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Posts posted by jackdan

  1. Re: [Req]Please give correct link


    It was published the reference, but it does not work


    For people who want to test ISEA with Ninjatrader, here is Ninjatrader 6.5+Multibroker+crack







    This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.


    Please give correct link


    Vladimir, you should edit your title for something like [req] Ninjatrader 6.5+Multibroker+cr@ck (previous rapidshare link broken)


    Then maybe someone that downloaded it would republish it. but the way you did it, maybe they won't even read the post


    my 2 cents only

  2. Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)




    How do we distribute the shares of the broker, especially for non-indonesians?


    And the most important question, how about the leverage? In most forex broker, leverage is given by using other traders account's money and the broker's own money, as liquidity providers don't provide leverage. This is not a problem for them because not all the broker's client buy/sell at the same time.


    But for us, we use the same EA and all our clients sell at the same time or buy at the same time. When this happens, our broker has to bear 200million for 1 million traded amongst us(when 1:200 is applied) because all of us sell/buy at the same time. How do our broker get the extra 199million?


    For us, even using 1:2 leverage might be a problem due to same positions at the same time.


    So, does that mean our broker can only provide 1:1 leverage?


    myanx, please, post that question in correct link. Here we will not discuss any more that matter. correct link is:




    so please, edit and erase here.....

  3. Re: REQ: Booker band indicator from Rob Booker.


    Thanks JackDan,


    I've seen this video and (correct me if I'm wrong) but that could be said

    about any of the MAs, such as 200EMA... so what is magical about the 800EMA?

    Price will retrace regardless, it never continues only in one direction. But trying

    to predict when that will happen, is like trying to predict human behaviour, because

    that's what ultimately moves the market.


    Now my question is this... is his course worth the money to go to? Have you tried

    the indicators and feel there is something special there?


    Honestly..... i cannot respond that question...


    To me , it is not worth the money , but i have not been in his seminar. maybe his seminar is great

    and filled up of good info. But judging by the 800 ema.... nope...


    But i can not answer it.... Sorry Angelgirl....

  4. Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


    the trader's club discussion is beeing held here:





    And between us, the ONLY way to have that ea working, will be this one....



    you all welcome to participate in the thread, if you are willing to do or build the

    club, basically open minded to do it. All ideas welcome....




  5. Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)





    Please, do not misunderstand me, you have all my respect, and , once again, i voted

    you. I really apreciate your opinions and your work. Actually, if i get into a conversation

    like this one, normally it is because i apreciate the poeple in it, and i only discuss

    with whom i beleive it is worthy to do so.


    I really hope you become mod....

  6. Re: [req] French Accent ???


    As trying to be eccentric I'm thinking of changing my speaking accent. :D


    I think french has the sexiest accent. Which do you guys think have the most sexiest accent?


    Anyway, do you guys knows / have any audio lessons for French accent? Could you please share?




    well, i am french mothers'tongue.... is it why i am sooo successfull with girls?


    Anyway, what is your mothertongue william?

  7. Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


    Ye, you right Jack. I am sorry, just didn't like you attacking Dr. in the middle of election campaign.

    But, well as i said you are right and I shut up for good.


    Apopova. Please do not misunderstand me, i did not attack Drforex. I insist: I VOTED him.


    but i want to makes things clear.... And part of it was to remind the fact that he mentionned donations

    and accepted it... As well as i accepted to donate

  8. Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


    Ok, then, I take note of the fact you do not want to be part of it.



    You stated clearly. Now, if you do not want to be part, let us, me,

    that i like the idea, developp it. do not destroy or say anything against it,as

    you do not want to be part of it. just do not mention anything.


    I will be very critical with progrepama and the idea, to make it better. And

    i will bomb progress with questions, if i need to understand things, but because

    i want to be part of it.


    You, please, keep apart, as it is your wish to be out.

  9. Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


    Ye, open another thread guys, and do not blame the Dr. he has never asked for your money, and delivered more than you could of paid for anyway.



    As far as i know and have read, progresspama did not ask for money neither....


