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Posts posted by 445NDO

  1. Hi 445NDO,


    What made you think that i am from BigMike? Can you prove your statement please? Probably you can't as i am not from Mike. I am new to Indo and just have single user id. Pretty disappointed by the way i am welcomed to indo by one of the silver members. I challenge you to prove that i have ellite membership on BigMike and the truth would be in front of everyone. Why to hide.


    Good luck and Regards.



    I said you are Big Mike with so many user IDs all over the forum. So stop your BS ..

  2. i cnt understund man i get the 6.5 versin from here 1 year a go and try trading using it geting some videos about system and manuals but i see there is 7 ver and only request if somebody can share with me this version only that.


    You piece of scammer -- leecher :-- How did you get from here a year back ? you just joined this forum this month ...

  3. We need to know who the fu ck you are first of all. Need your phone number to authenticate your identity. You look and sound very suspicious and a Spammer asking for help. If you are trading on ninjatrader send me a PM of you authenticate copy so that you can be served accordingly. How are you using the older version and on what version of Ninjatrader. Send us a complete screen shot of your custom folder - chart settings etc.


    GUYS IGNORE THIS AS SHOLE. One more to add to list of Banned *****s.

  4. I'm new to order flow too. I have a emulated NT7 installed on my computer and gives me free data from external sources but i cant update that data automatically, to update i need to close the chart and reopen again. Is impossible to make order flow analisys in these conditions?

    But with a demo account that analisys can be done, because the chart update automatically?


    The only thing that i need now to have a good strategy is order flow, but i dont know yet how to make this interpretation. I think this is the last piece of the puzzle. Is there any better way to achieve this with other methods and plattforms?


    thanks in advance osijek1289, and all members that want help me.


    Let me give you some piece of advice .. If you are new to trading .. start with a simulated account and you can always download ninjatrader which will help you in your simulation trades. second have some capital -- min usd $ 2500 and open a new account with AMP futures in USA who will give you a live account feed. practice first then when you are confident then you can purchase the actual license of ninjatrader which you can pay month by month and in 4 months you own that product.


    We all have purchased lifetime license for NINJATRADER. This forum just helps for any indicators that goes with ninjatrader for trading futures - stocks etc. In my opinion you are just wasting our time and your's trying to be too cheap not to buy the actual product which is and will be your foundation for the rest of your trading career. So my advice get the Ninjatrader and come here and we will all be able to help you out to set up the indicators and charts. Good Luck !

  5. I totally disagree with you, yamantaka.

    In my opinion, as a BMT Elite member, it's worth being a BMT Elite member and posting those indicators here is just not right.


    go fuk your self if you think he is not a thief.. or posting his stuff is not right.. CAN I ASK WHAT THE FUK YOU DOING HERE ON THIS FORUM. ARS HOLE.

  6. Mike is a Scamer & a Sick Bastard !


    "Besides free membership, the Website also offers Elite Membership at a one-time non-refundable fee of (USD) $100 for lifetime access. Elite Membership enables the members to access certain privileged and reserved sections of the Website, which provide better services and features."


    As you can read, BMT has raised the cost of Elite membership from $50 to $100. As most of us in the trading community know, Mike is a burnt out, perennial losing trader who started the site to hoodwink other traders into becoming Elite members so he could essentially charge $50 to allow them to download indicators that were developed by other people. He pirated many of those indicators from developers without their express permission. It's constructive to know, Mike lost so much money trading, that his wife divorced him (he admits this on the site) and he had to marry his dog who is his avatar on the site. He created the site because he was broke and desperately needed income.


    Mike must have a very small wenis. Why? Because he gets a real thrill from revoking memberships from anyone who even vaguely questions his wisdom, advice, or trading prowess. On BMT, he is the Wizard of Oz--the small man behind the curtain who wields power over a community of other losing traders. He is said to never get any sleep nor take any time off from the Forum, reading every single post and stroking his faithful (many who spend their lives posting ad nauseum) with a "Thank you" on their posts. In essence, he is a modern day L. Ron Hubbard and Jim Jones rolled into one.


    Anyway, I digress. Elite membership doesn't provide anything "better" than the rest of the site. The Elite indicators are not worth $1, let alone $100, because he got them for FREE from donating members and others who developed them. So, I think it's only fair in the spirit of sharing to the community to give back what Mike has pinched from others. And, as far as the other threads in Elite (Journals, vendor reviews, psychology tips, webinars by vendors who pay Mike) they are worthless in terms of getting a real Edge because they are all opinions, setups and experiences of losing traders who seek winning methods from other losing traders and vendors who were also losing traders.


    A member who realized he was ripped off by Mike, has decided to make many of these indicators available to the community for the very same price Mike paid; namely $000.00. This member has bestowed the collection of indicators to me and carried out his wishes to share with the trading community. After all, this is Mike's mantra, clearly stated on the site: "We firmly believe in openness and encourage sharing."


    So share we will. In the next few days, I will attempt to make these indicators available for everyone in the spirit of Mike's philosophy.



    I Agree with you as he had also done the same to me in-spite of the fact that i had never posted any of his indicators ever on this website since non of the indicators from his website were worth a penny. He revoked my Elite membership because i been a member of this website for years now and helping others here onboard.


    I agree with you . Big Mike is a total sick bastard son of a *****. I hope he is enjoying having super s ex with his dog and getting his butt fu cked up every day in and night out.

  7. Here is the file you requested: hxxp://[email protected]/file/avioik


    Give a little thanks...it goes a long ways-nate


    Welcome cuchuflito, we try not to email indis that are on the forum. Ask for some to re upload the indis in question....someone will, when you ask. Others maybe looking for it also...so lets all share...and test together-Nate



    Thank you so much --- Saved a bunch !! :) cheers

  8. dont act like a gay... I am only asking for help if u dont thn just stay away....


    Whats so great about this indicator !! And I know very well who you are.. Admins just banned your another ID a couple of days back and you had this back - up id from earlier.. So if we are not impolite then you also learn how to respect others and everyone will be able to help you else you can go f u c k yourself in Lima / Peru ... and we know who and where you live also ... So be nice and respectful while asking ...


    AND please dont open new duplicate threads....

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