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Posts posted by freddy

  1. I guess you guys don't really trade if you con't to write here ,useless information here.


    lol wasted few mins of my time reading this shitty thread !


    Sometimes behind " useless information here " and " shitty thread " we discover a major interest in this kind of thread: demonstrate that this "miraculous" indicator is a pure scam and therefore stop this impostor, at least useful for the most novice members!


    If you see that as irrelevant, it is your right. (You, you have experience! You have lost your illusions, but remember when you started)

  2. The reason I disagree with this type of cloaked advertising is because the only people who do this usually end up ripping off it's customers because they are avoiding advertising standard rules/laws that protect customers and advertising fees that should be paid to the websites they spam/hide their true intentions on. If a company wants to advertise, let them advertise of course, but they should pay to advertise, and then everyone knows they are a commercial company, not someone hiding and advertising through forum posts to trick/mislead people, that is underhand in my opinion, and normally ends in tears. Jacko is one example on forex factory, he was a profitable trader, he got a huge following, everyone loved him, he started subscription 'members' service, then went on to manage money, he disappeared and took many hundreds of thousands from people and is still on the run from the FBI.


    On this aspect (disguised advertising) I agree with you, but it remains the responsibility of the Directors of the site.


    But in truth, they will have a lot of work because we can imagine that half of the threads can be related to "advertising disguised!


    But for us, "members" of II, I do not see how this affects us, apart from being able to give our opinion on what we read.


    Be wary of attractive offers (too good to be true) is normal.


    But erecting the suspicion, as a moral value can be dangerous. (see what is happening with the new regulations of the net)

    In the name of morality, we end up banning everything and anything, remember the time of prohibition and the damage it caused, but people have no memory!)


    Be suspicious for everything is dangerous and it is valid in both directions:


    - Suspect all members of our forum to be vulgar thieves or robbers,




    - Suspect all sellers or marketers to be crooks)



    Some sellers are crooks and should be flushed,

    Some forum members are thieves when they use the apps downloaded in order to sell them on ebay or other personal website, and should also be flushed.


    I've never felt a thief when I downloaded things here and there, when I realize that it has no interest and that I should have felt cheated if I had fed some of these unscrupulous sellers .


    I have my conscience in perfect harmony, because what I found interesting and helpful to my learning, I bought them or pay for licenses. (It is true that sometimes, I still was disappointed with some performances for some of these purchases, but hey, that's life!)



    Your argument on that Jacko (FF) has no place here.

    For the simple reason that Craig (Bluto), to my knowledge, does not handle my money.


    Bluto is an excellent coder who, in addition to its technical qualities, has good ideas on trading in general.

    He provides indicators, EAs (I admit to not having tested yet, but the time will come) and this new project still in development but already well advanced (Entropy). And for the little I've seen, some of these signals have a good degree of accuracy (by using it as I described in my previous posts)


    So it gives me that and all that will come later (not counting the resources of other members) and I use them as I want with my knowledge accumulated in recent years.


    If, be of good reputation is to advertise, so what about some vendors frequently doing webinars every 3 months to promote their methods and are discussed on all the forums. (and who also, pay no commercial advertising on these forums)

    I do not think I need to provide examples, right?

    There are so many.


    So show me, when Bluto has proceeded in this manner. Never to my knowledge!

    he is too busy coding his ideas and those of its members to have time of taking care of promotions.

    His promotion was done by word of mouth.

    If the 1000 + members were unhappy with the quality-price ratio, long ago you would have heard of this community in terms unfriendly.



    The only venomous comments I read are those of individuals who are not part of FXAW, for reasons of ignorance or because they want everything for free.



    So let us stop these useless and fruitless struggles.

    Use our strengths to combat more serious,

    like fighting against real scams or to recover the wind of freedom on the net.


    Against baseless moralizing, but for some form of ethics!


    Again, sorry for this long post.

    But my comments go beyond the case of Bluto and Entropy.


  3. Am I dumb? :-/



    Of course it may be considered as a disguised form of advertising.

    We can only say that it is smarter than those who use spam and are banned in one day.


    Others have done the same thing for over a year to sell their method that uses two letters of the alphabet.


    Here, perhaps, too, is this the case, to want to promote this system, but I want to say: So what?


    The difference is your judgment.

    Nobody forces people to buy a car brand X because an ad you watch on TV.


