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Posts posted by leon1

  1. Could someone reupload?


    EDIT: nevermind, found it in a torrent on rutracker.



    magnet:?xt=urn:btih:C33E2AD7F3D0E7EAEBFD83D48BDBCF 9D51B309FD&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fbt.t-ru.org%2Fann%3Fmagnet&dn=%5BMaster%20Trader%2C%20G reg%20Capra%5D%20Swing%20Trading%20%5B2020%2C%20Tr ading%2C%20%D0%A2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B9%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0 %BD%D0%B3%2C%20PcRec%2C%20ENG%5D%20(%D0%92%D0%B8%D 0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE%D1%83%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BA)



  2. As far as I understand, the program works out of the server for the calculations and the result is displayed on the program.


    Just a few calculations are done on their servers before the calculation for the solutions starts. All the real work is done on the user's pc. I never did figure out what the numbers were used for.

  3. you could try to calculate tr in a for loop instead, maybe it makes a difference:




    for Value1 = 0 to Len-1


    tr = tr +maxlist( (PriceH[value1]-PriceL[value1]) , AbsValue(PriceH[value1]-PriceC[value1+1]) , AbsValue(PriceL[value1]-PriceC[value1+1]) );



    If you are still getting problem try to set Len to 2 and calculate the values with a calculator for yourself to see which one has the correct values and then hope that it will give you some clue as to why the values differ from expected.

  4. Maybe the floating point error is because of division by zero, at least it is a problem that needs to be fixed anyway.


    Also you need to learn how mc/ts executes the program once for each bar and how that affects programming. By the looks of it Metastock executes program just once.



    PriceH( numericseries ),

    PriceL( numericseries ),

    PriceC( numericseries ),

    Len( numericsimple ),



    variables: TR (0),HD(0), LD(0), DMP(0),DMM(0), PDI(0), MDI (0);

    var: cDMIPlus( 0 ), cDMIMinus( 0 ),cADX(0) ; //since you calculate these why were they inputs??

    var: netDMI(0); // added this var to get rid of possible divzero error in cADX calculation



    TR = sum (maxlist (maxlist(PriceH-PriceL, AbsValue(PriceH-PriceC[1]) ) , AbsValue(PriceL-PriceC[1])),Len);


    HD = PriceH - PriceH[1]; // these should be outside of loop as far as i can tell

    LD = PriceL[1] - PriceL;




    DMP = 0;

    DMM = 0;

    for Value1 = 0 to Len-1 // replaced your 13 with LEN-1 here




    if HD[value1]>0 and HD[value1]>LD[value1] then begin

    DMP = DMP + HD[value1];


    else begin

    DMP = DMP + 0; // we are calculating a sum so dont reset DMP to 0



    if LD[value1]>0 and LD[value1]>HD[value1] then begin

    DMM = DMM + LD[value1];


    else begin

    DMM = DMM + 0; // fixed this one also




    cDMIPlus =0;

    cDMIMinus =0;

    if TR<>0 then begin

    cDMIPlus = DMP*100/TR;

    cDMIMinus = DMM*100/TR;



    if cDMIMinus+cDMIPlus <> 0 then netDMI=(cDMIMinus-cDMIPlus)/(cDMIMinus+cDMIPlus);

    cADX = Average(AbsValue(netDMI)*100,Len);


    MyADX = 1;

  5. It is much better to use artificial intelligence and machine learning. A machine can go through thousands of potential systems per second and find patterns that a human would never even think of. While the setups it finds are usually not apparent to the human eye, they surely must be better than anything any human can do.


    No pro actually trades discretionarily by using charts. Sure, you can find people here who claim to do that. But if they are so profitable then why arent they sharing their signals? It is not like indo people have enough money to move the markets. I have never seen anyone on collective2 claim to trade discretionarily.

  6. whatever the story may be, TRaderzone Admin, never asked money from any of its members and have now disappeared , so whosover is planting that story is ill minded and with ulterior motive. For the time being, it is no more, and no point in debating.




    Riiiight.... it couldn't possibly be that the guy who ran traderszone and speculationm@sters and shut down the sites for no apparent reason could have disappeared with the group buy money. Nope, those guys who are complaining in specul@tionmasters are just making up sinister lies.

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