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Posts posted by Trader99

  1. Hey dannydon786...


    One of the ways that I see of providing signals for an M15 chart on a timely basis is via a chat room. Skype is one option. The other may be Paltalk...which I believe has a 200 member limit before a subscription fee is required. I believe you can set up free rooms on both of these...so no cost to either yourself or members who visit your room.


    Let me know if you decide to set up a Paltalk room...would love to drop in a take a look.



  2. Just simply that the numbers are displayed with the decimal in the correct place. If you take a look at the image that I had uploaded, you will see that the current days range was displayed as 1916.0...this would suggest that the range for the day was over 1000 pips, which is incorrect. The actual range was 191.6 pips.


    Again, if you look at the distance from the high and the distance from the low, you will see them displayed as -691 and 793 respectively. I would like it displayed as 69.1 and 79.3


    Hope this helps.... Thanks again for your efforts Shabz.




    ps I will upload a image of the required changes....

  3. Hi Shabz...


    Thanks for taking the time to do a bit of work on it.


    If you look at this thread, post 636, you will see a legend of what each of the numbers represent...





    When I placed the indicator on my 5 digit broker, yesterday's range and the current day's range are displayed with the decimal in the wrong place...for example: 1916.0 for current day range....which I believe should be 191.6 (191 pips with 6 pipettes....actually, I would be happy to not show the pipettes!).


    Ideally, if you could have the display look exactly like the 4 digit for a 5 digit platform that would be great. (I really don't need to see the pipettes as my strategies do not require that degree of precision :-)


    I really like what you did with the code so that if you hover the mouse, it displays the legend...Great mod!!




    ps If its too much work to do the above, then if you could just tweak the code a little further so that there is continuity with the info (fore example...yesterdays range 154.5, todays range 205.3, pips to high of day 62.4, pips to low of day 142.9, etc....)

  4. Hey KelvinHand....did you register for the 14 day trial? I think that Copy suggested that if people were in a rush to get access, they could just register for the 14 day free trial and when he gets caught up with all the registrations, he would extend the II members to lifetime. That's what I did to get immediate access to the numbers.



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