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Posts posted by chetachukwu

  1. Re: Simple profitable system needs EA programmer!!!!!


    it is not necessary for someone to post any trading statement for you to know if his system is considered profitable or not. there are many factors that can render trade results. 1) server 2/ time of entry/ delays and speed. 3 if is truely according to the rules of the system or was it traded according to the rules of another strategy. you see my friends... this is why some of us are easily decieved by trade statement details. it can be possibly manipulated in any way so you guys should stop relying on account statements. put a system on trade simulator and you will see weither it worths your time or not. use your instincts. account details does not justify anything for you. @kevinflynn nice work. keep it up. i like people who believe in themselves not believing in other people commercials works.

  2. Re: (REQ) FBI PRO trading system


    i think the have thier indicator for MT4 or maybe am wrong. I remember i had a problem with the authour sometime early last year when i saw something supeciouse in their website's source code about their detailed proof. i mailed him and threatened to expose him and he says i was only envying him and it was only out of my jalousee. Why would i be jalouse of him? well letteron he starts mailing me, beeing so respectful trying to negociate with me. but i dont even have time for him. :geek:

  3. Re: THEY HAVE DONE IT forexbestindicator


    this should work the same.....enjoy



    //| Copyright © 2010, Ivan Kornilov|

    //| TrendValue.mq4|


    #property copyright "Copyright © 2010, Ivan Kornilov. All rights reserved."

    #property link "[email protected]"


    #property indicator_chart_window

    #property indicator_buffers 5

    #property indicator_color1 Lime

    #property indicator_color2 Magenta


    extern int period = 2;

    extern double shiftPercent = 0.02;

    extern int shift = 0;

    extern int atrPeriod = 5;

    extern double atrSensitivity = 2.2;


    double upValue[];

    double downValue[];


    double highMovingAverages[];

    double lowMovingAverages[];

    double buffer[];


    int init() {

    SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE, EMPTY, 2);

    SetIndexBuffer(0, upValue);

    SetIndexLabel(0, "Up Value");


    SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE, EMPTY, 2);

    SetIndexBuffer(1, downValue);

    SetIndexLabel(1, "Down Value");


    IndicatorDigits(Digits + 1);

    SetIndexBuffer(2, buffer);

    SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_NONE);


    SetIndexBuffer(3, highMovingAverages);

    SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_NONE);

    SetIndexBuffer(4, lowMovingAverages);

    SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_NONE);

    IndicatorShortName("Trand Value (" + period + "," + shiftPercent+ ")");

    return (0);



    int start() {

    if (Bars <= period) {

    return (0);


    int indicatorCounted = IndicatorCounted();

    if (indicatorCounted < 0) {

    return (-1);


    if (indicatorCounted > 0) {



    int limit = Bars - indicatorCounted;

    for (int i = limit-1; i >= 0; i--) {

    double atr = iATR(NULL, 0, atrPeriod, 0) * atrSensitivity;

    highMovingAverages[i] = iMA(NULL, 0, period, shift, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_HIGH, i) * (1 + shiftPercent / 100) + atr * atrSensitivity;

    lowMovingAverages[i] = iMA(NULL, 0, period, shift, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_LOW, i) * (1 - shiftPercent / 100) - atr * atrSensitivity;


    buffer[i] = buffer[i + 1];

    if (Close[i] > highMovingAverages[i + 1]) {

    buffer[i] = 1;


    if (Close[i] < lowMovingAverages[i + 1]) {

    buffer[i] = -1;


    Can someone please upload this indicator to a mirror. multiupload.com prefferably.



    picking lows and tops. One thing for sure is that this indicator is too good to be true and you all know what that means, no need to explain that to you guys. It says that the indicator does not repaint, maybe true but there many ways a non-repainting indicator can be unreliable, e.g. it may put its signals at the backward bars (bar1, bar2 or more) instead of in realtime (try adx signal), secondly it may have a refreshing problem which will make you find it difficult to know weither it repaints or not. by the look at the image, this is simply the holygrail we are dreaming about which is a fairy tale. if that indicator does not have any problem i bet you the owner will not sell it less than 450,000 usdollars thats common sense. and the banks will be ready to pay 1 million GBP to have his indicator. so its unrealistic. if you new about Delta force indicator from chartsecrets.com you will understand what am talking about.


    Hmm picking lows and tops. does it mean this is the holygrail we've been searching for? funny,... very very funny. pull your ears and listen THIS IS A SCAM weither you like it or not. there are many ways a non-repainting indicator could be unreliable. ok no need to talk too much, put ADXsignals.mq4 on your chart offline, take a picture of it and you will it gives the same look, then test it in real time and see what you get. dough adxsignals does not repaint but but..... well see for yourself. i bet you that indi signals dances at bar1.

  5. Re: REQ:800 plus pips a week systems


    Just use simple logic.


