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Posts posted by 4xmeter

  1. Re: (Req) Dam's system/indicators


    MAs and some other indicators predicts the market movements but the problem with them is they lagg so much.



    This statement is contradictory in its declaration; how can be lagging and predicting at the same time.


    Well, at least, from the point of view of 5m TF. One of the best indicators out there are Moving Averages. The problems is that some traders want to use them for crossing signals only. However, they are more than that; they are my friend, crossing, slope as well as support and resistance and there is a time for each one. What you call lagging is a very important detail in a trending market because price action have to wait for their alignment 80 or 90% of the time before a change or continuation of the trend. A Time for a cup of tea. One thing they are (MA) is they are not standalone indicators.




  2. :?: No Please! Just play with it and let me know!



    #property link      "Modified by cja"
    #property indicator_chart_window
    #property indicator_buffers 3
    #property indicator_color1 Black
    #property indicator_color2 Black
    #property indicator_color3 Black
    extern int TimeFrame = 60;
    extern int Fibo_Num = 12345;
    extern color Intra_color = RoyalBlue;
    extern color Upper_color = Blue;
    extern color Lower_color = DodgerBlue;
    double g_price_96;
    double g_price_104;
    double gd_112;
    int g_datetime_120;
    int init() {
      return (0);
    int deinit() {
      ObjectDelete("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "");
      ObjectDelete("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "");
      ObjectDelete("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "");
      ObjectDelete("Fibo" + Fibo_Num + "");
      ObjectDelete("Fibo1" + Fibo_Num + "");
      return (0);
    int DrawFibo() {
      string ls_0 = "";
      string ls_8 = "";
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M1) return (-1);
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M5) return (-1);
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M15) return (-1);
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M30) return (-1);
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_H1) ls_0 = "H1";
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_H4) ls_0 = "H4";
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_D1) ls_0 = "Daily";
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_W1) ls_0 = "Weekly";
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_MN1) ls_0 = "Monthly";
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_H1) ls_8 = "1 Hourly";
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_H4) ls_8 = "4 Hourly";
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_D1) ls_8 = "IntraDay";
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_W1) ls_8 = "IntraWeek";
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_MN1) ls_8 = "IntraMonth";
      if (ObjectFind("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "") == -1) ObjectCreate("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJ_FIBO, 0, g_datetime_120, g_price_96 + gd_112, g_datetime_120, g_price_96);
      else {
         ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_TIME2, g_datetime_120);
         ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_TIME1, g_datetime_120);
         ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_PRICE1, g_price_96 + gd_112);
         ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_PRICE2, g_price_96);
      ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR, Upper_color);
      ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_FIBOLEVELS, 4);
      ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL, 0.34);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 0, "" + ls_0 + " Long Target 1 -  %$");
      ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 211, 0.55);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 1, "" + ls_0 + " Long Target 2 -  %$");
      ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 212, 0.764);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 2, "" + ls_0 + " Long Target 3 -  %$");
      ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 213, 1.764);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 3, "" + ls_0 + " Long Target 4 -  %$");
      ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_RAY, TRUE);
      ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
      if (ObjectFind("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "") == -1) ObjectCreate("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJ_FIBO, 0, g_datetime_120, g_price_104 - gd_112, g_datetime_120, g_price_104);
      else {
         ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_TIME2, g_datetime_120);
         ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_TIME1, g_datetime_120);
         ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_PRICE1, g_price_104 - gd_112);
         ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_PRICE2, g_price_104);
      ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR, Lower_color);
      ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_FIBOLEVELS, 4);
      ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL, 0.34);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 0, "" + ls_0 + " Short Target 1 -  %$");
      ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 211, 0.55);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 1, "" + ls_0 + " Short Target 2 -  %$");
      ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 212, 0.764);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 2, "" + ls_0 + " Short Target 3 -  %$");
      ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 213, 1.764);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 3, "" + ls_0 + " Short Target 4 -  %$");
      ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_RAY, TRUE);
      ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
      if (ObjectFind("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "") == -1) ObjectCreate("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJ_FIBO, 0, g_datetime_120, g_price_96, g_datetime_120 + 60 * TimeFrame, g_price_104);
      else {
         ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_TIME2, g_datetime_120);
         ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_TIME1, g_datetime_120 + 60 * TimeFrame);
         ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_PRICE1, g_price_96);
         ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_PRICE2, g_price_104);
      ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR, Intra_color);
      ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_FIBOLEVELS, 7);
      ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL, 0.0);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 0, "" + ls_8 + " Low -  %$");
      ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 211, 0.191);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 1, "" + ls_8 + " S1 -  %$");
      ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 212, 0.382);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 2, "" + ls_8 + " Short -  %$");
      ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 213, 0.5);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 3, "" + ls_8 + " Pivot -  %$");
      ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 214, 0.618);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 4, "" + ls_8 + " Long -  %$");
      ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 215, 0.809);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 5, "" + ls_8 + " R1 -  %$");
      ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 216, 1.0);
      ObjectSetFiboDescription("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 6, "" + ls_8 + " High -  %$");
      ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_RAY, TRUE);
      ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
      return (0);
    int start() {
      int li_0 = iBarShift(NULL, TimeFrame, Time[0]) + 1;
      g_price_96 = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, li_0);
      g_price_104 = iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, li_0);
      g_datetime_120 = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, li_0);
      if (TimeDayOfWeek(g_datetime_120) == 0) {
         g_price_96 = MathMax(g_price_96, iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, li_0 + 1));
         g_price_104 = MathMin(g_price_104, iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, li_0 + 1));
      gd_112 = g_price_96 - g_price_104;
      string l_text_4 = "";
      string l_text_12 = "";
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M1) {
         l_text_4 = "ERROR: Incorrect Fibo TimeFrame";
         l_text_12 = "Use only H1/H4/D1/W1/MN1";
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M5) {
         l_text_4 = "ERROR: Incorrect Fibo TimeFrame";
         l_text_12 = "Use only H1/H4/D1/W1/MN1";
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M15) {
         l_text_4 = "ERROR: Incorrect Fibo TimeFrame";
         l_text_12 = "Use only H1/H4/D1/W1/MN1";
      if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M30) {
         l_text_4 = "ERROR: Incorrect Fibo TimeFrame";
         l_text_12 = "Use only H1/H4/D1/W1/MN1";
      ObjectDelete("Fibo" + Fibo_Num + "");
      ObjectCreate("Fibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
      ObjectSetText("Fibo" + Fibo_Num + "", l_text_4, 20, "Verdana", Intra_color);
      ObjectSet("Fibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
      ObjectSet("Fibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 20);
      ObjectSet("Fibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 36);
      ObjectDelete("Fibo1" + Fibo_Num + "");
      ObjectCreate("Fibo1" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
      ObjectSetText("Fibo1" + Fibo_Num + "", l_text_12, 20, "Verdana", Intra_color);
      ObjectSet("Fibo1" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
      ObjectSet("Fibo1" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 20);
      ObjectSet("Fibo1" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 66);
      return (0);



