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Everything posted by devils_advocate

  1. Hi, Here is part - 7: 462 MB https://www55.zippyshare.com/v/iHOyKcdj/file.html Only one part file left now. Thanks, D_A_
  2. Hi, Here is part - 6: 499 MB https://www116.zippyshare.com/v/YIWuAugZ/file.html This one has IF's posts. Thanks, D_A_
  3. Hi, Here is part - 5: 300 MB https://www87.zippyshare.com/v/aZvD5flP/file.html This is the last part I am sharing today. Have to go to sleep. I have shared 40% of total Journals. There is lot more informative material left, but don't worry I will complete it tomorrow. By breaking it into parts I have been able to do it faster. Thanks, D_A_
  4. Hi, Here is part - 4: 490 MB https://www21.zippyshare.com/v/SmiB448X/file.html Thanks, D_A_
  5. Hi, Here is part - 3: 498 MB https://www59.zippyshare.com/v/3Xoh9lPj/file.html Thanks, D_A_
  6. Hi, Here is part - 2: 351 MB https://www89.zippyshare.com/v/QlMXu5rP/file.html Thanks, D_A_
  7. Hi, Like I said before my net provider gives upload speed which is 1/8th of download speed. Therefore, I have decided to share RTM Journals in parts. This way if upload gets interrupted I don't loose much time and if it gets corrupted I can re-upload only the relevant part. This is the part - 1, plz, download it, check it and I will start sharing other parts. I will try to share asap, plz be patient. https://www31.zippyshare.com/v/34k7xQp5/file.html If you face any problem, tell them in comments (plz don't PM). Thanks, D_A_
  8. Hi, I have downloaded 4.73GB of RTM journals. These are extracts of posts from RTM forum of their highest rated paid members. There are NO course VIDEOS, but only forum posts, but by the size of it you can imagine they are huge collection and lots of information. It also includes IF's posts. I downloaded it directly from a Mega link, which has gone dead now. Unfortunately, I didn't transfer it to my Mega account. I will be uploading this content on to a site, but it might take 4-5 days. If anybody wants this content, plz comment here (no need to PM me). Actually, the upload speed of my net connection is slow, so I want to make sure that someone needs it before I go through the uploading process. Thanks, D_A_
  9. Hi, The version of Timing Solution 2018 on this page is asking for registration key even when I am installing it without internet. Also, its not accepting a random key. Please help! Thanks, D_A_
  10. Hi, I have heard a lot of praise about Chris Lori's trading techniques. Even, Micheal of ICT talks about Chris in many of his videos and says that he took some of his concepts from Chris. I like PA trading and found that Chris Lori has a Price Action Course. http://www.protradersclub.com/pacourse/pacourse.html If someone has this course, please share it. Thanks, D_A_
  11. Found the link here: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/30846-ICT-quot-Inner-Circle-Trader-quot-Mentorship-Program-by-Michael-J-Huddleston
  12. Just a few hours ago I requested this mentorship program and you have shared its link. I am really really thankful to you and Matrix. D_A_
  13. Hi all, I went through the ICT videos which are available free on YouTube, they are good for PA traders. In those videos, Micheal talks about his mentorship program. Does anybody have those videos? I am looking for videos which tell how one can decide the daily and weekly bias. He says he talks in detail in his mentorship program about simple setups to determine daily and weekly bias. If someone has ICT Mentorship videos, plz share. Thanks, D_A_
  14. Hi, My ISP is not allowing me to access mirrorace. I know the files must be big in size, but if someone can upload them to zippyshare, mega....it would be really helpful. Or else, the download links of various sites from mirrorace can be shared here individually, maybe, one of the sites will be accessible. Thanks, D_A_
  15. I completely agree that Sam Seiden's strategy is no longer profitable, but his concept is still profitable. Meaning, the supply/demand levels are not so obvious now a days.They are much more nested and discreet. I think they will keep getting more and more like that. But, this truth will never go away that smart money enters at certain points of time before a big move and they rarely like waiting for long before they can withdraw their profits. This concept has helped my trading a lot, but again I would say finding the right supply/demand level is tricky. My comment is regarding your observation of Sam Seiden work. I haven't seen Steven Dux DVD. If its really built upon Sam's work, then I will surely watch it. It might give a new perspective to better identify supply/demand level. Thanks, D_A_
  16. This link is the same shared by one other user and also by me in this thread before. It has RTM articles and their YouTube videos. Articles are from their website, which is now restricted for outsiders. Also, all the content is properly arranged so that you can study them in correct order. Hope it helps. Thanks, D_A_
  17. I tried opening this link on several browsers and got the same result, something like 'Server not found'. If you want, I can share the screenshot, its still showing the same thing. But, by seeing the number of thanks to your post I am assuming that nobody else had this problem. Don't know why. Anyway, new link has been shared by ktxking. Thanks to him for that. I thank you for sharing this file and hope that you will keep being this generous. Thanks, D_A_
  18. I am unable to open this site, even after replacing $ with S. I think real address is www.seedr.com. Am I right?
  19. In post 126, Yachusai has already shared malaysia course. Here is that link again http://forexwinners.ru/forex/qm-master-mansor-sapari/ As for RTM course, its still eluding us. D_A_
  20. Usually I use Firefox, but it has adblocker, so I used IE. In Internet Explorer when I clicked 'rar file link', new page opened where I clicked 'free download' button, in next page waited for time to lapse then entered code and clicked 'create download link'. IDM started downloading.:)
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