    Nobody is forced to join FXAW.


    It turns out that, personally, I wanted to join because I knew the reputation of Bluto.

    The membership fee is relatively modest, given the value.

    I could afford to spend this amount reasonable to test myself.

    If, now, I considered that I had been cheated, I would say, as I denounced most scams.

    But no, I do not feel cheated.

    When asked if this system is BS.

    I would say that in this case you can treat all systems in the world of BS, because in front of your screen, you can still play and throw a coin toss, and you will win half the time.


    This system is not a panacea, but for those who know precisely what are the supports / resistances and the price action, you can use this system to your advantage, because Entropy allows you to scan the market in real time and thus allow you, with your judgment to choose the best opportunities for profitability.

    Anyway, this is how I want to use.


    See this as a scanner rather than as a system, and you will appreciate that it lets you focus on your trading, when an opportunity arises.


    This site is a sharing site, yes, and you can not suspect me, not wanting to share.

    We can share what is sharable, here are signals, not a book or soft.

    You can also share ideas, or satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

    Here, today, I share my beliefs: The site of Bluto is not a scam.


    Again, this is only my opinion, and I receive no compensation for my comments.


    As for jmsaffron aka Captain Jack (CJ), it's a nice guy who helps everyone on the forum FXAW as are some friendly members that help here on our forum Indo-Investasi.


    I also read that FreddyFX (who is a member of both forums) is skeptical regarding Entropy and that his personal method it is more profitable.

    This does not mean that it denigrates the work of Bluto.

    This means that it has reached a level of autonomy. And that's fine.

    This, I believe, is the purpose of each of us to reach full autonomy, skill and total independence.

    So, share our ideas, our best sides, aim for the top, rather than trying to belittle everyone at level zero of mediocrity.


    When you're dealing with crooks or pseudo-gurus, it's normal to want to disseminate and prevent newbies to get ripped off, but when people offer services with reasonable value for money, we don 'have no reason to "steal" - "share" their honest skills.


    Excuse me for this long post.


  4. Ah, hello there, dear freddy!


    The charming, soft-spoken sarcasm with a touch of elegance is quite amusing! Acutally, it's hilarious!!


    You never cease to amaze me!!!



    Hello dear Craven, :x

    how are you these days?

    Thank you for your kindness,


    I think we will not have any news from Mr. Robertron, or should I say Mr Daleyclon.

    This is unfortunate because it was getting fun.

    I guess he's gone to a masquerade.

    By invitation only.

  5. Interesting, seems to involve breaking of long-running trendline as trigger combined with some oscillator type indicator.


    But maybe Google Translate does not work quite well. What does he mean by "Our offer is unique because the Trading Method Windwinner is Weakness."?

    Also, it is 1290 in euro. Not cheap.


    From french page:


    "Notre offre est exceptionnelle car la Trading Method Windwinner est sans faille."


    which means:


    "Our offer is exceptional because the Trading Method Windwinner is flawless.(without fault)"

  6. But i gave him my word that i will not share his indicator


    Dear Clon_tron,


    here is a proposal that would make everyone better.

    And who will end this suspense, breathtaking!


    I respect a lot Craven and I have great confidence in her judgment (even if she's blonde!)


    Read her profile and her older posts / threads.


    When Craven believes that a "product" is not a scam, she is the first to pay it and always asks members who are satisfied with the product to do the same.


    So I suggest that you send this "famous indicator" by PM to Craven. (You have her word that she won't share it here)


    She will test it and will do a small feedback report, lovingly prepared.


    And we can finally know if Mr Robert M.Daley found the Holy Grail.

    And if one day we too will have the chance to open an account with ... $ 300 and be as rich as he became.


    What do you think, dear Clon-tron?

    Honest proposal, right?



    PS @ Mr Robert M.Daley: you never answered my previous question about your broker you used and that is unknown to date. (See my post # 94 page # 10)

  7. I decided a few days ago, to test this service: Entropy.


    Who is behind Entropy?

    A nice guy named Bluto whose real name is Craig.

    If you are looking Bluto, you will see that he was a contributor on many forums and for several years. He has donated many indicators and EAs.

    Bluto was (and still is) widely respected in the small world of forex.

    A few years ago, he wanted to restrict his research with only a small group because as you can see yourself, public forums unfortunately end up leaving in all directions!

    Craig then founded his private group: FXAW.