    Thanks again!


    I am very impressed by your system. However, since I trade in TF5; I have hand picked some of your indicators that are working very nice in TF5.




    On the screen"


    WEMA (default setting) In the time frame 5 during the period of momentary market consolidation it would cancel out; up and down to soon, but it catches the breakout wonderfully.





    Separate windows indicators


    WMI (very well-disposed) default setting

    Tbar Confirm default setting




    The above indicators in TF5 cannot be used for exit as my observation dictates.


    That is, if you want to maximize profit.

  4. Re: FX4CASTER


    A Reminder!


    Be Sure That The MS Framework is installed in your computer!


    However, I just finished reading the e-book, and did not even once show a correlation of entry or exit based in his strenght meter; only mentioning to checkthe strenght or weakness of the currency at that moment. If that is the case, then, such info is already available in others 3 indicators that I know. The selling price and the used of the word grail are misleading to say the least.

  5. Re: manual trading system



    Thank you locle i know what you saying the same thing still happening to me i could'nt find a good system it's all scam



    Not really! However, you are about 50% right. The other 50%; well, hmm. You have to find yourself as a trader. No handout there!

    Therefore, It is a 100% challenge. :ugeek:

  6. Due to explosion in number of traders involved in forex trading, lot of brokers started offering feature of hedging in their trading platform.


    Hedging is nothing but a feature in which you can have two trades opened on same currency pair in opposite direction. So, you can have a short trade on GBP/USD as well as long trade on GBP/USD open at the same time. A lot of traders wonder what is the advantage of doing this because the profits of one trade will be cancelled by the loss in the other.


    This is true! But this is advantageous for certain set of traders as they use the hedging technique to identify trend in the market. Imagine you have two trades open using hedging. You can keep them open as long as you want since you know that lose from one trade will be componsated by the profit in other. Once you find the direction of the trend, you can close the losing trade and keep the winning going.


    ==> So, the NFA (National Futures Association) decided that they need to stop this practice! And they campe with a rule which will disallow hedging practice effective 15-May-09.


    So, all the traders who were using the hedging technique will now have to look for some other forex trading system to make money from forex market.

  7. Re: [REQ] Range indicator


    Im looking for an indicator that will show (using a horizontal line on the chart) the highest high X bars back and the lowest low X bars back, so I can easily see the latest range on my chart. Does anyone have anything like this?


    What is the difference between what you are describing and a moving average at the median HL/2?

  8. Re: EA-Lyly G. Catherine 339%profit,95%win rate,4.2%drawdown


    Well, It has been a complete day. No trade so far. Anyone similar experience.



    The EA won't trade everyday. Sometimes only once a week. Plz be patient.
    That should have been in the manual.


    Characteristic: The above quote reduce the level or intensity of my interest.


    Result:I won't use it. Strong weakness or flaw.

  9. Re: EA-Lyly G. Catherine 339%profit,95%win rate,4.2%drawdown


    Hi William!


    Thank you for kindness and for being unselfish.


    However, I was reading the manual and I believe that you need at least $10000 to trade with your EA; then, I am fried! Please correct me if no so.


    My question to you would be, What about the little guys? I mean you can open an account between 400-1000 usd approximately. Why should we be out of such a great opportunity that you are offering, after all is all about money management. No?

    About profits someone is happy with 3000 and another with 100. As you said is all "subjective".


    anyhow, Thank you again,

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