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Everything posted by topearn

  1. I dun quite understand. Sell egold is 25% fee, so what do they give you in return - they wire the money to you ? So if I give them $100 egold, I get back $75 ?
  2. Yes, it really is too expensive - $22.50/7 x 30 = $96/mth. But $1 per week is way too low - after the processor fees, U get < $1. Waste of time n effort setting up the banner, checking it is correct, etc. $5/week would be more reasonable.
  3. Have U tried using other PCs in your office, friends or cybercafes ? That's a temporary measure till U find a permanent solution to your login problem. Could it be due to virus in your PC ?
  4. I get most of my signups from Yahoo groups, but U need to really join a lot (at least 100 groups) and pick the really big ones (like > 1,000 members). Most of the groups restrict U to send out just 1 email per day.
  5. Bullion, what do U mean ? Why dun u state what is the cost, then suggest a price so admin can consider. No use U asking him to lower the price and when he lower it, you are still not happy, Just state your price and if admin agree to yours then everyone is happy. I look around but could not find where is the cost to advertise here. But IMO, since this forum has 300+ members only, a reasonable pric would be $5 per 2 weeks banner/text ad.
  6. Hula also a moderator ? This forum got lots of moderators considering it only has 300+ members. js, blondie, skylady, mary, hula - who else is a moderator ?
  7. Here's why - Zimbabwe introduces 100-billion-dollar note Sat Jul 19, 4:58 AM ET HARARE (AFP) - Zimbabwe, grappling with a record 2.2 million percent inflation, has introduced a new 100-billion-dollar bank note in a bid to tackle rampant cash shortages, the central bank said Saturday. ADVERTISEMENT The new note will go into circulation on Monday, the bank said in a statement cited by state media, joining about half a dozen new high denomination notes already issued this year. In January, a 10-million-dollar note was issued, then a 50-million-dollar note in April. In May, notes for 100 million and 250 million dollars were issued, swiftly followed by those for five billion, 25 billion and 50 billion. The southern African nation, currently gripped by a post-election crisis, has been ravaged by hyperinflation which shot up from 165,000 percent in February to 2.2 million in June. Independent economists however believe the official inflation figure is grossly understated, estimating it could be running between 10 million and 15 million percent. Zimbabwe's chronic economic crisis has left at least 80 percent of the population living below the poverty threshold and mass shortages of basic goods in shops.
  8. Hi admin, I think 250 posting need to attain supporter is too much. 100 is fairer. My suggestion - < 500 members - 100 posting needed 501-1000 members - 150 1001-2000 - 200 2001 - 250 This is because with so few members now, there are not many threads where members can post in reponse to queries. With more members and most threads created, it is easier for members to post. Bear in mind that based on your high requirement of 250 posting, I think only you can achieve Supporter status. Even your moderators like skylady (just have little over 200 posting), and js and Mary (both just achieve a mere 100 posting.
  9. Hi admin, Everytime I access this forum, it's taking a long time to get any response. What I mean is when I click post new tread,e.g., I need to wait 1/2 minute for new page to load so I can type my posting. This forum only have 300+ members, so it is not due to too much member activity.
  10. Hi admin, This forum has too few members, just 300+ and thus there are not many postings, meaning that iif a member post some questions, he/she might have to wait a long time B4 getting a comment/answer, thus members will lose interest in this forum. 1 suggestion to increase membership base is if you can give us a referral link so we can refer others to this forum, and every mth, the top referral will either get 25 postings (by this I mean U manually increasing the winner posting count) or free banner/text link on this site. 1 suggestion to get more members to post is again give prize (maybe as above) to the post which contributions the most to the members (means posting which is most useful). U and some/all of the moderators could be the judge of the winner.
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