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Everything posted by hedgehog

  1. So the conclusion is if you really, really need an indicator, the II_SupDem is better than the SupDem? Or use both?????? :-P
  2. Found a setup but not sure if it a very good one, but one to watch nonetheless. The level directly above it at 1.08664 would be the best if prices goes back up there, but in the meantime, this is it. Feedback appreciated. http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?8a77eead63.gif http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/th.8a77eead63.gif
  3. Best place to learn is here whakamaru. Lots of experts ;-)
  4. Here's an example o nthe EURGBP pair. If you notice, there are some levels not drawn by II_SupDem and trades were missed. Unless they were erased or repainted. Do you guys use both the indicators or just he II_SupDem only? The BIGGER Image is here: http://postimage.org/image/1fjiq04ck/full/ http://s3.postimage.org/q8t2qnnqr/eurgbp.gif
  5. Simple editing only. Professional work - no, no. Chan the Il SupDem indicator draws out a lot of S&D. Have you used the SupDem? Which do you think is better? Of course if one can draw their own it is best but for me I rely on the indicator simply because I tend to scan a lot of pairs. I suppose if you are only trading a handful of currencies, then drawing manually is not difficult. I used to do it, then I got tired (and lazy). p.s. Chan are you from KL? I know you are in S'pore but name is chankl. Half of S'pore are made out of Malaysian anyway :-)
  6. whakamaru: It matters not what else you need to know. The Demand and Supply method is pretty rule-based. The rest is pretty discretionary. You will gain by reading up on patterns, candles, etc but over time, in my opinion, nothing can better experience. So don't come into this industry thinking you can use one or two magic indicator and or system and be a millionaire in a year or want to compound 1% per day. That's noob thinking. I have been trading for most part of my life as an institutional trader and am still learning. Like I said stick to ONE method, use RISK MANAGEMENT (never over-exposed yourself) and learn along the way.
  7. I noticed none of the two indicators (supdem) and (il Supdem) refreshes. I think someone mentioned it here somewhere as well. And supdem.ex4 is protected and I can't edit it. Anyone here can make them refresh? At the moment I find supdem.ex4 indicator cleaner and slightly better. Anyone can help and give me some feedback? Thank you. p.s. To avoid people looking and asking for the indicators, please get them here: http://www.multiupload.com/MK5EETELU1
  8. alright, I certainly hope it does. I've seen all of Seiden's webinars since last year and was looking for a way to have levels drawn automatically and that's when I stumbled into this gold mine :-) I believe his method is simple. Keep it so. If you think otherwise and think it's too easy, then it may not work for you. Go meditate and then look at the charts and trade. Let the charts talk to you....... You don't need all that lines and indicators to make money. Use this and have good money management and you're with the winning 5%. Honestly.
  9. Out of the many webinars, I found this to have sum up all of what Seiden teaches. The other webinars are good to be sure, but they all try to hammer in the same thing. What can be said of Seiden and his method is that it is not difficult and if we just allow ourselves to simplify our thinking and not complicate and cloud our brains, we can make it successfully in trading. Now, guys and gals, please do not try to 'improve' anything. This is a simple and straightforward method. Just leave it at that. No other indicators are necessary. Just plain and simple supply and demand. Real world stuff. Economics 101. Enjoy the webinar. http://www.multiupload.com/58OFBAN8RK
  10. I think nobody answered this so I will attempt to. The arrow shows up or down - meaning from supply or demand level. So if the arrow is pointing up, it shows that the ideal trade would be long for that time-frame, for which price has either just touch a demand/supply level or has left if (meaning, you missed the entry, but there are more to come so don't worry :-) ) And the prices above and below the arrow are where the demand/supply is (Entry, ideally) and where it should head (TP, ideally), which is is the supply area if you are long(demand) and vice versa. The side bar in red/white shows how far price has left demand/supply (Entry) area and how much more it has to go to the supply/demand level (TP). Hope that helps.
  11. I am also interested in Sam Seiden's XLT course. Anyone to share?
  12. Darn, now that I have Part 8 working, Part 2 and 7 are corrupt. Please help upload all working parts :) Thank you.
  13. Any alternate fully working links for Tom DeMark - Trading Indicators for the 21th Century Videos ? Please? Help?
  14. 1CD 10 Bobsled.avi This one doesn't exist in download link anymore....
  15. Can some one please upload Tom DeMark's vid Part 8 is not available on Mediafire anymore. I have all of it except this..... Please help. http://www.mediafire.com/file/qdolz1gzmzw/DeMark_TI21.part08.rar <<<--- not working :-(
  16. The edge institutional traders have over retail traders, just the same as if one was a stockbroker (institutional vs retail players) (I was once an institutional dealer in a major stockbroking house :-)) or an inter-bank forex dealer. Institutional guys have much more advantages, namely ready and easy access to lots of capital (I had access to over $10m a day), and we don't have to pay brokerage/commissions/spreads. Commissions in stocks or spreads in FX alone can kill you. We also have lots of back room support. Research, analysts, all sorts of goodies. And most importantly the network of associates in other firms, etc. Just like a forum but we have access to stuff most investors don't but that does not necessary mean it is 100% accurate. It's just an edge. Having said that, let me assure you that with all that, the pressure is very high and burn out rate is high. In my opinion, given the amount of capital I now trade privately vs money thrown at me as an institutional dealer, I prefer it now as I get much better return on equity and very much less stress. Most times, capacity ($$$) can actually work against you. Ask Warren Buffet. There is no grail. Just be sensible and disciplined. That's it. Hope that helps.
