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Roisin Mulvaney

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Posts posted by Roisin Mulvaney

  1. Forex trading is no hard business if we have trained our self well but if we expect a miracle to happen without having knowledge than that’s just going too far. The only ease I got in Forex trading was with my broker OctaFX, it had all the quality that I could ever wish to have as now only they had excellent trading platform but had wonderful Micro account that I used for trading and I was able to start with just 5 USD.

  2. I am not really much of a fan when it comes to mobile trading since it’s an option that does not really give us all the tool, therefore it’s better to trade on terminal and especially since trading with OctaFX, it has one of the greatest trading platform cTrader, it’s especially develop for ECN trading and also has excellent up to date system and also great facilities that really help us in trading while we are also to know which trading session is ongoing.

  3. I don’t think this is true as risk can be lower or higher but if we have the knowledge than things can work so much better but lacking it will make it tough. I am trading with high risk yet I am making great profits and it’s all thanks to OctaFX broker where they have low spread of just 0.2 pips, high leverage up to 1.500 and also electrifying customer service that is eager and ready to help us with any situation.

  4. OctaFX has really saved me from entering into a gigantic financial disaster and it’s all due to their fantastic and deadly accurate analysis service, I regularly do scalping with Eur/Jpy kind of pairs and that’s where I got to know about the trend from OctaFX and luckily I followed it and avoided going against the trend as to the original idea that I had.

    This is not just once but there has been many times in past where I have no clue what to do when this amazing analysis service has come to my rescue and always given me great profits and now I have decided to just completely follow it from onwards and I am sure I would make great profits.

  5. It’s not easy to be dealing with fear since we can make seriously big mistakes when we are scared or in fear so if we want to avoid struggling or losing unnecessarily then we must kill the fear and there to be fearless as only then we could be successful even that’s not easy.

    I am able to deal with Fear so much better all with the support of super class broker OctaFX, it is a company with golden touch so whatever I do through them turns into Gold and I am able to change my financial problem life into a luxurious one. I can also make withdrawal of my profits instantly with their automatic system without even having to pay penny of fees.

  6. Yes, it could be very demanding and draining but at the same time when we think about profits we just really feel so happy that we could reach there. I must be said that we have to be really determined if we are doing scalping or else a quick way is just leading into losses only.

    I am trading with OctaFX broker and they are just master provider for scalpers since they have low spread of just 0.2 pips, high leverage up to 1.500 and also have plenty of other benefits that includes having the smooth cTrader platform, it is wonderful with updated charts while also all our trading orders are executed instantly without any requotes or delay no matter what the market situation is.

  7. Of course it’s wise decision to plan all this before starting to trade as there is no point to shout that I lost or worry after already into a trade, hence its very important that we have a plan and then we also follow it strictly otherwise we will just struggle and might not even survive.

    I have all the plans perfect in place with good risk and money management also good while trading with OctaFX broker, I have found great balance thanks to their 50% bonus that I receive on the funds that I have invested and it’s for all investments so even if I invest more I will get again this outstanding bonus from them which helps so much.

  8. The only way to trade with high leverage without risking blowing up an entire account in only 10-15 trades is by trading with a tight stop loss. Trading without stop loss will “kill” your investment in no time.

    No I don’t think this is right way as if we are using high leverage and also trading with high lot size then it will not really make things work and we will easily get stop loss hit so it will really make no difference and this will kill our account even after then normal way.

    I am doing scalping with high leverage but with great support from OctaFX broker as they have low spread of just 0.2 pips and also their leverage is so high up to 1.500 but what takes the cake is their quick execution of all trading orders this is big advantage to have especially in news trading since there we are used to getting requotes but not with them.

  9. If we don’t believe in our self then sorry to say no one else will either do. It is very important that we believe in ourselves and our own ability otherwise we will never be able to move far. I am trading with OctaFX broker and they give me so much confident with their easy conditions like low spread of just 0.2 pips, high leverage up to 1.500 and many other benefits that we just lose count if we start counting.

  10. I think a business real purpose is obviously to make money but making it for someone is very difficult and nearly impossible for some. If we want to get success here than our attitude should be positive while also must be trading with a good broker company and that’s what I have done with selection of OctaFX broker, it is worldwide recognized broker with also been regulated while we get great swap free account option that help us to be successful.

  11. I think a good broker mostly earns with spread as that is a legitimate way but a scam or wrong broker will try to get things with slippage and hidden charges. I am lucky that I am trading with a regulated broker OctaFX, it earns only with low spread that is also just 0.2 pips and there is no hidden charges while they have swap free account option so even that’s not charged if we don’t want to pay it.

