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kesk last won the day on December 17

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  1. https://mega.nz/file/PABHwT6A#PQz9YgGAGQkm-b7fenQ8zjfiQ7bozOV6nsIWswrLvt8 Currency Loader. Provided as it is and no support!
  2. For those who are interested in Mass Pressure theory, I found by accident a topic Pinned to the forum and makes interesting reading. Larry Williams, Paul and Sergey discussing the for and against this theory. I have attached the thread as PDF and the relevant PDF given by Paul. I know little about astrology and hence cant make head or tail about the subject. For those interested, I hope you find it useful. And if you can explain to laymen like me, it would be much more helpful and useful. Resume Gann Mass Pressure Theory from Paul.pdf UsingSynodicCycles_MassPressure.pdf URAn.wts1 GannMassPressure_Theory.pdf
  3. You misunderstood me. I provide the program without expecting anything from anyone. Whenever I see interesting and updated help on the forum, I take a PDF and post. A forum is where all folks, known and unknown help each other. I have seen this in many such forums, people provide help and knowledge on their own volition. Hope you understand the spirit.
  4. I would like to believe that 'scientific approach' is better than 'Ganns' mass pressure' or 'astrology'. Science has creditability attached to it since they can be tested and proven whereas other mythologies cannot be proved or tested. If you have 80% accuracy on something, you are welcome to post so that others can believe. Start a new topic and share your predictions in advance so we, the non-believers can learn something from that -:) After all, here we are trying to help and learn from each other!
  5. Look at the author's own note on forecast accuracy, its less than 15% at the maximum. Does any one want to bet their money on such a small number ? Combine this with the 'revisions' over the years, I have a sincere doubt about the reliability of this program.
  6. WinXP on a Virtual machine is a way out. Try VitualBox from Oracle, its free. Any way, you need a WInXP ISO to make it work.
  7. If you are technical savvy, the program is using Address space layout randomization method. So the address you see one time may not be the same again when you restart the program/computer. Even with the debugger its the same. So the address to catch the serial wont work unless one knows how to really debug or calculate the shifts in address. Thats the reason I left the original patcher alone! In the not so old setups, there used to be TS.exe and TSA.exe where there is no ASLR but nowadays only TS.exe which runs either as TSA or TI mode and it uses the ASLR tech.
  8. https://mega.nz/file/Wdxi1RjI#8WIzkpHGPU99c-fk_V2ldtl1c8CIPML7uUKlOZBetQQ 11th Nov 24 Terra. See insde archive for update notes
  9. The links were deleted in the 1st place. And even if its available, there is no guarantee the program can be cracked or keygen made.
  10. https://mega.nz/file/yIATmKDS#aR_GXCpyJCBKPglRZ7jhlKnu7s90N8IB5sYI0F58x_c Terra update of 20-10-2024. The archive has some PDF on update and some explanations. And I am pausing the updates for a while till a major update or something useful is done.
  11. @itsmeok Why would you delete the links within a day?
  12. I am a bit judicious in posting the updates, whenever there is a bug fix or major update to any module, I post them. Some are minor and cosmetic in nature and I ignore them. People are forgetting that I include what's new and links for videos/helpful description in the archive, this important task cannot be automated. I ignore the odd request/comments, so no bother.
  13. Looking at the web description of ATS1, 2 and 3, I can see that they are like the modules available in TSA/TS. Not much different. But THE MARKET TRADER DIARY seems interesting. If anyone can post the setup, that would be nice.
  14. Dont wait for soneone to reply, post the program and see if anyone can make it work
  15. Which version of Terra are you using? You see, the author makes small corrections to the program every now and then and makes a video. There may be or may not be an official update. So once again, which version you are referring. Look at the Help-About for version date. And this is the main reason I dont believe the program is making much sense to me. Every week, there is an update. Either there is a change or correction or methods removed. So if a program has so many changes and nuances, were they effective in the past versions? Is it worth putting the hard earned money in such a program? Share your opinions pls because I have to come to point to stop posting the updates. Seriously!
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