    I remember that I had at the time received the invitation to join FXAW (the entrance fee was about $ 150) I have not taken advantage of the opportunity, perhaps I was too novice. Too bad!



    Therefore, finding in this thread, Bluto's name, I finally decided to try its services, and I thank CJ for responding in this thread.


    You know my views on most crooks-gurus-marketers I have often denounced.

    For me, what makes (made?!), the biggest interest of Indo-Investasi is to "try" free all methods and applications, and to pay their authors, for "original works" that bring real added value.


    Unable to try it for free, I decided to dive (knowing the reputation of Bluto) and I'm not disappointed.



    By joining FXAW for a relatively small amount (<$ 300) you join a living community, focused on "tools" provided by Bluto.

    Besides all the indicators and EAs (not tried), you have access "to the search engine" Entropy.


    What is Entropy?


    in · tro · py (ntr-p)

    no. pl. in · tro · pies

    1. Symbol S For a closed thermodynamic system, a quantitative measure of the Amount of thermal energy not available to do work.

    2. A measure of the disorder or randomness in a closed system.

    3. A measure of the loss of information in a message Transmitted.

    4. The Tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve Toward a state of inert uniformity.

    5. Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society.



    I think we should take the # 2 definition to understand the intentions of Bluto.



    Is it a panacea, the Holy Grail?

    Of course not, you must still use your brain, but it is a great help to scan the market.



    It is a continuous stream of signals.

    We must learn to use them, but the site has many members who test and give you their discoveries, you are not alone.



    When I see the avalanche of "EAs" for $ 97, offers of signals between $ 99 and $ 600 per month or the "gurus" who offer their expertise with words of "cook" for a whopping + $ 5,000, I think Craig's offer is a bargain.

    You are a life member, so you have access to all developments, present and future.




    This is obviously only my opinion, and I have no compensation to write my comments.

    you are free to throw them!

    Good day to all.


  8. And you still have no idea what you're doing. I wouldn't be bragging if I were you moron.


    Originally Posted by ForexRules *

    When posting on the forum, first introduce yourself and go into detail of your experience with trading the forex if your intentions to post trade signals.


    It's totally useless to come to a forum and post trade signals assuming that people will automatically jump in and follow your lead. This is your first post and you should build up a reputation first.





    You should apply your last advice ( * from another of your intervention) to yourself and stop this offensive tone.

    This forum was great and unfortunately becomes increasingly unbearable for some time, especially since the advent of some new members like yourself who have no other arguments that the easy insults.

    This is unfortunate because the greatness of this site was to expose scams and to help members not to be fooled by marketers-gurus.


    In recent months it has become, like so many other public spaces, a race to insult and disrespect.

    This is probably why many former members are involved less and less.

    Anyway, in my case, I leave you to your childhood behaviors.



    P.S. Freddie can defend itself, but your behavior is offensive to all who have contributed in recent years.

  9. Ya its totally different from all those pivot levels ... it kinda uses data from previous 3-5 days and price moves like charm from those levels


    the software has only R1 R2 and S1 S2 ... price just shoots when it breaks R2 or S2


    so just wondering if someone knows how R3, S3 is calculated


    You can use this online PP calculator


    and look if with the H L C of the last 3/5 days, you can match Dynamic trader's values.

    Play with parameters and if you get them, then you can change "correct" formulas in the indicator like the one provided by Sixer, then you will get your awesome results.

    Green pips to you!

  10. None of the following file-sharing sites featured in the multiupload link is working for the following file :


    http://www.multiupload.com/1MRUYROBEM - fibonacci strategies.rar (379.16 MB)


    I would like to ask a favour from a fellow-member here who has the file if it can be uploaded to another file-sharing site such as mediafire, 4shared or rapidshare. Thanks.


    I will upload it for you, but it takes some time, so be patient and you'll get it later today!

  11. I know this statement is a fake one, (Largest profit trade: 21.00 Average profit trade: 20.91), thanks to Dk1aussie)


    FGX Broker Inc. ????

    In addition, it would be interesting if Mr Daley could give us a link to this unknown broker!


    I could not find any info.






    And indeed if I could make 10 times my deposit in 10 trades, I would not need to sell my holy grail for $500 until feb 15th (after it goes back to $2500),

    I would not sell it at all, I would trade it every day until I own the world and then I would make happy every human being in this miracle world!

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