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Everything posted by hermanhess

  1. i just wanted to say Sam Seiden's method works for sure at least for me ..... i've mentioned it elsewhere in the forum however I find it more reliable on longer tf's, I tried the 5min but it didnt work out very well so i've gone back to larger tf's. His odds enhancers aren't very difficult to figure out either, he gives most of the stuff away in his fxstr33t webinars ..... he's one of the few upstanding/honest instructors in the shady fx world.
  2. Mark Larson is one of only 2-3 traders whom I've heard actually provide their last two years broker statements as proof their menthods work, but as far as I remember he only trades stocks.
  3. if a member is banned he has to have committed a banable offense, everyone (including moderators) have to act within the rules set by the administrator, I do understand some members may start pointless threads which other members may dislike (even i may not like some threads) but we can not ban a member for that (unless he is selling something) Its best to report the post and move on to some other thread as David has suggested, the mods will make an assessment of the reported post and act in accordance with the rules. Recently we received many complaints about profanity used by a senior member in a particular post who was expressing his views (rather strongly), he's been here a long time and usually doesn't respond that way so we edited out the profanity and mentioned it in the edit note. Issue was resolved and there was no trouble after that. Yes forum promotion / advertising / spamming would definitely be banable and a serial offender who repeatedly violates a rules despite having been asked not to may possibly be banned but in other instances we need to evaluate on a case by case basis as I said we have to act within the rules,
  4. a person's vote is only counted once for each thread , so it cant really affect the rating of a popular thread but need to look into it
  5. Joseph do you know what the difference is between this method and the one that Steve Mauro teaches? Or is it the same and Martin was a student of Steve's or something its unlikely both hit upon the same idea independently.
  6. A collection of tutorials from L@rry Williams University TV 72 lessons right from 2006, he talks about accumulation distribution, cot report ,seasonals, day trading system for S&P, trading day of the month, how he picks markets to trade, his trade entry technique, seasonal patterns in commodities and stocks, there's a seminar as well. http://hotfile.com/dl/71218078/07d8e36/[email protected] http://hotfile.com/dl/71218094/821e643/[email protected] http://hotfile.com/dl/71218173/b1aba74/[email protected] If you like it don't forget to hit "thanks" :)
  7. Harry is he taking the trades in real time? how many pips does he average a month (only real time trades)
  8. scwon i think all guests have to register in order to post in the forum
  9. Thanks very much for your kind reply Indo, its very informative :)
  10. Hi Indo, Out of curiosity does the old course work? i've heard a lot about profitunity but never met any one who traded it long term professionally. There was a guy at ff who had a thread about it, but I don't believe he's been very successful trading it.
  11. And here's a FAQ if you want to know more about the course :) http://www.futurestradingsecrets.com/faqs.html
  12. i think that should read ..... "any field"
  13. http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/7263/52939557.jpg http://www.fileserve.com/file/8wD9bJS/Bounce_Unab.part1.rar http://www.fileserve.com/file/saxqHYm/Bounce_Unab.part2.rar
  14. I highly recommend a book/audio book called "bounce" by Mathew Syed, he was a former British table tennis champion and after retirement wrote a book on why some people are very high personal achievers in their chosen professions. After studying and interviewing many people he came to the conclusion it has absolutely nothing to do with talent .... its all about what he calls "purposeful practice". At a world class level the best performers gain an edge by intuition/automatic reflex gained through years of practice which cant really be explanied. He gives an example of an exhibition match he played with Federer. He says when Federer served all he saw was him tossing the ball up and then some whizzing sound and before he realised what it was the ball had already hit the net behind him at something like 180 mph, he couldnt even see it and didnt know what was happening. He asked Federer to serve again ... and this time it was even faster! Yet Federer is able to return the serve when he plays against his opponents who serve just as fast. So Syed begins to ask himself how is it Federe can see the ball and return the serve when he himself cant even though his eyesight his 6/6. After some research he realises even Federe cant see the ball but the answer lies he is able to guess where the ball will land by observing the serving motion of his opponent, its like an instinct or reflex he developed through yrs of practice and he finds this common in all high personal achievers. Your brain develops extra nurons which attribute to what people call intuition. The book is just not about sport but he gives exmaples from business as well, he talks about enron and Mckinsey and a lot of other examples its a great read packed with the latest research. i really liked it. Other good audiobooks are "irrational exuberence" by Robert shiller, "fooled by randomness" and "black Swan" by Nicolas Nassim Taleb which i recommend.
  15. Here's a trading system for the S&P by a full time trader called B@shir N@imy, he used to run a popular thread at one of the forums for a couple of years but now he's setup a website and his own capital managment company. Website claims he gets 2-3 trardes a day and averages $300 per day. Everything including all video lessons are free. http://www.e0scm.com/
  16. I agree with both chow and alan penny stocks will burn you ! because they are easily manipulated and during times of crisis become illiquid because of hitting the circuit breaker. i remember that guy featured on w@all street w@rriros i think he was called tim syk3s he made some money trading penny stocks and had an inflated ego, he thought he was invisible and the method works so he started a fund .... during the crash he suffered enormous losses because of lliquidity and had to close the fund and shut shop. Livermore wrote in his book stick with the leaders, dont play in the junk yard ...... livermore started trading at 13 upto his death at age 63 so he definitely knew what he was talking about .... compared to the person who's selling the penny stock system ....... well thats my humble opinion of course.
  17. well Kardel had told me eggzactly has gotten prettyyy rich trading .............
  18. ya i watched that as well a few days ago, but imho part 1 was better
  19. what can we do? we have requested so many times, all members please post all requests and uploads in code tags, please replace letter 'a' with '@' and letter 'o' with '0' however most people choose to ignore us. For example the title of this thread is "wykoff Rediscovered" instead of "wyk0ff Redisc0vered" its no surprise that the VSA people find this forum and get all the links removed. i have even pm'ed members and requested them to edit the links in this format but they do not co-operate.
  20. i have never really looked into vsa could anyone here who has tried it please tell me their opinion thx very much
  21. this is one of the better tutorials that I've seen, effective and well explained.
  22. Just thought i'd list movies who's theme is about wall street or the investment industry. Trading Places - True classic from 1983, its a comedy based on the famous Turtles story. Wall Street - A great movie about wall street back from 1987, Michael Douglas's role as the ruthless wall street tycoon "Gordon Gecko" is arguably his best performance. After the movie came out a lot of famous people on wall street wrote books to dispel the myth that Gordon Gecko had created about the dishonesty and brutality of wall street biggies. Dialogues from the movie like "we bet on sure things ......" are quoted to this day. Its a must watch Wall Street 2 - Just released, haven't seen it yet but reports are it lives up to the original movie. Feel free to list any other movies you might have seen along with a short description.
  23. Re: Broco warning!!! i was just joking APopovA :)
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