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Everything posted by austinrampt1

  1. Hey there Jakester! We are happy to have you here my friend. :biggrin3: :dance9bh:
  2. You make a good point here sally. I know I had to learn the hard way a while back. It is important not to let greed take hold.
  3. Not a bad idea at all. I've already done this weeks and its about ready to be put up but maybe next week we could get it in there. I'd have to shock everyone as soon as I start talking though to make sure they wake up :arghh:
  4. Wow man I'm just on the first one and my heart rate just lowered like 20 beats. Good stuff man. I love peaceful trance type music. Please continue to share this stuff! :cool2:
  5. Hey there Richard! Welcome...I think you deserve the Happy dancing banana :biggrin3: :biggrin3: Enjoy yourself :) We are pretty laid back around here
  6. Hey those are really cool sites :) Thanks for posting those Hoopster
  7. austinrampt1


    Wow! Thats some great advice dennis :) Thanks for sharing that man. Its also nice to have you here on the team.
  8. Hi there iosy :) We are very happy that you found us here at C.I.F.
  9. Welcome...Those are some nice bananas you've got there hehehehehe
  10. Welcome to our forum :) you are welcome over here. I noticed a very nice posts you made on another forum in regards to a program that we really like. I wont mention any names....(UCI) shhhhh...... Have a great one and thanks for the help with the dead programs.
  11. Great job vladi! you deserve it. Vladi got 32 referrals. WTG my friend. We will hopefully be running more contests very soon.
  12. LOL Stay dry there jojo....If you need to borrow a towel I've got one for you :) :P
  13. Hi shahar, Welcome to CIF. Make youself at home and stay a while :)
  14. Welcome. We are very glad to have you as a member :)
  15. What program are you asking about black knight?
  16. austinrampt1


    To be honest with you in my experience a list takes time to build. To have a good list you have to have relationships with people that trust you and are like minded to the programs that you are promoting. The people with the big lists are people that have taken years to build them. In the meantime until you can do that I'd say trying out safelist solo ads. A good one is freeadplanet.com and there are a few others out there. I hope this helps. Just know to be patient and that a quick list isnt worth as much as a methodically developed list of relationships.
  17. Welcome shad. Please enjoy yourself here and if you need anything please dont hesitate to ask.
  18. Great to have you here joy! Enjoy yourself.. I know we do :laugh2: :laugh2:
  19. Hey there ann. It is wonderful to have you here. Grab an iced tea and stay a while. Enjoy yourself and if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask :)
  20. Hey there nancy. It is very nice to meet you. I look forward to seeing you around!
  21. Welcome Alexandre it is great to have you here. Enjoy yourself and let us know if you need anything. I give you two dancing bananas :biggrin3: :biggrin3:
  22. Actually it loaded slowly for me for a while and then I reinstalled my O.S. and upgraded to firefox 3 and now it is very smooth and fast for me
  23. Well hey there jack. How wonderful to have you here. I've seen your name around for a while :) I'm also an ex-texan....Well I guess I'll always be a texan but I've been living in florida for the last 12 years. Anyhow, enjoy yourself and it is great to have you here :)
  24. I have spoken to alina about this and we will try and draw something up. Thanks for taking the time to give us these ideas
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