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RichardGere last won the day on February 9

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  1. Hi; W3 has already ended and was an extended W3. So now waiting for W4 correction and entering W5 on the conditions for Type 1 trade. I have traded this Aget strategy for 7 months before being called out from retirement. Made some money for a short holiday : ) 12 years ago, I traded this Aget strategy and didn't do well. I stopped trading for 10 years due to work and returned on retirement, prior to the pandemic. Studied Elliott Wave and watched the AdvancedGet seminars which someone shared here. The seminars though blurry to watch, was what that helped me to understand this strategy. Reading the manual was probably not enough. Of course, I am speaking from my own perspective. What I felt important was that you need to know Elliott Wave and be able to make your own judgements to the count given by Advanced Get. Basically, I would look for a 45 degrees impulse wave for a type I and II trade. I skip those where the impulse count seems to be force-fitted with a range bound price action. Hope that helps. Cheers
  2. Hi; I trade type 1 and type 2 setups individually per D1, H4 and H1. I don't do MTF but I do check other TF sometimes. Sometimes I do look for Wave 5 in Wave 5. But usually to look for Wave 5 end, I look for the Elliott Oscillator OSC divergence. I show here an example of how I setup the 3 timeframes (with data from MT4) with the EURNZD pair. Notice that the 60m (H1) shows a probable setup with PTI of 79 with the impulse wave showing a nice 45 degrees ascend. Possible of W4 complex correction as W2 is simple ABC.
  3. Unfortunately, I do not use the search function. I watch the forex market on 20+ pairs in 3 timeframes, ie 60 min, 4 hours and Daily. Data feed from MT4 with manual updating. Have not been doing this for a couple of months now as I am involved in a work project.
  4. Welcome. Hope you find success in your endeavor. This forum is not as lively as it used to be but do make the best of it. There is Optuma 1.6 and Optuma 2.2 (offline version) here that you will probably find useful.
  5. Your ASCII setting is not correct. If you look at the data file that I attached, there is a <time> column, which is not use and has values of 0. So your ASCII settings should be Date | Skip | Open | High | Low | Close | Volume | Hope that helps
  6. I use AdvancedGet 7.8 EOD version and not AdvancedGet 9 because AdvancedGet 9 does have some instability. There is an AdvancedGet 7.8 intraday that accepts 60 minute data but till date, I have not found an educated version of it yet. This method that I am using was from more than a decade ago. It is using data from Metatrader 4. What you do is to attach an indicator (Agetdata.ex4) into a currency pair of 1 hour or 4 hours. What it does with the 1 hour or 4 hour chart is that it will convert each bar (1 hour or 4 hour bar) into EOD data and date it sometime into the past ie year 1930. Each daily data from 1930 onwards, represent 1 hour or 4 hours bar. This data is automatically saved into the MT4/Files directory. The saved file will automatically be added with a suffix of 60 or 240 so that it will identify the timeframe of the saved file. You can then use Advancedget to access this file. The chart will appear to show daily data starting from year 1930 but each bar is actually a 1 hour or 4 hour data. So what you see is that chart pattern suitable for Advanceget analysis but of course the X-axis is showing daily timeframe. I am not sure if I explained it clearly but I have attached the resultant data file for your review. I have attached a sample chart for audusd60. It shows a daily chart with a Daily X-axis starting from the year 1934. But the chart displayed is actually of the 60 minute chart from MT4. I do believe you can also do this for 15 min or 30 min but I didn't try it because things happen too fast for me at 15 min. For 1 hour chart, I only need to manually rerun AdvancedGet every hour to get a new updated bar. There is another indicator, CurrencyLoader.ex4, that does the same but I didn't use it because, it seems to have problem updating the files. I have attached it just in case you want to experiment with it. AGData.mq4 AUDCAD60.prn Currency_Loader V2.3.ex4
  7. I am only do it for 60 minutes for MT4 data. It will need a add-in for MT4. Let me know if you are interested before I proceed
  8. If I can remember correctly, if this is the first time you install from the telegram group, when you run the Motivewave after cracking it via the emulator, Motivewave will still ask you for the license key. You get the license key from the program Volume Tools Assistant 6.x which is downloaded from the same Telegram channel. You will first need to register an account before you enter the main page of the account where you can then get the license keys free for Motivewave, Bookmap, Quantower and Jigsaw (these keys are specific for your computer only). For NT8 and Sierra, these two are paid per month versions. For the link to the said Telegram channel, refer to my earlier post.
  9. I am not sure if this will work but here is a message link; https://t.me/c/2130865682/304
  10. Motivewave does have a study called Seasonality. But perhaps it isn't what you are looking for.
  11. Yes it works, Thank You. Just testing it. Don't know how to use this software though.
  12. That is good. Go ahead to install 2.2 into another program folder and copy OPCM.dll file to the program folder of 2.2. (There is no need copy any res.dat and cert.dat files to document folder since they were already installed with 1.6. Installing 2.2 will not remove them) Now you can login OFFLINE mode in 2.2 using the same ID and Password of 1.6. To share files, use 1.6 to download chart and save into a workbook. Then close 1.6 and open 2.2. Open workbook that you have saved previously. BUT you can actually run 1.6 and 2.2 simultaneously although most people says it can't be done. To run the two programs simultaneously (run 1.6 and 2.2 without having to close any of them) Here is the cut and paste from my post at TSRh (Run the emulator for 1.6 first) Click either the 1.6 or 2.2 icon repeatedly and quickly for about 6 to 8 clicks. Let's say start with 1.6 icon first. You should see one or two splash screens declaring the message "Optuma is already running. Would you like to close the other process and continue?" Click Yes to all splash screens. After this, you should see at least two login screens for version 1.6. Close all but leave one open. (If you don't see at least 2 login screens, then close everything and redo the clicking again) Now you can click the version 2.2 icon and the version 2.2 login screen will appear. You can now proceed to login either online or offline with the respective versions. To share static data (not realtime data) from version 1.6 to version 2.2 Save your workspace in version 1.6 after opening a chart. In version 2.2 open the same workspace. You will have what version 1.6 has saved. (reminder : In version 2.2, do not save workspace, just load only) I don't use the program but just tested it. Hope this work around will be helpful for others.
  13. Send me all the files that you used to install and I will install it on my 3rd computer. Just want to make sure you have the right files.
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