  17. I found one version of the book in the Indonesian language. It's here: hxxp://[email protected]/7GM2EJI7B2 Can anyone please get the English version? Thank you :-)
  18. I would like to read the book too. However I found this, and I believe it is part of the course where he spoke about having a set of rules. This here have that Do's and Dont's. Hope you find it useful. hxxp://[email protected]/get/lOHnsTxu/Sun_Tzu_and_the_Art_of_War_for.html
  19. The real secret of trading is there is none. There is no guru, no nothing. Soros can make $1 billion and he can easily lose that in a matter of days as well. So how can these so-called gurus who claim to have found the 'holy grail' be correct? If they are they won't be selling EA and methods. Soros would gladly give them a $10 million a year job + bonus! Even inter-bank traders can lose a lot of money and make a lot of money at the same time. A friend of mine who was an inter-bank FX trader, lost $500,000 on paper overnight because he forgot to square off his trades. Needless to say, trading can be profitable. It's just a zero sum game and how it is played.
  20. Re: Wall Street Training Self-Study Course When I tried to decompress rar for Course Part 1-2 I encountered some problems when it was trying to decompress Part 2. There were some files which names are too long and thus it was not decompressed. How do I solve this? Thanks!
  21. Hello: Who has the link to this video? Would appreciate it. Thanks. >>>>>> Hopefully by now you have had a chance to really start digging into my program and can see the great potential in it. To be honest, it will probably take some time and effort on your part to master. Like anything in life all things worthwhile take a bit of dedication and perseverance. One of the comments I have received from perspective clients on a fairly regular basis is if my strategies only work well for me. That is definitely not the case as I have students all over the world with different experience levels doing really well with my program. One that really stands out is a guy from the UK that I like to refer to as, "The Tiger Woods of Trading". His name is Sanjay Patel and using my strategies he has racked up an amazing 61 out of 64 winning trades in the forex in less than a year. He doubled his initial account in just 3 days and then achieved a ten-fold increase in 30 days. After nine months the account was up to 109,221 pounds. Also keep in mind he started with just 1000 pounds in his account. His biggest trade was 1366 pips which produced a jaw-dropping 27,320 pound profit which is around $47,176 US. It would be safe to say that he has truly mastered my strategies! Back in November I took a 10 hour plane ride from Los Angeles to visit Sanjay. I wanted to meet him in person and find out what makes him tick and how he thinks. I more specifically wanted to know how he applies my techniques and what possible secrets he was using. The result of my trip was that we put together a 2 hour streaming video program featuring Sanjay as he explains in detail exactly what he is doing. He first explained how he gets all his forex data and charts for free saving himself around $1200 per year. I have been trading for a long time and this one had completely slipped under my radar. He then showed me exactly how he sets up his data and sets up his charts to easily and quickly scan for setups in 9 different markets and on multiple time frames. Next he outlined in detail how he uncovered his monster 1366 pip trade and how he was able to ride this trade for all its worth without getting shaken out. He then went on to show how me how he scans for quicker day trades using charts like the 15 and 30 minutes. Right at his desk while we were creating the videos he spotted 3 setups that went on to make over 60 pips each in less than 18 hours. Another thing that he showed me was the spread sheet that he uses to keep track of all his trades. This is a big part of his success as it lets him know at any given time where he is at and helps him to stay focused. He will go over this in detail on a video and he will also supply you with a copy that you can use. The last thing I did was to really pick his brain and find out why is so successful. I wanted to know what he is doing that is eluding other traders and more importantly what others could do to trade more like him. I have to say that even though I taught this program to Sanjay, I really learned a lot as well. It was really gratifying as a teacher to see one of my students achieve "Tiger Woods" like results. This has really motivated me to push even harder to get all my students to raise their game and be successful. No I can't guarantee that everyone will trade just like Sanjay, but I can guarantee that if you listen to what he is saying you will walk away a much better trader. The cost of this 2 hour program is only going to be $47 for my students and will not be offered to anyone else. I highly urge you take advantage of my visit with Sanjay as it truly was an eye-opening experience. Besides all the techniques and insights, don't forget that you will save yourself $1200 per year. To get started right away... http://www.win-at-trading.com/forex-order-form.html To your Forex success! Dr. Jeff PS After you sign up I will email you the special link to view all the videos on your pc so that you can be watching them minutes from now.
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