  12. I voted for OctaFX only as ever since I started doing Forex trading I have got support from them only as they provided me amazing 8 USD no deposit bonus than when I started with my own investment I was able to get 50% bonus so really they are everything for me. I really wish they win in the FX Awards because they truly deserve it and even if not they already have won my heart at least so I don’t have much to worry.

  13. I have a simple stand that I rather lose by myself or not trade because there is no point having someone else looking to and hope for positive results which honestly never comes, hence I trade by myself and if I don’t get it right still I have cover up thanks to OctaFX broker’s 50% bonus so I am never in risk with high investment and returns can be really excellent for me while their withdrawal is wonderful with all payments done instantly.

  14. I think everything is incomplete without a proper plan or strategy and a business like Forex where every step there is great plot needed to setup we have to be sharp in building methods to support us. At the moment my full concentration has been to make a martingale strategy and thankfully with the support of OctaFX broker I am able to succeed fairly well since this strategy is extremely profitable with the cash back offer they have on trades so the more I trade the more I earn even without calculating the actual results.

  15. It’s so amazing to have free signal service as that can help us become successful in a short running distance but we must be very careful that we don’t mess this up with wrong signal service, I have the best solution which is that I am working with multi-award winning company OctaFX broker so whatever they offer is very much trustable and worth following and that’s what I do when using their analysis service and so far it has really paid off.

  16. We can definitely depend on Forex and I don’t think there is any reason why we won’t be able to if we have the right amount of knowledge, experience and level of skills then there is no reason we will not be able to depend on it but of course not straight away. We need to first settle down and then plan for long term and it starts with good broker that’s where I suggest having OctaFX at the side since they are regulated and also a true ECN brokerage company.

  17. No there is no requirement of trading daily. If we want to be successful then we should look at minimum number of trades over month but make sure they give us great pips which would translate into profits and at the moment I am thankful to OctaFX broker as they have allowed me to work on this strategy with freedom thanks to their swap free account that I use so I don’t have to any charges for keeping trades on.

  18. Firstly you must realize that Forex trading and Stock Exchange is two different things so don’t call it as shares it’s not that. If you want to see how much you can have it just simply tell the deposit amount or maybe just join OctaFX broker and go on their official web site where you will be able to know how much you can purchase due to their special session where all these things are available and also their customer service is 24/7 active.

  19. I would suggest to trade on long term when there is a trend created and it’s obvious while in case if we are not sure of the trend and trading is going in uncertain way than we can do scalping just to gain rewards but we must make sure whatever we do should be according to a very tight money management.

    I am trading with OctaFX broker that support both ways that includes scalping and long term trading. As they have low spread of just 0.2 pips and high leverage up to 1.500 for scalping while for long term traders there is always the most popular swap free option available for us to work out without needing to pay any money as fees.

  20. Yes, it definitely does because the bigger capital we have the more chance of profits we are going to get so we should be looking for big investment but at the same time must make sure we work with proper plans and strategy as it makes no sense going without plan with just high capital as even that is no profit at all.

    I have a very simple long term plan with 150 USD and I keep most of my trades on for weeks thanks to OctaFX broker who has swap free account, it charges no fees and I can keep my trades for long term without any issue so saves so much money which I would have lost otherwise.

  21. It depends on our mindset if we take it too seriously and just get emotional in trying to recover than it’s going to get worst and we could simply end up with absolutely nothing at all, hence it is so much preferred that we trade with common sense and instead of thinking as recovery just try to make profits and in that way we can definitely perform so much better. It automatically will get us settle to the score.

    I mostly use OctaFX broker’s excellent tool of rebate, it’s a cash back policy which we get over the trades as we get almost 50-60% of it compare to the spread back while it goes up to 15 USD per lot so that helps so much.

  22. There are two ways for it as if we are doing scalping with high lots than even little pips are enough to make solid returns but in case if we are using low volume than it’s better to seek for more pips so we can earn money but at the same time everything should be done with common sense instead of greediness.

    I target about 10-15 pips in a day with scalping and I am able to do this easily thanks to OctaFX broker with their low spread of just 0.2 pips, it is almost nothing since the moment I open the right trade it gets into profits due to this low spread and at times I can do 10-12 trades to get 15 pips because of such low spread.

  23. The biggest problem for traders like me is to find a good broker because this is the biggest issue and mostly we are not able to find any good one so thinking of good analysis or signal is a thought far away from reality or any serious thinking over.

    Now this is where I feel thrilled to be part of OctaFX broker, as they are the finest broker we will ever find with already winning 8 award in just 4 years and likely to add another few with been nominated in Best broker and most reliable broker category so having a lovely analysis service at the same place is just hard to believe but been using it for so long I am just short of words in praise!

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