    Or a division is a request for money?¿ because he just divided an amount in several numbers

    to show how much it could be. APopova, you have all my respect, but do not be so

    negative. If all this would be for true, and honest, wouldn't you like to be part of it?


    I am sooo tired of beeing unsecure of the brokers around, that the idea of beeing inside

    one, with my little share call me so much attention. not only for isea, but for

    general trading. Wouldn't you want to be part of it??

  10. Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)





    And what is with http://www.dukascopy.com/ ?


    Does they to tick all the boxes?

    I know the mq4 code must code into the JForex API, but that`s not the problem!


    Well, Mario, we can also open dukascopy way, but it would have to be tuesday , cause neither today , netither to morrow

    they will answer the questions

    But what if you send them an email with requirement, and you let us know the answers. Maybe you could arrqange

    a meeting with them, and after compare the conditions.



  11. Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


    I will propose to open a new thread, maybe titled "traders club" , where no money will be mention

    under any form, and where we could discuss the legal ways of creating a Company, Club, or whatever

    you want to call it.


    I can offer the services of a lawyer, but it would be spanish. We should have a usa lawyer to

    advise us in this case.

  12. Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


    About all those post written before by mods and members:



    ¿¿Scam?? yes or not: well the fact is that in the Usa saturday poeple rarely works, and sunday and this

    monday , it is bank holliday. We should give progrespama more time. It will indeed be needfull in some

    way to have some kind of legal fundation to do this. the idea is wonderfull.


    ¿¿Rules?? Ok, Wiliam, there are rules. Actually i wrote already one time about you censoring

    some post for following the rule, and at the end i deleted it. Actually, i am much in favor of the rule of not claiming money.

    But as Moderator, you also have to be judge, and the judges are to apply the laws after giving

    an understanding of it, and possibly allso beeing flexible about it. You now act like a police man, that

    have not the possibility of interpreating the law. Be judge, not police. By the way, one of

    the mod been elected now also broke the rule under strict word. Yes, Drforex007, what about that

    donation and the few post mentionning it? I did donate. But if progresspama is banned or his post deleted for what he is doing,

    you should straight now dismiss, because you before him, did mention something about money.

    I also must say that i voted you. But I wonder with what moral and legal right you will be able

    to delete progrespama post, or delete any post requesting money in any manners.


    Now let's look into the thread and progrespama idea. The idea of creating a trader's club is brilliant.

    His mistake, to have writen an amount. That is not much of a mistake, because it gives an idea. And once

    again, when such a lot of poeple are going into it, william, maybe it is because they do not want

    that rule to be applied and maybe they want to discuss freely about it. Now, if you delete all those post,

    you'll act as police, or worse, dictator. And we are going to elect someone who broke that rule? then,

    you should also ban drforex007. The other possibility, maintain this discussion open, mind open. Don't let other

    comes in with claim of money and see what happens. If all this is not a scam, and itrust this is so, i am sure

    that we will find you as a member of the club. Quite sure, actually.


    To all, let's be those turtle traders, but in some other and better way....


    To William, thank you for that great forum



  13. Re: Looking for Winalot and EAzeGor



    share with us the version 3.7


    A please would be nice but, sorry, I'm not into piracy. I didn't spend £500 on it just to give it away.



    Why is it that you sound like jezz..... lol... the best way to market it is to come here and say how good it is...


    And on top you say you are not into piracy!!! ¿what then are you doing around??? hehehehe...sharing ideas

    like saying fapturbo is bad??? How would you know about all those system?? did you buy them all, or maybe you download

    some of them here, but, naturally, as you are not into piracy, you made it by mistake....


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  14. Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


    It's always nice to have "insiders" here. Save us lots of time and efforts :) Thanks, progressapama.


    I wonder if we can get 400 people to join the syndicate. Nevertheless if we don't try we would never know if it's possible.



    maybe not 400, but 40 for sure...


    i am willing to do it as an alternative , why not...


    consider the reward.....

  15. Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


    Well then, why don't we concentrate now in coding the isea for ninja, as there is

    a quite general admitance that mt4 will not be possible, unless sigma.


    Can anyone here in the forum recode it for ninja? and then post it , so several we could

    put it on demo, to compare results, and fix bugs, if any...




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