are spreads, fills/execution, support, server down time, additional fees. Regarding slippage its reasonable fills for the forex markets. Actually you want some small degree slippage during news times, because then you know they are actually passing on orders and not taking the other side of your orders, If any broker guarantees stops or fills it means only one thing -----> They are taking the other side of your order otherwise how else can they guarantee this?
  12. Re: FOREX PROFITS WITH COT by Frank Paul from fxmentor i'm more of a daytrader (most of the times) so COT is'nt very relevent to my trading nevertheless i do keep an eye on COT data, and yes it certainly is useful for mid to long term trading but its real power lies in detecting market tops and bottoms, its a bit late most of the time but it can catch the big moves. There are a lot of COT systems floating around but the best I found (again this is my personal opinion) is "Trade with the insiders" by Larry Williams. That book is so interesting you wont want to put it down. :) You can also check out mysticgenies thread at ff couple of years ago he turned 1k to 126k in one week and he claims COT was part of his strategy. He talks about how he used COT or rather traded intraday with the COT bias for currency pairs in mind.
  13. Re: FOREX PROFITS WITH COT by Frank Paul from fxmentor if you'd like to learn COT go to shatterfied and finish the tutorials then go to timingcharts and set up your charts and you're ready to go, any questions u can post at the timingcharts forums. COT data is only released once a week and delayed by two days so an MT4 indicator is'nt necessary.
  14. Re: Market Matrix your understanding is correct you can have a max of 4 points the labeling is incorrect
  15. Hi Gang :) This title is one of my favorites because Mark Cook other than being one of the market wizards profiled by Jack Schwager in his market wizards book is a very down to earth and humble guy. Well he's a simple farmer from Ohio. So much so that he usually comes to trading events and seminars in overhauls and publically says he's a slow learner. He talks kinda in a childish accent and has said many times how he got his start by selling his cow in some farm show or something. His basic message is if someone like him who is just another regular guy can beat ivy leaguers on wall street from his farm in Ohio so can you. He's done it all from winning trading championships to managing money and he's been a huge inspiration at least for me. Its a great video for those who are or want to trade full time. So here we go ... Mark Cook - Trade Like A Pro (vol 1) http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/2079/coverimage.jpg From INOTV, further info here ------> hxxp://tv.ino.com/premium/title.html?movieid=334 File here -----> hxxp://tv.ino.com/mov*ies/library/105%20Trade%20Like%20A%20Pro%20Vol%201.flv Mark Cook - Trade Like A Pro (vol 2) http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/2079/coverimage.jpg From INOTV, further info here ------> hxxp://tv.ino.com/premium/title.html?movieid=335 File here -----> hxxp://tv.ino.com/mov*ies/library/106%20Trade%20Like%20A%20Pro%20Vol%202.flv Mark Cook - Trade Like A Pro (vol 3) http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/2079/coverimage.jpg From INOTV, further info here ------> hxxp://tv.ino.com/premium/title.html?movieid=336 File here -----> hxxp://tv.ino.com/mov*ies/library/107%20Trade%20Like%20A%20Pro%20Vol%203.flv Mark Cook - Trade Like A Pro (vol 4) http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/2079/coverimage.jpg From INOTV, further info here ------> hxxp://tv.ino.com/premium/title.html?movieid=337 File here -----> hxxp://tv.ino.com/mov*ies/library/108%20Trade%20Like%20A%20Pro%20Vol%204.flv Hope you like it as much as I do friends. :) Kudos always welcome .... Lets run with the bulls guys :)
  16. Hi Gang :) Well just fullfilling a request, someone requested Ron Ianieri's "The Art Of Morphing" so here it is http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/2079/coverimage.jpg From INOTV, further info here ------> hxxp://tv.ino.com/premium/title.html?movieid=380 File here -----> hxxp://tv.ino.com/movies/library/OU%20the%20art%20of%20morphing.flv Kudos wecome ;) Lets run with the bulls gang :)
  17. Larry Williams - A Dose Of Reality Here's yet another Larry Williams title http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/2079/coverimage.jpg Larry Williams Video seminar titled "A Dose Of Reality" From INOTV, further info here ------> hxxp://tv.ino.com/premium/title.html?movieid=343 File here -----> hxxp://tv.ino.com/movies/library/001%20A%20Dose%20of%20Reality.flv Kudos welcome ;) Lets run with the bulls gang :)
  18. Hi gang, Here's another Larry Williams title http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/2079/coverimage.jpg Larry Williams Video seminar about "The Next Step In Market Analysis" From INOTV, further info here ------> hxxp://tv.ino.com/premium/title.html?movieid=19 File here -----> hxxp://tv.ino.com/movies/library/089%20The%20Next%20Step%20In%20Market%20Analysis.flv Kudos welcome ;) Lets run with the bulls gang :)
  19. Re: Larry Williams - The Secrets To Short Term Trading I used the same link and downloaded to whole video, please try again
  20. Larry Williams - How To Make a Million like Larry. http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/2079/coverimage.jpg Larry Williams Video seminar about how he makes millions From INOTV, further info here ------> hxxp://tv.ino.com/premium/title.html?movieid=85 File here -----> hxxp://tv.ino.com/movies/library/043%20How%20To%20Make%20A%20Million%20Like%20Larry.flv Lets run with the bulls guys :)
  21. http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/2079/coverimage.jpg Larry Williams Video seminar about his secrets to short term trading. From INOTV, further info here ------> hxxp://tv.ino.com/premium/title.html?movieid=18 File here -----> hxxp://tv.ino.com/movies/library/095%20The%20Secrets%20of%20Shor%20Term%20Trading.flv Lets run with the bulls guys :)
  22. Re: Dukascopy Metatrader 4 platform By FXCM level 2 do you mean the 25k active trader platform?
  23. Hi Friends, This is all about Paul tudor Jones who is considered by many as one of the top 10 traders of our time. Starting out with a few miilion he now has 17 billion AUM. THis documentary is hard to get because PTJ himself has requested the producer to remove all copies from circulation. It used to be on youtube but the producer threatened youtube with legal action and got it removed. there are very few copies in circulation. Taken from wikipedia This is not a trading technique or methodology per say but just a documentary about one of the great traders of our time. [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?jmzz2djmt0j[/url] [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?zh1jxmzddqz[/url] [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?jomyzznjgfz[/url] I think its always good to get insights into the mind of very successful traders. :)
  24. Hi Friends, William Greenspan has been a day trader from 1978 and was considered one of the biggest S&P traders in the pit after Lewis Borsellino and has made oodles of money so he knows what he's talking about and has proven credentials. He's had a record of 155 consecutive winning months! He's a member of both the CME & CBOT for many years. Here's a seminar he gave where he talks all about day trading, and shares his experience of what works and what doesn't work in trading from his personal experience over the years. http://tv.ino.com/premium/title.html?movieid=20 http://depositfiles.com/en/files/7741440 [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/7741150[/url] [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/7741650[/url] [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/7741685[/url] Good watch hope you like it as much as I do and don't forget the kudos if you do ;) Happy New Year & Happy Trading everyone!
  25. Re: Todd Mitchell - Power Stock Trading Strategies Mentoring Pro Can this be applied to forex or futures?
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