    If the system is making so much, why would you sell it on ebay for 70-100$


    my 1 cent




    Vinpiper you are very sensitive just how i want you to be. simple logic, as simple as A,B,C,D. nobody will sell a system worth giving you $500 on daily bases for even $1000, he will even sell it $500 x 30 = $15,000. that will be the actual price for a system that is capable of putting 500usd on your account daily because its assumed you cover the cost in a month interval. You see we aught to stop chasing shadows and face reality. there is no f*****g forex system that works that will be sold to anyone. the owner will do anything to hide it from reaching the eyes of anybody. think about it, some of us here have secret systems they created and comfortable with but cant just let it off like that. let me explain something to newbies in this forum... some of you are so blind that u cant see with ur eyes wide open, A very profitable working system will worths more than half a million u.s dollars. and nobody would ever sell such a system to you. there are over 1500 mt4 indicators on net download and go through all of them one after the other, fish out your favourites on a seperate folder, quarintine them again and see what you can make out of the runner-ups. this a simple way of making ur own system that suits you. every man have its own uniqueness, be creative, those who sell thore hypes are not smarter than any of us here, neighther do they have two heads. this is something most deaf newbies will not understand as some may throw attacks on me. i'll give support to any member that brings up ideas than any one that make a commercial system request. open your eyes fellows.


    keep it up vinpiper.

  6. Re: Omegavus


    I remmeber this yokiro trader, he used to have a system on sale called pips on fire for many years. He copied the J16 manual the advanced pin bar pdf you can find for free in the J16 thread and was selling it.


    But he could'nt get anyone to buy it :(


    So what he did is he advertised in all the boards about a super system which makes 10k a month and got newbies scrambling. It was very clever advertising he said i will only give the system to slect people who really deserve it for free and all kinds of things to make it sound authentic.


    But actually what he did was as no one was buying it he got everyone to take a survey and got paid by the people marketing the survey. He's very very clever ..... as clever as they come.


    Found a free system tried to sell it commercially that didnt work so he spread word of a secret system available only to a slect few got them to take the survey got paid for collecting data plus probablly also got paid for recommending the broker etoro in his pdf, or maybe he was an Ib (I dont know)


    I was there when this was happenig and tried to alert people but greed is ssuch a thing people were falling over each other ready to complete any survey for a secret system which rakes in tens of thousands of dollars and yoriko made it so authentic he wrote you have to tell me why you deserve it only then i i feel you do I'll give it to you.


    In the end the mods caught the scam and banned him from fxstreet he spamed all the fx boards with this.



    nothing wrong with the system its the J16 system word for word. This Yoriko guy is a thief and a liar though.


    Don't believe me look up fxstreet forums


    I'm very pleased to hear that. that explains everything to me.

  7. Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


    Don't misunderstand me - I'm not requiring you to post any proof. Even if you did post some statements and it was looking good, my schedule is way too full at the moment to accommodate a new project. All I'm saying is that soundfx did express some valid concerns and that it would most likely draw a lot more attention if you had some demo statements - if everything goes as you said in the first post regarding the 99% win rate and the amount of pips that come with each trade, such proof would speak a great many words in favor of the strategy.


    By the way, is anyone trading this manually? Harry007 perhaps? Do keep everyone updated on your progress, thanks in advance :)

    :-S :-S sometimes i realy dont understand birt. i tought he needed some reasonable evidence. but now he is sounding like?.?.... i just dont figure what he require from harsh... ok he wants to be plain neutral now. birt! the guy is ready to provide any details now. dont you want it that way?

  8. Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


    @birth i am very dissappointed on you guyz attitude in this topic. a you guyz both you and soundfx should give a fellow member a little chance before playing C.S.I MIAMI. wait and see what significance a topic will be to the entire community before judging or concluding on what you think is on the owners mind. I apologise to soundfx for being aggressive. but u guyz were not being fair at all and i dont give a go ahead for things like that. if this thread had offended the whole forum upon creation then it shouldnt exist. i mean its such an embarrasment to the topic owner and makes him look like a cruck even if it was his intension or not. first give members a breathing space and watch what a progress would be like before predicting and forecasting people's mind. i dont intend to quarel with anyone but i just want you guys to take it easy with people okey :)

  9. Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy




    Some things are not quite right with your post which makes me think that you're someone looking for an EA to be developed for free so that you can market it as "Pip Exterminator" or whatever lol.


    The first thing that hit me was that "your own custom indicator" contains decompiled code which is very strange if it's your own indicator. In fact it appears to be the same as the freely available NonLagAMA indicator to found here:



    "I personally know a guy who has converted $ 600 To $ 8,00,000 in 3 Months With a drawdown of 4 %."- Hmmm, now...where have I seen comments like this before?


    If you know a guy who has done this, couldn't he tell you exactly how he did it and then you can put 3 months aside for some intensive manual trading and become a multi-millionaire yourself ?


    It makes no sense to me that you need an EA with a system this powerful. Besides, if there is any discretionary element to trading this system, then creating an EA is not the thing to do.


    I assume that because the system is so powerful, that you're already trading it in live and just need to free up your time. Can you provide us with live statement to back up your claims ?


    Despite these reservations, the system looks like quite a good one and I'll check out the indicators in demo over the next few days.

    i would advice you to think with your brain before you fire attacks to people. One thing is that anybody can have his personal indis decompiled for some good reasons:, maybe to make it easier for modifications by others or so. yes ofcourse i have some of my personal indicators decompiled and if i am to share it i will post the decompiled versions of it.... ok?.Then secondly why would anyone come into a crowded place like this and expose and share a system or ea he intends to sell before marketing the system/ea? as for me, i will say that ur post did not make any sense. i know there are many scams and copycat in this forex world, or you've been a victim of many hypes. but i think u aught to consider some certain factors before you run your personal universal judiciary on this forum. such a big dissappointment that a moderator gave you kodos for that pointless.

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